The road was long and winding.

When the group arrived outside the Suzuki Forest, Liu Mu saw that many people in the team were already out of breath, so he signaled Huang Shang to the side to let the team stop and rest.

Huang Shang immediately understood, took out a loud speaker from his backpack and started shouting.

"Everyone, take a rest here, and then continue on the road."

After hearing Huang Shang's voice, all the tired people breathed a sigh of relief and began to look for familiar people. Three or two people sat together and started chatting and resting.

Liu Mu stood at the front of the crowd, slowly looking for the faces of the two people, and his body also revealed several silk-like superpowers. Without anyone noticing, he connected with the other four members of the guard team.

"I'm Liu Mu, don't be nervous, this is my superpower, come to the front of the team to find me."

The four guards were a little nervous when they heard the strange voice in their hearts, but they didn't even have time to make an expression. When they heard that it was Liu Mu's ability, the nervousness disappeared instantly. They looked at each other for a few times and walked towards the front of the team.

Liu Mu looked at the four of them coming over, greeted them with a smile, but said in his heart.

"Relax your expression, say hello to each other, and come over quietly."

After they heard Liu Mu's order, the four of them greeted each other, but the doubts in their hearts became heavier, and one of them said in his heart.

"Captain Liu, is there something secret? You have this ability, you should be able to say it directly."

Liu Mu didn't have any explanation, but just told them to keep going in his heart.

When the four of them came closer, Liu Mu enthusiastically chatted with them about some gossip, as well as the arrangement of the guards on the road.

Although Liu Mu said so on the surface, he used his superpowers to say it in his heart.

"I have confirmed that there are bandits in the team. Now I have found two of them, but I don't know if there are more bandits in the team, so I asked you to come here to lure the snake out of the hole."

Liu Mu said this in his heart, and the four team members also understood Liu Mu's intention. On the surface, they still discussed with Liu Mu calmly, and their admiration in their hearts became stronger.

Liu Mu mobilized his superpowers again, and several superpower threads came out of his body, searching for abnormal people in the crowd. Suddenly, two strong men with unfamiliar faces stood up and walked towards Liu Mu and his friends. When they were nearly a few meters away, they sat down immediately, and then the two chatted.

Liu Mu's mind moved, and two superpower threads wrapped around their bodies and began to search.

"Pokeball, dagger..."

Liu Mu secretly glanced at the two of them, and then continued to say to the guards in his heart.

"Four of the bandits in the team have been found. I will describe their faces to you. Keep an eye on them secretly and don't alert them."

Then Liu Mu used his superpowers to describe the faces of all four people to the team members, and the four team members shouted in their hearts.


On the surface, Liu Mu and the team members had finished talking about the topic, and then Liu Mu waved his hand and asked them to return to their respective positions. The four team members nodded and turned back.

Liu Mu looked at their backs, but in his heart he was using superpowers to search the crowd. The whole team, including the guards, had a total of more than 50 people.

After searching a whole circle, there were a total of eight people with Pokémon Balls, including four bandits, and the remaining four could not be confirmed whether they were related to the bandits.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mu felt a little tricky.

"Let's ignore the other four for now, let's get rid of the four who have already revealed their true colors."

Liu Mu looked at the Huang Shangs who had gathered beside him, and several trusted Huang Shangs nodded, and said to him with superpower threads.

"Old man, there will be an emergency later, you have to stabilize the entire team."

Huang Shang suddenly heard the voice in his heart, and looked at Liu Mu with a shocked face, but he quickly restrained himself and nodded firmly.

After seeing Huang Shang agreed, Liu Mu turned around and walked towards the bandit with the locator. At this moment, Liu Mu also said to the other five members of the escort team in his heart.

"Keep an eye on them, and hold them down immediately when I take action."

After hearing Liu Mu's order, Huang Xing and the other five members all had their pupils shrink, and then the five of them all tensed up, their eyes fixed on the target, and their hands slowly moved towards the position of the knife.

After Liu Mu finished the order, he had gathered superpowers in his feet, and almost silently walked to the side of the bandit with the locator,

Liu Mu tightened his knife skills, then bent down and said beside him.

"Still chatting?"

The sturdy man was so scared that he turned his head and saw Liu Mu's face with a smile, but his eyes were full of murderous intent. Finally, his eyes were filled with a flash of knife light. The sturdy man felt despair in his heart and slowly closed his eyes.

But there was no severe pain afterwards, but a roar was heard instead.

"Asshole, you dare to hurt people!"

The sturdy man suddenly opened his eyes, and there was only a sole wrapped in pink energy in his sight. Then there was a severe pain in his face, and the whole person was kicked unconscious.

Liu Mu covered his bleeding left hand, and a bloody dagger lay beside him. After hearing Liu Mu's roar, he and other members of the escort team immediately drew their knives and controlled the rest of the bandits.

This process was so fast that the whole team didn't react. Just when everyone was looking around in confusion, they seemed to react when they saw Liu Mu's left hand bleeding. Some timid people were about to scream, but they only heard the sound of a loud speaker.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. Captain Liu has captured all the bandits. Don't run around. If you run around and encounter wild elves, it will be more trouble than gain..."

Huang Shangruo shouted with a loud speaker to comfort everyone, while Liu Mu took out the locator from the unconscious bandit and shouted.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. The people controlled by our team are all bandits. Look at this locator I took from him. I believe there should be someone who knows him here. You can come and verify what I said."

After hearing Huang Shang's comfort and Liu Mu's words, those who wanted to scream looked at each other in confusion until a young man wearing glasses walked out of the crowd, came to Liu Mu, took the locator and observed it carefully.

Then he raised his head, stretched his neck and shouted happily to the others.

"Yes, this is a locator. Captain Liu protected us."

Hearing his shout, several people walked out of the crowd, came to the young man, took the machine and checked it, and thanked Liu Mu after confirming that it was correct.

After Liu Mu accepted their thanks, he waved his hand and asked them to go back and rest. He still needed to deal with these bandits.

Those people also thanked Liu Mu with gratitude, and walked back to the crowd while thanking him.

Suzuki took out a rope from his backpack and tied up the unconscious bandit. Then, Huang Xing ran over from the side and said.

"Great, Liu Mu."

When Liu Mu saw Huang Xing coming, he just wanted to ask him a question.

"What are they going to do? Killing them directly will not have a good impact on the team."

Huang Xing smiled and kicked the bandit who was like a dead dog, and said.

"Of course, you will tie it up and hand it over to the police station in the city. You can also exchange it for the corresponding G-spot."

When Liu Mu heard that there was a G-spot to be taken, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the bandit's eyes and became even more enthusiastic.

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