The dream was a dream, but the dream was a dream.

Liu Mu quietly calmed down the excitement in his heart. He let out a long breath on the surface, but he was thinking about the two elves in his dream.

"I don't know what kind of elf that bird elf with fire all over its body is, but the more important one is the elf that looks very similar to the big wolfhound."

When he thought of the heroic appearance of the elf, Liu Mu's heart began to get excited again.

"This dream appeared after the big wolfhound drank the wolf source water. The two must be related."

Liu Mu was very sure in his heart, and thinking of this, Liu Mu began to recall the situation in the big wolfhound's body. Liu Mu observed that the dark blue energy was actually integrated into the blood cells of the big wolfhound. Normally, the external energy of the elf material should be swallowed by the energy of the elf itself.

Liu Mu had checked the Internet for this kind of energy that actively integrates into the body. Only the energy inherited from the elves will actively integrate into the body, so as to transform the body of the elves and achieve the purpose of improving qualifications.

Thinking of this, Liu Mu supported his face with his right hand and began to mutter in his heart.

"But the elves are all of the same race and the same genus, so if they want to be transformed, they should also be evil energy. What is deep blue energy?"

Liu Mu immediately took out the navigator and started searching, directly clicking on the title of the first link.

"The brief and powerful aspects of dragon elves."

After Liu Mu clicked in, it introduced some basic knowledge of dragon elves, and there were two dragon elves, Desert Dragonfly and Tanabata Bluebird.

Liu Mu saw that the deep blue energy was dragon energy, and his brows knitted tightly. He glanced at the sleeping wolfhound and sighed in his heart.

"Well, the wolfhound doesn't look dangerous. Let's wait for the wolfhound to wake up and ask about the situation."

Liu Mu made a decision in his heart, so he stood up and signaled to the Zubat on his shoulder to continue training.

Near noon, Liu Mu walked to the side of the wolfhound with the Zubat, panting. For some reason, Liu Mu seemed to feel that the wolfhound seemed to have grown a circle.

Liu Mu half squatted down and observed the body of the wolfhound. He unexpectedly found a dark blue scale on the neck of the wolfhound. Liu Mu was shocked when he saw the scale.

Liu Mu carefully observed the appearance of the wolfhound now. Although the two fangs protruding outward were not very obvious, and the scales on the neck gradually overlapped with the appearance of the giant beast in his mind.

Liu Mu couldn't help but put his fingers on the scale. Liu Mu rubbed it with his fingers, and the scales felt like metal.

Just as Liu Mu was stroking the scales, the wolfhound opened his eyes. At the same time, the wolfhound slowly exhaled and stood up, but only heard the sound of various bones bursting in the body.

Watching the wolfhound move its slightly stiff body, Liu Mu also observed carefully. Now the wolfhound has a height of 1.8 meters when it straightens its head, and its body is larger than before, and its eyes have begun to turn dark blue.

After seeing Liu Mu, the wolfhound immediately became stupid, showing its tongue and barking at Liu Mu happily.

Seeing his appearance, Liu Mu laughed directly, put his hand on his head and kept rubbing it, and at the same time mobilized his superpowers to communicate with the wolfhound.

"How does the wolfhound feel?"

The wolfhound also immediately responded to Liu Mu with a cheerful bark, and then squatted down.

"I feel very good, my body has become much stronger, and my energy reserves have increased. If it's abnormal, I feel a little itchy on the surface of my body, especially my neck. Liu Mu, please scratch it for me, I'm still a little hungry."

Hearing the wolfhound's response, Liu Mu stretched his right hand to his neck to scratch him, and then took out a bag of elf food from his backpack with his left hand, and took out a bowl to pour it in.

The big wolfhound immediately pounced on it and started to devour it.

Liu Mu looked at the big wolfhound and shook his head with a wry smile, waving his hand to signal Zubat to come and eat.

After eating and drinking, Liu Mu looked at the big wolfhound with a round belly lying comfortably on the ground, shook his head helplessly and put it back into the Poké Ball.

On the other side, the well-fed Zubat also flapped its wings and flew to Liu Mu's shoulder, tilting its head to look at Liu Bo's smile.

Liu Mu also noticed Zubat's movements, smiled and patted Zubat's head, and then walked towards the Pokémon Center.

In the Pokémon Center, Zoe was busy at the counter, and since the Pokémon boom, Zoe's reputation has become better than before, resulting in no one daring to come and harass her, leaving Zoe quiet for a long time.

The doorbell of the Pokémon Center rang, and Zoe looked up and saw that it was Liu Mu

Walked in.

In the Pokémon Center, many people looked up at the door because of the doorbell. When they saw Liu Mu, they all greeted him.

Liu Mu responded to everyone skillfully, then walked straight to Zoe and handed over the Poké Ball of the wolfhound, saying.

"Check the whole body, don't make any noise if there is anything unusual."

Hearing Liu Mu's words, Zoe looked up at him in confusion and wanted to ask, but after seeing Liu Mu's serious eyes, she still took the Poké Ball silently and walked to the examination room.

Liu Meng randomly chose a seat and sat down, took out the navigator and searched the Internet for the bird Pokémon with flames all over its body.

The first search link appeared.

"The mythical Pokémon Moltres of the Kanto region."

Seeing these words, Liu Mu felt his breath stagnate and quickly clicked in.

It introduced the legend of Moltres and its legendary appearance. Liu Mu matched the various legendary appearances with the appearance in his memory.

Liu Mu put away the navigator and closed his eyes. He was sure that the bird spirit he saw in the wolfhound's dream was the legendary spirit Flame Bird.

Liu Mu was very excited when he thought that Flame Bird, a mythical beast, would appear in that dream and fight with that giant beast.

"The wolfhound said that in the dream, he seemed to be fighting a big battle with a certain spirit."

Liu Mu combined the fact that the wolfhound also began to grow scales, and Liu Mu came to an astonishing conclusion.

"That giant beast is the ancestor of the wolfhound, and the wolfhound has begun to revert to its ancestral form with the help of the wolf source water."

Liu Mu's excitement had reached its peak. He rubbed his brows and kept suppressing it.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps next to him. Liu Mu opened his eyes and looked over. He saw Zoe sitting directly opposite Liu Mu and handed over the Poké Ball and report sheet with a shocked look on his face.

Liu Mu took the Poké Ball and report sheet and checked them quickly.

Race: Big Wolfhound?

Energy Level: 27 (General Advanced)

Energy Reserve: 740 (Increased by 231)

Qualification: Elite Intermediate

When Liu Mu saw these data, his mood, which had calmed down slightly, immediately became excited again, and he felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

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