“Peng Peng Peng Peng…”

Dazzling holiday fireworks exploded in the sky, and the night sky of Saffron City was also lit up by the fireworks rising from the city Stadium.

The grand event of the city Stadium is also broadcast live on the news media of major cities in Kanto through various channels.

After nightfall, the electronic exterior walls and naked-eye 3D advertising screens of the high-rise buildings in Saffron City are full of images of Liang Ren carrying Pokémon and holding up the professional five-star trainer Medal with both hands.

Mega Evolution vs. Z moves. With Liang Ren defeating Ritchie, Liang Ren not only completed the 3rd graduation level set up by Saffron Middle School, but also became the youngest professional five-star trainer in Kanto Region.

Mega’s genius name has now grown unconsciously into the name of powerhouse.

A young trainer with super strong innate talent and super strength has been on the covers of major media magazines and tops various lists.

Many origins: Du, Zvqi Steven, Wallace, Shirona, Alder, Karuna, Leon…this kind of Region champion.

Pokémon world’s most dazzling peerless powerhouse set a record that no one can break, and now there are new record-breakers appearing, Liang Ren as a dazzling new star is gradually raised.

Mu Mu Liang Ren, a public opinion who has the title of champion and will become the champion of Kanto Alliance in the future, has once again been spread wildly on the Internet by netizens.

Liang Ren defeated Ritchie, and Pidgeot Mega evolved to match Picknium-Z. The video became popular on the Internet. Liang Ren’s original 18 million fans in one night directly skyrocketed to more than 24 million.



After the Saffron City professional five-star promotion tournament, Liang Ren was pushed to the forefront of public opinion again, and he chose again The rapids retreated, disappeared and became low-key, choosing not to show up in public for the time being.

I sent my father mother and younger sister back home and stayed for two days, and then returned to Saffron City. The news about his promotion to a professional five-star trainer also dropped a lot.

At this time, Liang Ren can finally free up time to do the finishing work on the school and the city Stadium.

The finishing work at Saffron Middle School is very simple, with comprehensive theoretical knowledge tests, essay speech defenses, and promotion to become a professional five-star trainer.

The three graduation levels set by Saffron Middle School, he has completed all of them here, and now he can finally officially graduate from Saffron Middle School.

After returning to Saffron City from Celadon City, Liang Ren first moved the personal items in the dormitory to the single-family villa in 2-Layer Building halfway up the mountain in Xiangshan Mansion, Nancheng.

With a system storage warehouse, Liang Ren only went back and forth between the school and Xiangshan Mansion to complete the move.

In the afternoon, he booked a few tables in a big hotel in the city center, and then invited the class teacher Sabrina, Ah Yan, and the classmates to have a graduation farewell dinner party.

To be able to enter Saffron Middle School, everyone’s innate talent is placed in the circle of trainers as a cream of the crop, and the more than a dozen people in the privileged class are a genius amongst geniuses.

Not to mention the family background of everyone, even if he and Daisuke are born in ordinary citizen families, if they enter the Alliance development in the future, they will definitely become the backbone of the backbone.

I really understand this. Liang Ren, who has joined the Kanto Alliance and wants to continue his promotion in the future, pays great attention to maintaining the friendship between students.



Private class students are divided into combat students and theoretical students. The squad leader of combat students is Liang Ren. There is a squad leader over there at first is Weiyang Shimamura.

Later Mushan was obeying the wishes of family elder, gave up taking the path of a trainer and turned to a theoretical student. In order to facilitate the operation of alumni network, he ran for the position of class leader of theoretical students and chairman of the grade student council. .

Liang Ren applied for early graduation, he naturally resigned from the position of squad leader of combat students, and the rules of the squad leader of combat students should be the strongest. After Liang Ren resigns as squad leader, Sakata Kim will temporarily succeed him. .

For Bantian Jin, Liang Ren treated him a different kind of close relationship from Daisuke and Shenyi. He already knew Bantian Jin’s true identity when communicating with Duo.

Sakata Kim is just a fake name. His real name is Giovanni Silver, which is the son of Team Rocket BOSS Giovanni, in order to prevent the four generals of Team Rocket from abducting Giovanni Silver, thus integrating the disintegrated Team Rocket.

Kanto Indigo Alliance and Johto Mt. Silver Alliance moved Giovanni silver from Johto Mt. Silver to Saffron City, the metropolis of Kanto, and entered Saffron Middle School as a transfer student, Sakata Kim. The real purpose is To protect him.

Before returning from the Mt. Moon vein experience, Liang Ren learned of his hidden life experience from his mother because of Peach Origin Village and the “Holy Crown”.

It was learned that Team Rocket was founded by a part of the royal family with ambitions of the St. Jades Empire, and that the last female elder of Team Rocket, Hiromi, turned out to be the cousin of her own mother.

Team Rocket boss Giovanni, who is missing now, has to call Mother Ryoko a cousin, and Giovanni’s son Giovanni Yin and Liang Ren turned out to be brother.

Seeing that Giovanni Silver succeeded him as the squad leader of the privileged class combat student after graduation, Liang Ren was still very happy. After the graduation dinner, Liang Ren saw that the squad leader needed to do the work with Giovanni Silver.

Before leaving, Liang Ren casually asked Giovanni Silver: “Santa Jin, were you born in nine years and a few months?”

“Ha——???? “This red-haired and indifferent young man didn’t expect Liang Ren to ask his birth date suddenly, and his expression was stunned.

“Will this question be too offensive?” Liang Ren asked with an apologetic smile.

“It’s okay, it’s not a question of too much privacy.” The young man shook the head and concealed it not at all.

“I am my birthday in December 1999.” The red-haired boy replied.

“Well, my birthday in October 1999, I am older than you.” Seeing the puzzled expression of the red-haired boy, Liang Ren smiled extremely happily.

After finishing speaking, I still added a sentence in my heart: “I am older than you, so I am the big cousin and you are the little cousin.”

“Okay, what I said just now I told you too. You also have my contact information. If you need my help in the future, you can contact me directly, and the privilege class will ask you.”

Liang Ren intimately patted the red-haired boy in front of him Said on his shoulder.

Compared with the stabbing attitude when he first transferred to school, as Liang Ren became stronger and stronger, the gap between the two sides widened, and Giovanni Silver’s attitude towards Liang Ren from the very beginning His dissatisfaction turned into the admiration from the heart.

Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he can have the strength he is now, and he also received a Nidoking egg on his 13th birthday and an anonymous email six months ago.

After going to a hidden villa in Viridian City, he once again obtained the Trump Card Beedrill and Persian eggs in the hands of his father.

With three full champion Pokemon eggs, his trainer road will be smooth in the future.

However, he enjoys Good Fortune from his parents like this, and he has a superior family background with other students in the class.

The people in front of me are from ordinary citizens’ families, and they have achieved today’s achievements entirely by relying on their own efforts step by step.

This is why his attitude, from the very beginning of being arrogant and unconvinced, has become the admiration and worship of today.

Liang Ren didn’t know his little cousin. He already admired him from the heart. After the graduation dinner, Liang Ren followed his classmates back to Saffron Middle School.

Because the school has prepared a formal graduation ceremony for him in the evening, when the time comes, he will officially announce his graduation from Saffron Middle School in front of all teachers and students.

For the graduation dinner in the afternoon, Sabrina and Ayan also revealed their words, saying that the school had also prepared a very precious graduation Present for him, so please look forward to Liang Ren.

“Present, what will it be?” Liang Ren thought expectantly.

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