“You are very strong–” Taking Tyranitar, who had lost the combat capability, back into the baby ball, Ritchie looked at Liang Ren with a complicated expression and said.

Because of various deeds, the outside world has taught Liang Ren to the world.

He said that he already possesses the undefeated strength against the Alliance Elite Four and is the scheduled successor of the Alliance veteran Elite: Mrs. Agatha.

At the same time, Liang Ren has the honor of’the most promising champion of Indigo Alliance’ in the circle of Kanto trainers.

The trainers in the Pokémon professional circle have recognized Liang Ren’s strength. They all know that Liang Ren is very strong, but no one knows how strong he is.

However, at this moment, Ritchie, who has personally played against Liang Ren, wants to say: “He is really strong and strong.”

“When attacking, he is like an angry flame lion. Like a sharp sword, the opponent will break the defense and defeat it like a hot knife through butter, no matter how good the defense is.”

“And when he is defensive, it is not airtight. Give opponent a little bit of opportunity. The powerful operating capabilities of advantages and disadvantages, and the strength control of the rhythm of the game are all shocking.”

The three main Trump Cards, in addition to being specially prepared to deal with Liang Ren The Elite Pidgeot’s Pikachu, Charizard and Tyranitar, the two main Trump Card forces, have now been defeated.

Ritchie’s evaluation of Liang Ren has reached an unprecedented height. Tonight he wants to prevent Liang Ren from being promoted to the five-star professional, which is already impossible.

“Where~Ritchie, you and your Pokémon are also very strong.” Being stared at by Ritchie, Liang Ren smiled indifferently and then replied with a compliment.

“Red player, please send out the Pokémon who are going to play next.” The off-court referee interrupted the two commercial exaggerations and reminded them aloud.

Hearing what the referee said, Ritchie didn’t care, his eyes still focused on Liang Ren’s body, but his hand was also drawn from the trainer’s belt, and he took a Poké Ball and held it in his hand.

“I know it is impossible to stop you tonight, but it won’t be that easy if you want to successfully advance to the five-star professional.” Ritchie finished speaking and threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

“Come out~ Lotz, it’s up to you next.”

“Bang——” The baby ball opened in midair, a white belly and blue feather, neck Pokémon, a bird with vermilion on its forehead and tail, appeared on the court.

“Hiss~” The swallowtail cuts the wind. This Pokémon, who has the reputation of spring messenger in Hoenn, emits a kiwi bird that is rarely heard on Kanto.

“Swellow?” Liang Ren muttered.

Ritchie likes to name his Pokémon, which is reflected in the original book.

Even after living in the Pokémon world for more than ten years, Liang Ren still remembers that Ritchie possesses a Pikachu named Rein with a pinch of handsome bangs on his forehead.

When Ritchie yelled’Lodz’ just now, he hadn’t reacted yet. At this moment, he saw this Pokémon appear on the stage. Isn’t this the final evolution of the Hoenn Region family bird: Swellow~


“Tyranitar, one of Trump Card’s main players, was defeated. Ritchie player also learned lessons. Knowing that Lucario is very strong, he chose Swellow this time.”< /p>

“As the final evolutionary type of Taillow, the home bird of Hoenn Region, Swellow is called the bird of courage, because it has the courage to challenge any powerful enemy~”

“Flying Type restrains Fighting Type, in this game, the Ritchie player has the advantage. I don’t know what Liang Ren will do?” the commentator exclaimed excitedly.

Now that the game is underway, you sing and I am on the stage. You come and I have a particularly fierce battle between the two sides. Not only the game commentator said hi, but the audience who bought tickets tonight also saw hi.

Ritchie sent Swellow to face Lucario on Liang Ren’s side. Lucario, who was on the dominant side in the last game, has now become the disadvantaged side.

The fans of Liang Ren off the field were excited and excited because he had just won the next game. Suddenly, they became nervous and nervous.


However, Liang Ren, who was the subject on the court, was surprisingly calm at the moment.

“Flying Type restrains Fighting Type, but my Lucario is not afraid of Flying Type Pokémon.” Looking at Swellow flying high in Sky, Liang Ren said inwardly.

As if already knowing that both sides are ready for battle, the referee on the sidelines looked at each side and raised the green flag in his hand to give a decisive start signal.

“The game begins!!”

The referee’s command immediately detonated the gunpowder cloud on the court, and both players and Pokémon also acted immediately.

“Lorz, use Agility.” Ritchie, who knew that Liang Ren was not so easy to deal with, not at all commanded Swellow to attack directly because he had the advantage of Attribute.

Instead, relying on Swellow’s flying ability, Lucario couldn’t easily attack Swellow, so he chose to use auxiliary Ability to increase Swellow’s movement speed. It seemed that he was preparing to kite Lucario.

Detected Ritchie’s tactics, Liang Ren’s mood did not fluctuate at all. While sending the “Mega Evolution wave” to Lucario to maintain the consumption of Mega evolution, he gave instructions to respond.

“Lucario, use Metal Sound.” Liang Ren sound transmission with consciousness.

“Ka zi zi…” MegaLucario, who received Liang Ren’s order, stood there and did not move. The two steel nails on the back of his hand frustrated each other and made a harsh noise.

“Hoho~ At the beginning of the game, the two sides did not at all immediately have a fierce confrontation, but chose to develop peacefully”

“Ritchie player let Swellow use Agility here, it seems This is Lucario who intends to use speed to keep a safe distance from the long-range kite Liang Ren player”

“Liang Ren player detected Ritchie player’s tactical ideas, but he was not at all too reactive, but also commanded MegaLucario uses a trick to reduce the opponent special defense auxiliary Ability: Metal Sound “

“Swellow’s Flying Attribute suppresses the Fighting Type’s Lucario, but Swellow also has the Normal Type. If Swellow is unique by Lucario’s Fighting Type Ability hits, I believe it will hurt too”


Although the two sides have not launched an attack, the two sides have already started a tactical confrontation, and the medicinal smell is still abnormal. Strong.

However, the trainers on both sides are very calm, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. No matter what the other side is, both sides are very confident in their own tactics.

Swellow is here to increase the speed mentally, believing that after his speed is increased, Lucario’s Aura Sphere will never hit him.

And Lucario has also worked hard, continuously using Metal Sound to reduce Swellow’s special defense, and firmly believes that he can kill Swellow in seconds.

The game started for several minutes, and there was no collision with Ember on the court.

However, in the face of such a weird battle, the interest of the off-field audience did not diminish at all. Instead, it seemed to have accumulated a wave of strength, waiting for a tipping point.

And this explosive point finally arrived after Lucario used Metal Sound to weaken Swellow’s special defense to the extreme and Swellow increased his speed to the apex.

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