Smokescreen shrouded the venue, and lost the silhouette of the monarch snake in sight. Ritchie would like to wake up Charizard who was in a state of fascination easily.

And once Charizard wakes up, it will not be easy for the monarch snake to want Charizard to fall into fascination.

“Monarch Snake, use Leaf Tornado.”

“Charizard, use the strongest burning.”

Smoke covers the arena, and everyone knows the intention of the opponent The two trainers simultaneously issued an Attack Order to their Pokémon on the field.

“Wum–” The smoke covered the sun. Although the chloroplasts in the body cells temporarily stopped working, the monarch snake, which had almost recovered, used Leaf Tornado with a flick of its tail.

As for the stadium Sky, because the Captivate source of the Sovereign Snake was lost in sight, Charizard, who was gradually regaining consciousness after shaking his head, no longer resisted Attack Order in his heart.

“Hoooo–” Charizard, who received Ritchie’s order, seemed to pour the anger of being deceived into this attack.

“Swish swish…”

The whirling grass tornado blows open the dark Smokescreen. The monarch snake did not wait for the warm sun, but Charizard was waiting for it. Fire Element’s ultimate move full of anger: burn out.


The blazing flames hit, and the monarch snake twisted his body and tried his best to escape, but its body was still engulfed by the flames.

“Referee~ I give up in this game, the monarch snake, come back soon!!”

The heat wave set off by the flames hit, Liang Ren hurriedly gave up, and then the baby ball in his hand inspired a Recover the red light and shoot it into the fire sea.


“Oh! Ritchie player ordered to use Smokescreen, and Charizard, who lost the silhouette of the monarch snake in his sight, also managed to get rid of the control and woke up.”

“The advantage that was finally established, the Liang Ren player did not want to be ruined like this. He commanded the monarch snake to use Leaf Tornado, and the smoke was broken.”

“Liang Ren thought Let Charizard fall into control again? But player Ritchie won’t agree. Just now, Charizard is a little irritated by the charm control of the monarch snake.”

” Player Ritchie ordered a counterattack, feeling towards the monarch snake The embarrassed Charizard did not at all reject it this time. It used a trick of formidable power and it burned to an astonishing amount.”

“The black cloud spreads, the sky shines, the leaf Tornado of the monarch snake and Charizard’s Burning meets on a narrow road, but this time it is not whoever has the courage to have the upper hand.”

“The gap between the strengths of the two sides has appeared, Leaf Tornado has been suppressed, and Charizard’s Burning offensive is too fierce. Now, the blade of grass tornado on the side of the monarch snake not only retreats, but also is set on fire.”

“If you can’t stop it, Ahhh… the monarch snake is trapped in the fire sea, even this time If you don’t get a spike, you’ll probably be severely injured and lose your combat capability. I’m afraid this round will be over. I don’t know what choice Liang Ren will make…”

“Oh! Liang Ren, as always, is decisive as before. The referee admitted defeat and used Poké Ball to take the Monarch Snake trapped in the fire sea back.”

“Although it is a pity to lose a game, the Monarch Snake was not seriously injured. As a trainer, Liang The choice of player Ren is very wise.”



“Monarch snake, are you okay.” Take back the monarch Liang Ren of the snake hurriedly released the monarch snake.

“Wum–” The monarch snake expression was a little frustrated.

According to the tactics that Liang Ren formulated for it at the beginning, even if it encounters the opponent who is restrained by the Charizard Attribute, it can also use the third set of tactics to deal with it, and then fight the war of attrition.

Didn’t expect to confront Charizard just now, it will be suppressed so badly, it hasn’t hit its expected level at all.

“Okay, Fire Type has too serious restraint on you, and Charizard is much stronger than you.”

“You were able to control it just now, and you have acted very well. That’s great. Wait for you to master more Water Type moves, then it will be easier to fight Fire Type’s opponent.”

“The next game will be handed over to other players.” Liang Ren aside Use burn spray to treat the burns on the monarch snake, while being comfortable.

Fortunately, the Monarch Snake is not Lucario’s horny character. Being comforted by Liang Ren, the Monarch Snake’s mood really improved.

The monarch snake took the initiative to return to Poké Ball, Liang Ren took a deep breath, and lightly swiped his fingers on the trainer’s belt.

The format of this professional five-star promotion tonight is a 6v6 duel. The little Dratini is just to make up the number. Now he admits one game, and the Monarch Snake will not be able to play again.

Liang Ren only has Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario four Pokémon on hand.

On Ritchie’s side, only Butterfree and one Pokémon have lost the combat capability. In other words, there are five Pokémons that can play in battle. In terms of quantity, Liang Ren is at a disadvantage.

“Huh…but the four battle strengths of Pidgeot and Lucario are fully mature. They are not comparable to the semi-mature monarch snakes of battle strength.”

“This tonight In the qualifying round, I must win.” Liang Ren’s eyes were piercing, and his confidence was not at all affected by this game.

“Cloyster, let me see your progress during this time.” The determined Liang Ren threw out the Poké Ball and shouted.

“Swish swish…”

The baby ball opens, Cloyster spins his body to use Rapid Spin just like he participated in the Contest Conference in Hoenn Lilycove City, and then turns into spines The Ice Ball made its debut.

“Bang~” Ice Ball hit the ground, Stadium was smashed out of a large pit with a diameter of one meter, and it made a bold appearance, which immediately attracted the cheers of the audience outside the field.


“roar roar… Although the Monarch Snake lost in the last game, he also tried the opposite side. Facing Charizard, this powerful opponent, This time the Liang Ren player sent Cloyster.”

“The audience familiar with the Liang Ren player believes that they all know that the Liang Ren player, the Cloyster, completely lost his Water Type innate talent due to some special reasons. , It seems to have become a pure ice attribute Pokémon.”

“Ice Type restrains Flying Attribute, but there is no Water Type power to reduce damage, and Cloyster will be hurt by Charizard’s Fire Type moves.”< /p>

“From the perspective of damage, Cloyster will be slightly weaker. From the perspective of injury, Cloyster will still be slightly weaker.”

“But for details What the game will develop into depends mainly on the performance of the players of both sides, not much to say…”


“The game begins.” Off the field Seeing that both players and Pokémon on both sides were ready, the referee gave a start signal without the slightest hesitation.

“Fire Element attack is not our weakness, Cloyster, let the other party see your strength.” Liang Ren high-spirited and vigorous moved towards the field and shouted.

Outsiders only know that Cloyster has faded from Water Type and turned into pure ice attribute Pokémon, but they don’t know that Cloyster has assimilated and absorbed the Items “Never-Melt Ice” during evolution.

The Fire Element attack is not able to fight ×2 times the restrained damage in Cloyster, at most ×1.3 times.

After the “Aurora Veil” ½ damage reduction, as well as the 220 physical defense and 152 special defense resistance reduction, Charizard can’t hurt the Cloyster so easily.


“hong long long!!!” Before Ritchie’s command was issued, a thunderous explosion suddenly sounded from the Sky.

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