“talented youngster, Mu Mu Liang Ren applying for early graduation”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren, Stadium Professional Five-Star Promotion Tournament”


With the announcement of Saffron Middle School and the strong publicity by Saffron City Stadium, regarding Liang Ren’s melons, whether netizens, Kanto Johto, and the residents of the Orange Islands enjoyed eating.

The outside discussion was in a frenzy, but Liang Ren, as the party concerned, seemed to be completely irrelevant at this moment.

There is no arrangement for morning exercises today. It is rare for a person with four pets to wake up at six o’clock, but to wake up until seven o’clock.

I washed and ate breakfast, and then went to pick up a courier. Although he is already the Director of the Alliance Inspection Bureau, he is still a Saffron Middle School student.

Apply to the school for early graduation. For such a big thing, he also needs to follow the school’s procedures, and then he needs the written consent of his parents.

The written consent documents of the parents are only one of them. After the school held a special seminar, it was finally decided that Liang Ren needed to meet three major conditions to apply for early graduation.

First, the school’s Top Rank teacher team will devise a set of comprehensive test questions. Liang Ren must get an excellent score of 85 points or more.

Secondly, after passing the comprehensive examination paper, in the school auditorium, in front of all the teachers and students in the school.

Accept the graduation defense of 20 school teachers including the head teacher Sabrina Ayan, the grade director, the dean of the academic affairs office,…Principal Fujimori.

Thirdly, after completing the integrated examination paper and passing the graduation reply, Liang Ren still needs to win the promotion competition three days later. After he is successfully promoted to a professional five-star trainer, the school will allow him to graduate early.


In the Principal’s office, Fuji Morisuke looked at the information on the written consent of his parents sent by Liang Ren on the table after breakfast. This old man is over half a hundred years old and hair grey-white. , His face is full of relief.

“Principal, we set three graduation thresholds for Liang Ren, the little evildoer, will it seem a bit unnatural? After all, with his current strength, what’s wrong with applying for early graduation not at all.”< /p>

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office next to him asked worriedly.

“You said that this kid is an evildoer, so how can it be measured by normal standards? As long as the privileged class students in the first-tier cities become professional one-star trainers, they are allowed to graduate.”

“Because of Liang Ren, several of his privileged classes have become professional one-star trainers.

Ayan even reported to me two days ago. Shi also said that there is a girl named Casey in the class who is still a theoretical student and has become a professional one-star trainer.”

Speaking of this, Fujimori’s face is full of relief. .

“Yes, it is a group of good seedlings who can enter the privileged class, but because of the kid Mumu Liang Ren, the potential of the students in this privileged class has been fully stimulated.”< /p>

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office also expressed admiration on his face. With so many students, this one is the most outstanding student, whether it is an ordinary class or a privileged class.

The reason for this situation is only because of the student Mumu Liang Ren, who is like a vicious catfish, breaking into the fish box containing the sardines.

Not only has it disturbed the living environment of sardines, but it has also stimulated the desire to survive in the face of the crisis of being eaten. Even after long-distance transportation, the sardines, which are easy to die, eventually become alive.

The Heaven’s Chosen Child from Saffron Middle School, whose family background is out of the ordinary, is the lifeless sardine in the fish box, and Liang Ren from the ordinary citizen family is the catfish that brings them a sense of crisis.

“Only one year after I got Pokémon, I breed two Pokémon with Elite level strength. Mumu Liang Ren is the student I have coached for many years, and the most outstanding and proud student I have taught.”< /p>

“Now he has to apply for early graduation, and he will no longer be under the supervision of Saffron Middle School after he leaves school. When parting, as the teacher, I will definitely give him a Present and give him a good toss, haha… “

Fuji Morisuke laughed unkindly.

“On the teacher’s side, have you come up with the super-hard comprehensive test questions?” Fujimori asked.

“The entire teacher group took three days, and it was handed over to me this morning. I looked at it and found that they were all super-syllabus questions, some of which even my Teacher might not be able to answer. “The Director of the Academic Affairs Office smiled.

“That’s good.”



In the Principal’s office, two He has been teaching for many years, but the kind teacher who regards the students as his own children makes a smirk of the students.


Boys apartment, Liang Ren, who has applied for early graduation, is packing things in the dormitory at the moment.

Although he has not officially graduated, the school has set three daoist sect thresholds for him, but for Liang Ren, these three daoist sect thresholds are not at all as difficult as imagined.

Just say the first test comprehensive knowledge test.

Since the age of four, he has been squatting in the Celadon City Library all day long. His knowledge reserve is not to say that he knows everything, but at least it is no problem to describe it as knowledgeable.

Oak, Sakuragi, Bill Professor of Kanto, Professor of Innerwood of Orange Islands, Professor Elm of Johto Region, Professor Birch of Hoenn, Professor Rowan of Sinnoh, Professor Rowan of Unova, Professor Aurea Juniper of Unova, Tano Professor, Alola’s Professor Kukui, Galar’s Mulan Professor…

At the age of seven or eight, children of the same age are still learning the Region Pokémon category at Pokémon Primary Rank school, back to the Attribute restraint relationship table, Liang Ren is already reading academic papers published by major Region Professors.

The cousin of Weiyang in Pallet Town Shimamura, the village rain forest of the village rain botanical garden spring trip, when she took the newly harvested Shellder to Professor Oak’s Laboratory for a health check.

Professor Oak was impressed by Liang Ren’s erudition, and wanted to invite him to join his laboratory as a Pokemon researcher. This shows Liang Ren’s erudition.

Also during his studies in Saffron Middle School, he often took time off to go out to practice, but his theory courses have not fallen. He has completed all the Primary Rank, Intermediate Rank and Top Rank courses.

Stay in Saffron Middle School again, Liang Ren can’t learn anything useful anymore. In addition, he entered Saffron Middle School mainly to obtain resources. Now it is unnecessary for his strength and identity. .

So Liang Ren has to apply for early graduation, and the school has set three graduation levels, the first test comprehensive knowledge test and the second test, in front of the teachers and students of the school to accept questions from 20 Top Rank teachers. For Liang Ren, it is not at all difficult.

As for the 3rd level, defeating the opponent that Saffron City Stadium found for him, and successfully promoted to the professional five-star trainer, this is a must for Liang Ren.

Not only to pass the graduation requirement from the school, because the purpose of staying in Saffron City during this time was to hit the professional five-star trainer.

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