Moving to a new house, Liang Ren and a few Pokémon rarely slept in. When they woke up, all the discomforts in the new environment disappeared.

On the balcony on the second floor, Cloyster stood in the shade and looked at the scenery below the mountain, while the monarch snake stayed in the sun, bathing in the early morning sun.

Pidgeot spreads its wings freely in Fragrant Mountain Sky, while Lucario helps Slowpoke hang clothes together, because Slowpoke promised it to send pocket money to buy game skins.

Several Pokémon are staying upstairs, while Liang Ren is cooking breakfast in the kitchen downstairs. The cabbage is shredded, two eggs are fried, and the rice noodles are added. Good cabbage.

While Liang Ren was busy, little Dratini watched intently with Coil lying next to the cutting board.

Because the first person I saw after hatching from the egg was Liang Ren, the little Dratini is very attached to Liang Ren, but Liang Ren knows that he won’t wait for the little Dratini to grow up. I will write a sticky person.

Riolu was very sticky when he first hatched from the egg, but he grew up slowly, and he no longer sticks to him like he was a child.

I made a stir-fried rice noodle. This is for Liang Ren, Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Lucario. The other Pokémons are not at all interested in human food. They are all rich in food. Pokemon food for energy.



After having breakfast, I simply tidied up, Liang Ren took a few Pokémons and went out, behind the 2-Layer building On the balcony of the single-family villa, white shirts, plain sheets, quilts and curtains are fluttering gently on the clothes pole.

Today’s weather is very clear, and the tiny clouds throw up small white waves in the light blue sky.

Under the warm sunshine, Liang Ren walking down the mountain, through the breeze blowing from the balcony of his villa, he could smell a faintly discernable laundry detergent fragrance.

This is the taste of a new home——


I took a few Pokémons to go out, although I said I went to Saffron City Stadium to get money, but Liang Ren’s first stop was the Pokémon Center in Nancheng.

“Cloyster, have you really decided? I really want to return to the Ice Island now, instead of waiting a few days, I will also travel to the Orange Islands in two days, and I will send it again when the time comes The same goes for you to the Ice Island.” Liang Ren said.

“Titicaca–Master, I want to return to the Ice Island now. It won’t be long before I can break through Elite.” Cloyster said firmly in his eyes.

Looking at Cloyster with a serious face, Liang Ren was also a little helpless. Cloyster is good everywhere, but his temper is too strong.

Pidgeot and Slowpoke were already breakthrough Elite when they were training on Mt. Moon some time ago. Now in the entire echelon, only Cloyster has no breakthrough Elite, so Cloyster is also anxious.

As soon as the promotion night was over, Cloyster wanted to return to the Ice Island to study hard and not return to the team without breaking through the Elite level.

at first because of Liang Ren and Slowpoke’s persuasion, Cloyster only stayed for a few more days, and the matter is now–

“Well, after you return to the Ice Island, everything will follow Articuno arranges training. Pay attention to the combination of work and rest. You can’t secretly arrange additional training for yourself.”

“Don’t push yourself too tight. Training under such high pressure is not only impossible. If you increase your strength, it will have a counterproductive effect…”

Seeing that Cloyster’s attitude is so determined, he couldn’t hold back its Liang Ren, so he had to promise to send it back to the Ice Island now, but Liang Ren was leaving the team. Also seriously warned repeatedly towards Cloyster.

“Hmm~” Cloyster nodded, it knows that Liang Ren is right. The Pokémon can have such a strong strength as it is today. It largely depends on Liang Ren’s correct decision and effective plan. .



After saying goodbye to Slowpoke, Liang Ren also took Cloyster back into the baby ball and handed it to Joy , Use the Poké Ball teleporter to teleport it to the Pokémon Center on Mandolin Island.

Liang Ren called Flora from Asia again and asked her to help him go to Mandolin Island to pick up Cloyster, and then send Cloyster to Ice Island after Liang Ren Take a few Pokémon to the city Stadium.

“Don’t worry, we will go to the Orange Islands when the matters in Saffron City are finished. When the time comes, you will be able to see Cloyster.” In the taxi, Liang Ren touched it. Slowpoke comforted with a glum head.

“Ah duo——(︶︿︶)oh~” Slowpoke nodded.



Between skyscrapers, the traffic on the road is endless, taxis rushed to the city Stadium, there are many trainings to recognize his identity in the hall Everyone greeted Liang Ren enthusiastically.

“Mr. Liang Ren, good morning~”

“Good morning, Mr. Liang Ren~”

“Mr. Liang Ren, I was there that day At the end of your game, Pidgeot’s “God Strike” was really too powerful. “

“Mr. Liang Ren, I am a big fan of yours. I watched your game a long time ago. I went to the suburban red forest forest to conquer a Pidgey. Now it has evolved into a Pidegeotto. “

“Mr. Liang Ren, I left a message on your Weibo to inquire about the training skills of Double Team. Thank you very much for replying to me. “



“You are welcome, I am usually busy. Everyone left a message under my Weibo because There are too many, and the response may not be timely, everyone should understand~”

“I will answer questions about Pokémon training if I know, and if you have any questions about what you should accept This type of Pokémon, and how to improve and enhance the relationship with Pokémon. “

“If you have such questions, please pay attention to my younger sister Mu Mu Lei. She can answer most of the questions. “He warmly greeted the people around him, Liang Ren didn’t forget to pull fans for his younger sister.

“Well, we must all pay attention. “



The trainers who stopped in the hall, all nodded and said, the young man in front of him, It can be said that they have seen the most approachable Celebrity trainer.

Not only do they have no pretensions to fans, but they often interact with them cracking a joke.

Private messages under his Weibo Leave a message to inquire about the Pokémon breed training tips. Liang Ren does not hide himself, and generously shares the dry goods skills with them.

This is why, with the same exposure, some people quickly passed away after a while. Forgotten, but Liang Ren is booming and becoming more and more popular.

Weibo fans are increasing day by day, and they have even surpassed champion powerhouses such as Long Shidu, Wallace, Steven and Leon.


We greeted the trainers in the lobby, and after a short chat, the Stadium staff who was standing not far away waited before stepping forward.< /p>

“Mr. Liang Ren, just learned that you are coming, the chairman is already waiting in the Conference Hall upstairs. “The female staff member reminded with a tone of seven points of respect and three points of admiration.

“Okay, let’s go over. “Liang Ren nodded with a smile.

Take the elevator to the office upstairs, Chief-In-Charge Sim of Stadium in Saffron City is waiting for him.

“Director Liang Ren , Please sit down. “Sim walked up enthusiastically, set the chair for Liang Ren and said.

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