Liang Ren did not despise Joy Red because of the brainless and mentally retarded questioning, but continued to speak:

“The characteristics of the Winners Cup, after being refined, are the “Winners Cup” “The name and “play against the chief trainer.” “

“So in the future, the Orange Alliance Conference must have regional characteristics, so the easiest way is to inherit the name of the winner’s cup in the future Orange Alliance Conference. At the end of the conference, add a conference champion to the same The Orange Alliance chief trainer competes. “

“In this way, it not only meets the requirements of the Alliance Conference format, but also retains the tradition of the Orange Islands Winners Cup. “

The authorities are fans and the bystanders are clear. After listening to Liang Ren’s words, Joy red eyes shined, the whole person feels suddenly open.

“This is indeed a very good idea. What about the creation of Gym? Director Liang Ren, do you have any good suggestions? Joy Hong hurriedly asked.

“Of course, compared to the integration of Alliance Conference and the Winner’s Cup, the creation of Gym is the most important thing, as I have just said. “

“The creation of the new Orange Alliance Gym does not need to revoke the existing four Southern Cross Gyms, because the Southern Cross, like the Victor’s Cup, is integrated into the traditional culture of the orange islanders’ bloodline. symbol. “

“So the four Southern Cross Gyms can be modified but they need to be retained. In addition, in order to meet the mandatory requirement of participating in the Alliance Conference, 8 Gym Badges, some new Gyms need to be established. “

” Regarding the creation of the new Gym, I have a relatively innovative idea, which is to set up several secondary stars for the four main stars of the four Heaven and Earth four poles, the Southern Cross. “Liang Ren said.

“The secondary star guarding the Southern Cross? “Because Divine Beast: Rayquaza, who has a strong sense of territoriality, lives in the atmosphere, so the Pokémon world scientific community has very limited exploration of Universe Starry Sky.

The research on stars and astrology is very shallow, and I suddenly heard Liang Ren Speaking of words such as the main star and the sub-star, Joy Red felt very novel for a while.

“Yes, in ancient times, the islanders named the four most dazzling stars on the Sky at night in the Orange Islands. It is the Southern Cross and has established four Southern Cross Gyms in the Orange Islands. “

“In fact, in addition to the Southern Cross, the islanders of the Orange Islands can still see Big Dipper. Since the traditional four gyms have the connotation of stars, the creation of the new gym should naturally be inherited. “

“So my idea is that since the four traditional Gyms represent the Southern Cross, the newly created Gym represents Big Dipper, in order to highlight the lofty status of the Southern Cross, a traditional cultural symbol. “

“In the future, the Gyms under the jurisdiction of the Orange Alliance will be divided into two categories. The four Southern Cross Gyms have a higher status, and the seven new Gyms of Big Dipper will have a lower status. If you want to participate in the Orange Alliance Conference “Victory Player’s Cup””

“You need to challenge and pass the Big Dipper seven gyms, while the Southern Cross Gym requires only one trainer player who participates in the Orange Alliance Conference. You must have at least one of the eight Badge A Southern Cross Gym Badge. “

” Collect 7 Big Dipper Gym Badge and 1 Southern Cross Gym Badge to participate in the Orange Alliance Conference. “

“If players gather Big Dipper and Southern Cross Badge, no matter what ranking results in the Conference, they can challenge the chief trainer in the final Winners Cup. “

“Alliance Conference Champion enters the Hall of Honor of Champions, and the final winner of the Winners Cup enters the Hall of Honor of the Chief Trainer. The former is the institutional requirement of each Region Alliance Conference, and the latter is the winner of the Orange Islands Cup. Tradition. “

Standing on the balcony on the second floor of the Fragrant Hill Villa in the South City of Saffron City, bathed in the warm sunshine, Liang Ren excitedly told Joy Hong on the other side of his plan.

“After the establishment of the Orange Alliance, the issue of the establishment of the Gym system has been controversial within Alliance. I have heard a lot of proposals and suggestions, but none of them are as amazing as your proposal, Director Liang Ren. “

” Director Liang Ren’s talent really makes people feel admired from the heart. The idea of ​​Southern Cross Gym and Big Dipper Gym just now is a pioneering work. “After listening to the description of Liang Ren’s plan, Joy’s cheeks were flushed with excitement on the other side of the phone.

“Please don’t worry, Director Joy. Actually, I haven’t finished this plan yet. There are still a lot of ideas just now Need to improve. “Liang Ren said with a faint smile.

“Okay, Director Liang Ren, please say——” Joy Hong said respectfully.

“Southern Cross, Big Dipper, although the implication is very good, but the number of Gyms is limited to eleven, so the creation of Gym cannot be a single Attribute type Gym like the mainland, but should be a compound Attribute Gym. “

“This is reflected in the traditional Southern Cross Gym, so Big Dipper Gym’s doing this can be regarded as inheriting and carrying forward the tradition. “

“Because the Southern Cross Gym and Big Dipper Gym are both composite Attribute Gyms, the challenge is more difficult. This also makes up for the number disadvantage of the Orange Islands in the future where there are only 11 Gyms. “

“In addition, the Southern Cross Gym is the core with a higher weight than Big Dipper Gym, and the difficulty of the challenge needs to be enhanced. “

“Like the Western Star Gym in the Southern Cross, the challenge of “Natsukan Gym” is only water gun shooting and surfing competitions. There is no formal Pokémon battle content. This is absolutely impossible. “

“The Eastern Star of Southern Cross, the “Navel Gym” has more challenges than Natsukan Gym, including mountain climbing, freezing fountains, ice boat making and ice boat skiing. “

“These projects can indeed test the perseverance of the trainer and the tacit understanding between the trainer and Pokémon, but in the future, it is far from enough as a Southern Cross Gym, and the difficulty will be improved. “

“As a formal Gym, the Gym Leader and the challenger engage in formal Pokémon battles. This content is essential. “Liang Ren said.

On the phone, Joy Hong listened to Liang Ren’s words, and at the same time took out a blank print paper from the fax machine at the desk to take notes. Liang Ren said that these are all hers. I didn’t think about it before.

Liang Ren didn’t stop talking here. After talking about Gym, the two main stars of the Southern Cross, he talked about the two main stars Gym.

“Gym of the Southern Star, the challenge of “Trovita Gym” is the two contents of target test and battle with Attribute. There are both preliminary inspections and later battles, but both parts need to be expanded and strengthened. “

“The Gym of the Northern Star, the challenge of the “Liu Gan Gym”, there is only one 2v2 doubles match. There is neither a preliminary inspection of the challenger nor the difficulty of the content of the back game. This All need to be improved and strengthened. “

“Hmm–“On the other end of the phone, Joy Hong held the landline phone between his head and shoulders, while taking notes seriously.

“And Big Dipper. Home Gym, the content of the preliminary inspection of the challenger can be relaxed, but the following actual investigation cannot be released at all, and the difficulty is at least 3v3. “

“I said earlier that the Orange Islands, due to the unique geographical and climatic conditions, eventually formed an economic development model centered on Berry planting and tourism. “

“So in the creation of Big Dipper’s new Gym, my personal suggestion is to spread the Gym as much as possible to cover the more famous main island of the Orange Islands. “

“In this way, while the trainer challenges Gym, he also appreciates the unique customs of the Orange Islands, and promotes the tourism projects of each characteristic island, thereby promoting the development of the tourism economy of Orange Alliance. “

” Regarding the selection of the location of Big Dipper Gym, I also listed a few islands. Director Joy Hong can make a reference. “

“These islands are: Valencia Island, Tangelo Island, Mandarin Island, Tangerine Island, Hamlin Island, Pummelo Island, and Mandolin Island. “

Because of being born in a civilian family, Liang Ren has developed a character that values ​​practical and economic benefits. When it comes to profitable projects, Liang Ren’s heart is full of enthusiasm.

Whether it was the original Mauville City Mega evolution tournament, when the official players were about to make the surroundings, Liang Ren actively advised the Chief-In-Charge designer of the product department, or the promotion night of the Saffron City City Stadium a while ago Marketing planning.

As long as it is about money and self-interest, Liang Ren is very active. This time, the Orange Alliance Gym and the reform of the competition system seem to have no direct interest in him, but if Orange Alliance adopted his plan.

Based on his understanding of this plan, Liang Ren is absolutely confident that he can obtain sufficient benefits from it. Although he is the leader of the Kanto Alliance Inspection Bureau, he still He has the identity of the messenger of the sea god Lugia.

In the Orange Islands, there are a group of people who regard him as a faith and completely obey his will.

“Okay, good—” On the other side of the phone, Joy Hong nodded constantly like a chicken pecking at rice. His respect for Liang Ren’s attitude has changed from being equal to being treated like a superior.

What Liang Ren said, in Joy Hong It seems that it is no longer a suggestion for reference, but an order and instruction from the superior. After going down, she must seriously implement it.

It’s not like using your brain because of lazy nature. In the absence of conflicting interests, Joy Hong will only be happy if someone is willing to take care of all official duties for herself.

The issue of the creation of the Orange Alliance Gym and the reform of the competition system has troubled her and the entire Orange Alliance. It’s been a long time, didn’t expect a call today, and got such an innovative plan from Liang Ren.

If it is said that Big Dipper Gym and the Southern Cross Gym system, Joy Hong has seen Liang. Ren’s amazing management ability as the director of the Kanto Alliance Inspection Bureau.

Then later words about using Big Dipper Gym to drive the tourism economy of the Orange Islands, let Joy Hong see Liang Ren’s overall view and vision Zhuo and Economics.

Joy Hong thought of the evaluation of Liang Ren by those on the Internet, and heartfelt nodded sigh: “Liang Ren The director’s genius is really amazing, and he is almost catching up with an expert think tank. “


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