The two of them were so angry that they were in a state of panic.

Zoe was overjoyed when she saw them freeze in their movements, and signaled Jili to continue to burst out her momentum. Seeing that the hunting swallowtail and the poisonous powder moth gradually began to tremble because of fear, Zoe took advantage of the situation and said with a smile.

"God is kind to all living things. Seeing that you are not involved in any killing, and I am in a good mood today, I will not kill you."

A fat poisonous powder moth in the elf group asked the hunting swallowtail flying in the front.

"Brother, what does he mean? Why don't I understand?"

The hunting swallowtail in the front glanced at Jili and whispered to the back.

"It probably means that he is in a good mood today and doesn't want to kill us. With the strength of the pink elf, it will only take a few moves to kill us."

After hearing this, the other elves nodded silently, and the fatter poisonous powder moth continued.

"What should we do now? Keep flying here?"

Zoe listened to the constant shouting in the elves, and didn't know what was going on, but she continued to pretend to be powerful.

"How dare you fly? Get down on the ground!"

Zoe's sudden words frightened all the elves. After hearing Zoe's request, the elves looked at each other, and the hunting swallowtail butterfly in the front took the lead, folded its wings, and fell to the ground and lay down. Seeing that the boss did this, the other elves began to follow suit.

Zoe watched them all lie down, and breathed a sigh of relief, but she also began to worry.

"It is delayed, but if we fight hard, even though Jigglypuff is high level, he has no combat experience at all. Although he has attack skills, the skills he is proficient in are all non-offensive,"

"As for the Wraith Dolls, there is no way to quickly deal with them. If they choose to leave some to delay the Wraith Dolls, and the rest continue to slaughter ordinary people, it is better to scare them with elite strength, and now slowly wait for reinforcements."

Just after Zoe completely delayed the group of Pokémons, Liu Mu also used his superpowers to detect the location of the Pokémons. In particular, he felt that there was a trainer and an elite level next to him, and Liu Mu thought for a moment.

"The elites who can fight in the city have already ambushed outside the city. The only one left is Zoe, who has no combat power."

After Liu Mu figured it out, he immediately led a group of people to run towards Zoe's position.

When there was only a distance left to the destination, Liu Mu waved his hand to let everyone stop, slowly closed his eyes, gathered all his superpowers into a line, and connected to Zoe.

At this moment, Zoe's eyes kept wandering around the elves, observing whether the elves had any unusual movements. Just as he was concentrating on observing, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I am Liu Mu, what's going on over there?"

The sudden voice in his mind made Zoe's breathing stagnate, but he returned to normal after hearing that it was Liu Mu, and said to Liu Mu excitedly.

"Come and help me! I'm holding the elves alone, but I can't do anything about them now, call someone!"

Liu Mu's eyes flashed after hearing this, and he continued to ask for details. After Zoe described the situation, Liu Mu immediately agreed and continued to say to Zoe.

"Be prepared, if there is an emergency, run away immediately."

After hearing this, Zoe's heart was flooded, and she kept asking Liu Mu what he was going to do. On the surface, she could only continue to pretend to be calm, but her footsteps were moving back little by little.

When Zoe retreated three or four steps, she felt a strong wind coming from the right, and a black lightning appeared in the corner of her eyes and rushed straight towards the elves.

In an instant, the black lightning directly penetrated the entire elf group, and there were endless screams on the spot, and broken limbs flew everywhere. Because the elves were all lying on the ground, the big wolfhound's surprise attack exerted its full power and directly tore ten of them apart.

In Zoe's shocked eyes, the blood-covered big wolfhound lowered its body again, and the energy gushed out and attached to its body like a ribbon, and it attacked the elves again.

This time, the elves reacted immediately because of the gushing of blood and wanted to turn around and fight back, but it was not fast enough, and several of them were killed instantly by the big wolfhound.

Zoe looked at the unilateral slaughter of the big wolfhound, and the elves had begun to flap their wings, and she also shouted immediately.

"Ghost doll, use shadow ball!"

There was a ripple in Zoe's shadow, and a gray-black body with a sharp horn on its head had two large

Big eyes, elves flew out of it.

The ghost doll gathered energy in its mouth and a purple energy ball flew towards the elves. The purple energy exploded in the elves, and the hunting swallowtail butterflies and poisonous powder moths were blown up and down, with pieces flying everywhere.

Then five people came from behind Zoe and immediately ordered the elves beside them to use various long-range attack skills.

The elves were killed in an instant, and various attacks blew up layers of smoke, blocking the vision. Only screams could be heard from the smoke.

Liu Mu also came late. Looking at the scattered smoke, most of the hunting swallowtail butterflies and poisonous powder moths were lying on the ground with broken bodies, and only about ten of them could barely stand up. Liu Mu waved his hand and continued to order the big wolfhound.

"Big Wolfhound, use surprise attack to kill them completely!"

Big Wolfhound grinned after hearing this, lowered his body, gathered energy, and rushed out suddenly. The elves, who were originally staggering, flashed by in a flash, and were directly torn into pieces.

Liu Mu saw that the remaining elves had been torn into pieces, and said to the five people behind him.

"Clean up, don't leave any alive."

The five people nodded silently, then drew their knives and led the elves into the pile of corpses and began to clean up the battlefield.

Then Liu Mu turned his head and looked at Zoe, who looked at him with a slightly strange look. Zoe was stared at by him, and thought of the performance of the big wolfhound, and her body felt a little cold, so she could only pretend to be tough.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Suddenly Zoe seemed to feel that Liu Mu's eyes were shining with gold, and Liu Mu directly took Zoe's hand and said.

"Come with me, go support the southern wall and collect the Jigglypuff."

After Zoe collected the Jigglypuff, Liu Mu forcibly dragged her away and headed for the southern wall.

On the southern wall, the team leader led the King Swallow beside him and continuously launched attacks on the elves. The guards beside him shouted at him.

"Captain, four or five of the recruited guys ran away, and there was a loophole in the defense line, allowing dozens of elves into the city."

Hearing this, the team leader gritted his teeth in anger, but he could only helplessly say to the team members beside him.

"Hold the defense line first, and we will settle accounts with those who deserted after the battle!"

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