“Krabby…” Seeing his Pokémon fall down, the teenager ran up worriedly and raised Krabby up, calling out worriedly.

Krabby eyes opened and regained consciousness after being shaken twice by the trainer.

“It doesn’t matter, you have tried your best for this game.” After a comforting sound, the boy took out the baby ball and took Krabby back.

“bang bang bang bang…”

The game ended, and there was a round of applause outside the field. Liang Ren standing outside the field also clapped like other audience members.

For a trainer of his rank, the level of the match just now is indeed not high, but the low level does not mean that there is no merit.

Just like Staryu’s “Harden + Rapid Spin” combo is very good, which is the same as the principle of his Cloyster “Shell Smash + Angularization + Rapid Spin” combo.

If trained properly, this combo technique can show quite good battle strength even in the later stages of strength.


“Hello, are you two also trainers?” Just after the game, a pair of young men and women walked up to Liang Ren and Casey and asked .

“What are you two?” Liang Ren asked rhetorically.

“My name is Yongta, and this is my girlfriend: Yoko, I think the two bring Pokémon and should be trainers, so I want to ask if the two are interested in a friendly doubles match. “

After the young man introduced himself, he explained his intentions.

“Doubles match? How about~ Casey, are you interested in a match.” At the invitation of the young couple, Liang Ren turned his head to ask Casey’s son for advice.

“Okay, I have never played a double match with Liang Ren in your team?” Faced with the invitation to fight, Casey showed great enthusiasm.

“Since Casey you agree, then we will take this game.” Liang Ren said to the young couple in front of him.

“Also introduce myself. My name is Liang Ren. She is my girlfriend Casey.”

“Sure enough, you two are also lovers, but the bond between Yoko and I is It’s very deep. In the doubles match for a while, let you see the tacit understanding between me and Yoko.”

The young man named Yongta in front of me said confidently.

“Okay—” Liang Ren smiled and answered complied, turning his head and looking at Casey, both of them saw the thick fighting intent from each other’s eyes.


There are not many trainers on the ship. After the previous battle between Krabby and Staryu was over, the two trainers had already retreated with Pokémon.

The onlookers were about to disperse, when suddenly two pairs of young men and women squeezed out of the crowd and stood at the command positions at the opposite ends of the battlefield.

The two pairs of young men and women are Yongta, Yoko, Liang Ren and Casey.

“Someone is going to fight again, and it’s still a doubles match!!” Someone in the crowd yelled joyfully, and the scattered passengers gathered around again.

“Go on…”

“Go on…”

The scenery on the sea is much the same, and after a long time it makes people feel boring and boring during the journey , Being able to watch a Pokémon battle obviously made the surrounding passengers very happy.

Liang Ren, they walked onto the field, arrived at the communication ship at the departure time of the port, also raised their anchors and honked their whistle, and sailed out of Baifan Port amidst the noise of Wingull.

And the battle on the battlefield in the middle cabin of the communication ship officially started.

“Lucario, you are in this game.” Liang Ren said to Lucario standing on its side.

“ao 嗷—” Lucario touched his fist and walked onto the field with his eyes full of fighting intent.

“Sayuri, it’s up to you to cooperate with Lucario in this game.” Casey also said to Lilligant who is following her.

“Nairu~” Lilligant moves gracefully onto the court.

Wear a bright red floral ornament with white spots on the petals. The stamen is composed of golden filaments and red anthers, and its appearance is like a noble crown.

The dark green calyx leaves set off the floral decorations, and the large and extraneous parts are draped behind them like clothes, and below are light green leaves. One or two leaves that look like loose hair come naturally from behind the floral decorations Hang down.

The golden calyx is like a necklace accessory, and the lower body is wrapped by light green tulip-shaped leaves, like wearing a skirt, hiding a pair of small feet slightly.

The face is white and delicate like peeled mangosteen flesh, and the beautiful eyes are like gold and red gems.

Pokemon, also as the outer region, as the humanoid Pokémon, the Lilligant of Casey’s debut, with the fresh and noble temperament and beautiful appearance, instantly gained no less than Lucario’s attention.

“Good-looking Pokémon.” Yuta, who was on the other side of the field, looked at Lucario with envy.

And Yongta’s girlfriend Yoko stared at Lilligant in a daze.

“It’s such a beautiful Pokémon.” For Lilligant, who is beautiful in appearance and fresh and noble, Yoko is also very envious.

“You two, it’s time for you to release Pokémon.” Seeing the two opposite people looking at the two Pokémon on their side, Liang Ren couldn’t help but reminded him with a smile.

However, the envy of Yongta and Yoko also made Liang Ren feel a little proud. After all, it was Pokemon that he had produced by himself.

“Oh! Okay.” Hearing Liang Ren’s reminder, Yongta and Yoko reacted, each took out a Poké Ball, and then threw it forcefully.

“Come out, my love warrior——Exeggutor.”

“Go on stage, my love angel——Jynx.”

Receive Liang Ren reminded that the two people on the opposite side also released their Pokémon to play.

“Exeggutor and Jynx? Double Psychic Pokémon, it seems that they do have some strength.” Liang Ren glanced at the Pokémon released by Yongta and Yoko, and thought.

“Brother Liang Ren——” Casey called next to him, his eyes crossed, Liang Ren instantly understood the girl’s thoughts.


“The game begins.” In the crowd outside the field, an enthusiastic spectator temporarily appeared as a referee.


The start signal was sent out, and both sides on the field acted immediately.



“Using Confusion!!!” The game started, and the two couples on the opposite side of the field gave offensive instructions in unison. .

“Is this the tacit understanding of Yongta?” Liang Ren muttered in his heart. He didn’t idle here either, and acted quickly according to the tactics that he had just communicated with Casey’s eyes.

“Lucario, Metal Sound interrupted to create control opportunities for Lilligant.” Liang Ren shouted quickly.

Although Exeggutor can evolve with Leaf Stone, Jynx Level must be at least LV.30 to evolve.

Exeggutor’s breath intensity is not weaker than Jynx. Obviously, the two Pokémon Levels on the opposite side have exceeded 30. The Confusion formidable power used together is still quite amazing.

“Zi~~~!!!” Fortunately, Liang Ren responded quickly, and gave instructions to Lucario almost when the two Pokémons on the opposite side had just gotten up.

While running flexibly on the field, while grinding the steel nails on the back of his hands, a piercing noise instantly enveloped the two Pokémons opposite.

While Liang Ren and Lucario are in action, Casey’s side also launched an offensive simultaneously: “Sayuri, use the vertigo dance.”

“Nyelu~” Lilligant gave a clear cry , Two flexible leaf arms, like skirt seaweed in the waves and currents, and continuously Teeter Dance danced.

Under the activation of the Ability technique, the hypnosis of the bizarre spirit and the guiding hints on the body movements caused the bodies of the two Pokémons opposite the stadium to dance uncontrollably.



Yuta and Yoko called out with a panic on their faces.

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