Attribute Naturally, the power that Pokémon Sau has is endowed by nature.

Whether it is to fade the original Attribute or to help Pokémon increase the power of an Attribute, it sounds like a fantasy story.

However, this kind of thing really happened under Liang Ren’s hands. After carefully studying the logic and principle, you will find that it seems reasonable.

Take cold marrow, assimilate and absorb Never-Melt Ice, ice weather orb, champion spiritual marrow orb, Ho-Oh use the power of the priesthood and the law of life to transform the body…

No matter what it is, it is a fortuitous encounter for ordinary persons, but Liang Ren can gather many opportunities in one body.

Like washing away the original Attribute and activating the power of another Attribute in the bloodline, things that seem impossible to accomplish, Liang Ren has a way to achieve.

To sum up all the above, you can also see Liang Ren’s out of the ordinary. Perhaps this is the reason why he was able to leave peers far behind and achieve achievements that shocked outsiders.

Stay in the hotel in the afternoon and make a perfect plan for the special training on Ice Island for the next period of time. In the evening, the senior management of Orange Alliance hosted a banquet for him. 2nd day Liang Ren and the senior management of Orange Alliance about The plan he gave before was further discussed.



Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The discussion about the establishment of the Gym subordinate to the Orange Alliance and the reform plan of the Alliance Conference system has ended, and the rest is for the Orange Alliance to implement it itself.

At the end of the Orange Alliance’s official duties, Liang Ren did not stay on Pummelo Island. He directly took Casey and a few Pokémon to ride Pidgeot to Asia Island.

According to the plan, he will train in the Ice Island for a period of time.

In addition, the matter on Orange Alliance has temporarily come to an end.

However, after waiting for the creation of seven new gyms of Big Dipper under Orange Alliance, and the completion of the renovation of the four gyms of Southern Cross, he also has to check and accept the implementation of the plan.

Of course, all of this will have to wait for him to finish the special training. As for how to check and accept the method.

Follow the normal process to challenge the Gyms one by one, and then enter the Orange Alliance Conference Winners Cup all the way. The reform of the Gym and the competition system is naturally clear.



On the edge of the southwest part of the Orange Islands, Asia Island.


The sunlight of golden-bright and dazzling poured down, poured into the blue waves, sparkling, and flickering.

Riding on Pidgeot at 9 am, I left Pummelo Island and finally arrived at Asia at 12 noon. The identity of Liang Ren, the god of the sea, Lugia spokesperson, has been known to the residents of the island through Flora.

When I first came to Asia, the islanders had a very friendly attitude towards Liang Ren. Now that they know that Liang Ren is the messenger of the sea god, the islanders’ attitude towards him has changed from respect Rise to worship.

With 50 million yuan used to create “Sun News” start-up funds to Flora, Liang Ren and Casey went directly to the Ice Island after having lunch on the island of Asia.

“Call ~ moment also the front sun in the sky, the next second exposure World of Ice and Snow, It feels so wonderful.”

warm wearing a pair of boots, Liang Ren The boat stopped behind, and Casey, who boarded the Ice Island first, stretched out his hand wearing a plush glove to catch a piece of falling Icirrus and exclaimed.

Although Liang Ren had already told Casey beforehand about his experience of cultivating on Ice Island.

However, the girl who landed on the island for the first time is still full of novelty about this small island shrouded in snow and ice all year round and everything on the island.

“Crunch~” The snow boots made a crunching sound when they stepped on the snow. Liang Ren tied the hand-skating canoe to a rock on the shore with a rope and walked over.

“The mainland has just entered winter, and didn’t expect to come to the warm southern islands. After not enjoying the warm and bright sunshine for a few days, it is now entering severe winter.”

“Well, regret it.” Liang Ren asked with a smile looking at the girl who was excited to catch the snow with her gloves.

When I heard Liang Ren’s words, Casey couldn’t help shook the head.

“I came out with Liang Ren this time, not with the mentality of traveling in the mountains, Water Sport and traveling.”

“I also want to see what kind of experience I can Let Liang Ren, you have a powerful strength far surpassing peers, and exercise yourself by the way,” said the girl.

“When the time comes, I surpassed you Liang Ren, maybe you will regret bringing me to this place.” Casey Ziban cracking a joke said.

“No, Casey, if you surpass me, I am too happy to be too late.” Liang Ren smiled.

“But Ice Island is really not suitable for Casey. You have two Pokémon training. Are you really sure you don’t stay in Asia Island?” Liang Ren asked.

“Liang Ren, you are only allowed to hone Pidgeot’s will in the bitter cold environment, can’t I use the environment here to exercise Sayuri and beautiful cold resistance?”

” Brother Liang Ren, don’t underestimate people.” After Casey finished speaking, he strode towards the island.

The ice island is not big. The terrain is high in the middle and low all around. In the middle is a steep and steep Great Snow Mountain. All around the flat areas are bare snowfields and sea of ​​woods.

Because of the existence of the Ice Altar, Ice Orb, and Articuno, there is snow all year round on the island, and even the outermost temperature remains constant at around seven or eight degrees below zero.

Just as he landed on the island, his body is as strong as Liang Ren, and he couldn’t help shrinking his neck. However, it was not the first time on the Ice Island. Liang Ren recovered quickly.

“Crunch…” Quickly ran a few steps to catch up with the girl’s footsteps, and Liang Ren had to decide where to go next.

“At night, the snowy field is windy and dangerous. Let’s go to the cedar forest to the west and set up camp.”

“The west is close to the island of fire, and the temperature is slightly higher. “Liang Ren said.

“Okay—” Casey didn’t have any experience in this kind of thing, so Liang Ren arranged it.

Lucario was released to open the way, and the two of them faced hu hu’s Dendemille, slowly crawling into the sea of ​​forest beside the bare snow field.

Find the leeward mountain col where he camped before, and the traces left at the time have already been buried by the wind and snow.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Lucario, the three of you come here to help.” When he arrived at the selected mountain col woodland, Liang Ren took out the tent road from the system warehouse.

“Beep Diao——”

“Ya Do——”

“ao 嗷——”

Three Pokémon nodded It’s not the first time to do this. The three Pokémons are very experienced.

“hu hu ~”

“crash-bang ……bang”

A slam Hurricane is used to remove the snow from a few cedar branches around the woodland Scrape it off, and then give Whirlwind the snow on the clearing.

Slowpoke used Confusion to control the tent bracket to stand up, and then combined it with the tent cloth. The final ground nail fixing work was completed easily by Liang Ren and Lucario.

In a short video, Liang Ren and his three Pokémon set up three tents on the woodland.

Two tents were used for people, and the other tent contained a huge wooden bath barrel.

In such a bitter cold environment, although the number of baths will be less than usual, it is necessary to take a bath. In this matter, girls should also be taken care of.

“Okay, it’s done.” After laying out heat-preserving mats and bedding, hanging a lamp on the top tent, Liang Ren patted his hand to put away the tools after the interior of the tent was arranged.

“Brother Liang Ren, the camp is set up, what are we going to do next, do we just start training?” Casey, who was sweeping the snow, put down his broom and asked.

“If you are training, let’s start tomorrow. Today, Casey, let your Pokémon get used to the environment.”

“We will go to Snow Mountain in a while. “Liang Ren said.

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