“roar roar…”


When he came to the end of the battlefield and stood still, the audience was not interested in him, but made Liang Ren’s mind. , Then the last bit of tension also disappeared.

There was a sound of footsteps in the opposite channel. A man wearing a black jacket with a bare chest inside walked onto the field and waved to the cheering audience outside the field before turning his gaze to Liang Ren .

“Boy, if I were you, I would definitely choose to surrender now.”

This man named Taguchi grinned with white teeth, his eyes staring with deterrence. Liang Ren said that the fear he expected not at all appeared on Liang Ren’s face.

“Uncle, then you usually play against Stadium, so you must give up your defeat!” Liang Ren not at all There was some pressure because of Taguchi’s words, but his mentality became more relaxed, laughed back and said.

“Sharp-tongued boy, I’ll beat you to call mother later.” Taguchi glanced at Liang Ren, extremely angry with a smile.

“Next, Taguchi Shiro will play against Mumu Liang Ren, and now both parties are invited to send Pokémon on the field.” The referee on the sidelines saw that the trainers of both sides had arrived, and raised his hands to signal the game loudly.

“Fearow, this battle is up to you.”

“Pidgey, fight for me!”

Heard the referee, two They all threw their Pokémon balls. Although they knew that the opponent was likely to send Fearow, remembering Pidgey’s hard training, Liang Ren finally decided to give Pidgey the glory of the First Stage battle.


“This kid actually sent a Pidgey. Are you sure it’s not a funny one?”

See Liang Ren releasing it here For Pokémon, the audience who were originally lacking in interest in the appearance of the battlefield suddenly burst into laughter. Several Taguchi fans in the front row slapped the railing at Liang Ren and mocked.

“Boy, I admire your courage. I wanted to torture you and cry, but now I decide to Hold Back to you, haha…”

“Pidgey, don’t be afraid , Think about our usual efforts.”

Liang Ren did not pay attention to the laughter of the off-site audience and Taguchi’s ridicule. At the moment when both sides sent Pokémon, the battle had already begun. As a trainer for Piddey What Liang Ren has to do is to let Pidgey get rid of the fear in his heart and let it enter the fighting state as soon as possible.

“The game begins.” The referee looked solemn and saw that both sides had sent their Pokémon to play, and decisively announced the start of the game.


Fearow is a Pokémon with the appearance of a large bird of prey. With a wingspan of two meters, Pidgey is only 0.3m in size and looks petite and unremarkable in front of Fearow.

The red fleshy crown on the top of the head, the long sharp pointed beak, the slender neck like a vulture, the messy and rough feathers on the chest…, Fearow is full of oppression at a glance.

A hoarse and unpleasant bird song made Pidgey, who had just calmed down, filled his small eyes with fear again.

“Pidgey, use Agility at a distance.”

Seeing the fear in Pidgey’s eyes, Liang Ren not at all was disappointed. As the two natural populations of Pokémon, Fearow who are hostile Usually Pidgey will even be added to his own recipes. At this moment, facing a strong Fearow, it is normal for Pidgey to feel fear.

“Hoothoot ~”

Liang Ren’s command sound made Pidgey find a spiritual support in his heart, and his slightly stiff body slowly recovered his flexibility, and his vibrating wings quickly pulled away from Fearow distance.

“Fearow, let the baby on the opposite side see your strength, Spark has a flash.”

Looking at Pidgey who was retreating in fear, Taguchi’s face showed a touch of mercy. Crazy smile, after all, in his opinion, this should have been a crushing duel. How long the opponent can hold on depends entirely on how much water he is willing to put.


Off-site supporters waved their arms and asked Fearow Fiercely to repair Liang Ren’s Pidgey. Upon receiving Taguchi’s instructions, Fearow made a hoarse, unpleasant voice, and showed Yi quickly rushed towards Pidgey.

“Double Team, catch.”

Fearow’s speed is terrifying. Unlike Pidgey, which mainly relies on Ability to speed up, Fearow is its own actual speed.

The contempt of the other party was right in Liang Ren’s arms. It was so, Liang Ren became more cautious and gave Pidgey instructions with extremely fast words.


I don’t know if Pidgey still has some Unnerve in his heart. Under normal circumstances, there are six Double Teams that can be separated. After four times, Taguchi didn’t know the details of Liang Ren, but Liang Ren secretly remembered Pidgey’s abnormal state.

“bang bang……”

“shua shua!!!”

Two huge wings under the flash acceleration of Spark, two ‘Pidgey’ was cut off by Fearow’s wings, and finally turned into a white smoke that disappeared.

Pidgey, who avoided Fearow’s acceleration and collision, deceived him, and his two sharp claws fiercely grabbed Fearow’s back.


Several feathers with a string of blood beads fell from the sky. One move did not solve the opponent, but Fearow was injured, hoarse. There was a touch of anger in his voice.

“Why did it happen, why Fearow was injured instead.”

“It’s not estimated to let the water entertain us, right.”

“…”< /p>

Seeing that Fearow was injured, a voice of dissatisfaction came from the spectator stand, which made Taguchi’s face suddenly look a little ugly for you.

“Fearow, rush over and use chaos.” Looking at the two Pokémon birds on the battlefield Sky one big and one small, Taguchi angrily gave Fearow instructions.

“Pidgey, retreat, use Lie Hurricane.”

Seeing the opposite Taguchi getting serious, Liang Ren didn’t dare to be careless, and instructed Pidgey to retreat again and stretch the distance.

“Hoothoot ~”

The anger filled Fearow’s eyes, the brown wings slammed into one, two pink paws were tucked in the feathers under the abdomen, one rushed straight moved towards Pidgey.

Pidgey is better than his dexterity. In one round of confrontation, Pidgey did take advantage of it. Even if it was due to the negligence of the opponent, Pidgey’s confidence gradually began to recover.


Looking at Fearow approaching fast behind him, Pidgey’s dark little eyes were full of spirituality. By turning around, his wings flicked, and a violent twister He ran into Fearow.


No matter what the strength of Pokémon is, it’s not good to be too contemptuous to the enemy in battle, and it’s not good to be too angry, which is not conducive to exerting its strength well. .

This is how Fearow is at the moment. He was injured by a Pokémon whose strength is far less than it, especially if this Pokémon is still a Pidgey. The irritable Fearow was instantly dazzled by anger, and Such an opponent actually restored Pidgey’s confidence.

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