“Roar–” Sky Charizard raised his head angrily and roared.

Although half of his body was frozen by Cloyster’s Ice Beam, as a Fire Element Pokémon that also possesses quasi-Elite strength, Charizard not at all directly loses the ability to move.

Not only that, although the injuries on his body once again worsened, the moment he received the instructions from the trainer, Charizard wore two large dragon-wing fans on his back.

With a roar that shook the eardrums, the Sky Charizard was burning with flames, like a flaming Meteorite that pierced the atmosphere, fell into the sky and crashed into Cloyster, who was standing still on the field.

“Roar—” Charizard is coming like a Vulcan, and the half of his body previously frozen by Ice Beam has recovered its mobility.

The flame astral qi made a piercing scream, watching Charizard’s momentum dive into Cloyster, the off-site commentator held his breath, and the audience gave Liang Ren a deep squeeze. sweat.

However, Liang Ren and Cloyster, as the parties involved, behaved extraordinarily calm at the moment, not only do not dodge, but instead assume a posture of letting you attack.

However, it is impossible to let Charizard attack. As a trainer on the professional game field, Liang Ren has not been conceited and unintelligible to such a degree.

The situation on the court is changing rapidly, from being half-frozen by Cloyster’s Ice Beam to Charizard being awakened by the cold to get rid of chaos, and then launching a counterattack is just a blink of an eye.

Just as the use smoke charge, incarnation’s Charizard of Meteorite, the flame falling from the sky, was about to hit the Cloyster, Liang Ren finally reacted.

“Cloyster, use Shiny!!!” Liang Ren said quickly, he blurted out an instruction, the intermediate time was not even 0.3 seconds”.


Just when Charizard was about to hit Cloyster, Cloyster with his thorny armor suddenly closed the shell, and his whole body suddenly turned into a multi-kilowatt light bulb.

A strong light flashed suddenly, and the coming was menacing. Charizard’s eyes blackened instantly, and Stockpile hit the field fiercely because of the shift of the front sight.

“Bang——” The heavy object hit the ground, blowing up dust in the sky.

“Charizard! ! “On the other side of the field, Ritchie shouted three-point surprise and seven-point worry. Cloyster motionless allowed him to attack, and it was fraudulent.

“Cloyster, use Blizzard. “Liang Ren’s voice is like the cold wind of winter, cold and with no opportunity, no gaps and weak spots can escape his eyes.

“hong long long ——” in battle , Cloyster from the very beginning puts his attitude right on stage and shows off his full strength.

Liang Ren gave orders, Cloyster is like a huge top, Hail shot down by sky, and Icirrus is a flying film. At this moment, they are all traction and soon become part of the powerful Blizzard sweeping the entire arena.

I only heard the sound of hong long long boiling and surging, and Charizard, who crashed into the field, was instantly swallowed by Blizzard , I can see that Ritchie’s heart tightens on the opposite side of the field.


“roar roar ……Charizard aggressively counterattacked with gunpowder, Liang Ren and Cloyster Here seems to be standing still, but in fact there is already a hidden trick. “

“Just when Charizard was about to hit Cloyster, Cloyster used a Shiny trick. In this case, using Shiny was a magical trick. Charizard really lost his sight and hit the field with his head. “

“Charizard was not lightly injured, but also exposed a weak spot that was fatal. The Liang Ren player who was good at fast-paced pursuit and annihilation did not give up this great opportunity. He let Cloyster use Blizzard. “

“The north wind blows the white grass, the cold wind cuts the snow, and Cloyster is in the Rapid Spin body. Summon is the most powerful and shocking of my career as a narrator. Blizzard. “

“In the blink of an eye, Charizard with the wings on the Ritchie player was instantly swallowed by Blizzard…”


” Charizard, use Dig! ! “Ritchie not at all gave up, or as a determined professional trainer, Pokémon Pokédex did not give up these two words.

“Roar——” The white and boiling Blizzard came out Charizard let out a weak roar.

The aurora fell from the sky, the self-inflicted self-mutilation after being hit by ultrasound, Ice Beam and Shiny were blinded by the word gunpowder. The smoke charge could not stop and hit the field, and now he was hit by Blizzard. Engulfed.

Although at first the commentator described Charizard against Cloyster, whether it is injury or injury, there is a certain advantage.

But in fact Charizard not in this game at all played the same dominance as in the previous game against the Monarch Serpent. Charizard was beaten by Cloyster from start to finish.

More than ten rounds have passed, Cloyster still has zero injuries and consumption. Physical strength is continuously recovered through the extremely cold body.

On Charizard’s side, the state has unconsciously reached the danger line. The victory balance of this game has been seriously tilted to Liang Ren’s side. At this moment, Ritchie feels It’s under great pressure.

The’Dig’ command was issued, and Ritchie at the other end of the field looked at the white Blizzard with an anxious expression, worried about whether Charizard had successfully used Dig to avoid most of Blizzard’s damage. .

Different from Ritchie’s panic, Liang Ren, whose senses have been strengthened by innate talent Psychic, already has the answer in his heart. He just felt the Earthquake movement under his feet.

“Cloyster, stop Go down. “Just as the audience was eagerly waiting for the final result, Liang Ren’s voice suddenly sounded behind Blizzard.

“Ticket——” Others only know what happened, but as Liang Ren’s main force, Pokémon, Cloyster I understood what he meant in an instant.

“hu hu……” The boiling Blizzard gradually stopped.

The sky full of Hail and snow flakes, at this moment, was crushed into snow powder. The 簌 fell on the field and covered it with a thick layer of snow.

Liang Ren’s instructions gave Cloyster a signal, and also gave Ritchie a signal, that Charizard had just successfully used Dig Ability to avoid Most of Blizzard’s damage has been lost.

“Charizard, it’s now. “The falling snow powder fascinated Ritchie’s sight, but his heart was like a piece of glass, wiped by the snow powder to make it crystal clear.

The quasi-Elite Top Rank strength, as the main force of Ritchie’s Trump Card. , Charizard’s combat literacy is absolutely impeccable.

Hearing Ritchie’s instructions, Dig dived into the ground and Charizard came under Cloyster’s body by digging a tunnel.

“Boom! ! “The frozen ground was suddenly broken open by a pair of ferocious Dragon Claws, and Cloyster, who stayed in place, was instantly pushed out by Charizard in midair.

“”Dig” , Physical damage. “On the off-field blue commander, he saw Cloyster being lifted into the air by Charizard. He didn’t at all lose one’s head out of fear, but whispered calmly and whispered.

Since the Galar Region championship training Leon let Charizard use Dig in the Pokémon World Championship. Dig Charizard suddenly became popular among trainers.

For Ritchie’s trick, Charizard will Dig Ability, Liang Ren felt too much at all. Surprised, Dig is a very difficult ability for other trainers.

For Liang Ren, it is easy to crack Dig, and it is Cloyster, Charizard, Dig Cloyster and even No need to hide.

Because Charizard simply can’t hurt Cloyster!!!

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