When Hippo King asked this, although he seemed very casual, he also seemed very relaxed.

In fact, Liang Ren caught a look of shock from the eyes of Hippo King.

As a vassal of Lugia, the god of the sea, I learned that the Unique Ability of Lugia I admired was analyzed by humans and made into TM for sale.

Hippo King is in a complex mood, shocked and disbelieved, but also has a strange sense of fear.

Before this, in the knowledge of Hippo King, human beings were just weak creatures that needed the power of Pokémon that’s all.

Detect Hippo King calmly concealed the shock, Liang Ren did not show too much pride.

“Compared with Pokemon, which can master supernatural powers, the power of the human body is very weak, but wisdom is also a kind of power.”

“As for the king of hippo, the master of Kusumotonen you said The synthesized “air blasting·pseudo” has a degree of reduction of real air blasting, which is actually not very high, or even less than one percent. “

“After all, with the current level of human science, even the knowledge of ordinary Pokémon has not been thoroughly studied. It is so easy to analyze the ability of the legendary Pokémon. “

Speaking of Liang Ren shook the head, Liang Ren is quite objective about this question.

When he heard Liang Ren’s answer, Hippo King was also nodded, and his heart hung high. The big rock that was moving finally landed.

“But the formidable power of the air blast used by Pidgeot just now is not weak. Why is that? “Thinking of and so on King Hippo, I asked Liang Ren again.

“Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the strength and momentum of the weather-strike pillar that Pidgeot hit just now has several points of Lord Lugia The smell of air blasting is displayed. “Articuno also said.

“Who said that Pidgeot just performed an air blast. “Liang Ren looked at Hippo King and Articuno with a funny expression.

Liang Ren’s tone even had a hint of hate iron for not becoming steel in it.

As if to say : “You two old ministers who have followed Lugia and don’t know how many years, you can’t even tell if it is a real air blast. “

“The reason why Pidgeot used the Ability formidable power and movement just now is so big, because Pidgeot used simply not the trick “Air Blast·False””

” This is a combo technique I developed based on the air blasting pseudo, called “God Air Strike”. “Looking at the two Lugia’s ministers in front of him, Liang Ren told the truth.

Hippo King:”. . . . . . “

Articuno: “. . . . . . “

“haha! ! “Looking at the dumbfounded expressions of Articuno and Hippo King, Liang Ren finally couldn’t help but laugh.

“In fact, there are two other combos like this in addition to “Shen Kong Strike”. The formidable power is no less than its combo skills, but Pidgeot has not yet mastered it. “Liang Ren confessed.

Getting this answer, the expressions of Hippo King and Articuno are a little weird and complicated.

“Liang Ren you brat…can be chosen as a human being by Lord Lugia Spokesperson of the world, my old hippo would like to call your innate talent the strongest! ! “Hippo King commented.



We chatted for two more words, and put the next sentence on’Next time to Asia I brought a cell phone to me when I was in West Asia.’ After that, the King of Hippo floated away like an expert in the world.

And Articuno, who stood still on the rock, took a deep look at Liang Ren and Pidgeot. Behind my eyes, I spread my wings and dived into the snow and returned to the Snow Mountain Heavenly Lake.

Although the two old ministers of Lugia, the god of the sea, have left, they were shocked by Liang Ren It will last for a long time.

Although the power of human beings is very weak, the wisdom of human beings is incomparable to most Pokémon.

And human beings have Heaven’s Chosen in some fields. What you do, even if you are as smart as Hippo King, you don’t know how many years you have lived, Old Monster will feel shocked and incredible.

Of course, the Heaven’s Chosen and Liang of some human fields mentioned here. Ren naturally can occupy a place in it.

After Hippo King and Articuno figure out why they left, Liang Ren and Pidgeot continue to start their training as if nothing had happened. .

Finding the second successful use of “God Air Strike”, and also with the burst of imposing manner power, Level also broke through Level 1.

This can be regarded as an unexpected harvest. It will be much easier whether it is to acquire the Ability proficiency of “God Air Strike” or to develop and learn the two unique skills of “Dragon God Strike and Destruction Strike”. .

After all, everything is difficult at the beginning, but as long as you successfully take the 1st Step, the following things will naturally be easier.


Pidgeot continued to train combo skills. Not to mention Liang Ren’s side, the camera turned to Casey’s side, but a very strange thing happened.

After separating from Liang Ren, Casey took two Pokémon alone to the snow training in the morning tap dancing. Didn’t expect to meet a cute Pokémon.

And it is not accidental to be able to meet, but this Pokémon is waiting for them here.

“Wow! So cute Snorunt.” Seeing the petite Pokémon squatting on a piece of dead wood and looking like a Yellow cone hat, the girl’s eyes lit up.

“Mi~” Snorunt, who had been waiting for more than two hours, suddenly showed a happy expression on his face when he saw the visitor.

Jumping off the dead tree trunk, Snorunt came to the center of the snow, where Casey and his two Pokémon practice tap dancing in the morning.

Stepping on the very shallow footprints covered only by Icirrus, Snorunt excitedly tapped Mimic in the morning with one person and two pets.

“Mi… Mi…” Although I came here in the morning and just hid in the bushes and watched for a while, but at this moment, Snorunt has to look good with Mimic. I can see that this Little Brat is very Have a talent for dancing.

“This is–!!!” At first, I didn’t understand what Snorunt was going to do, but when Snorunt tapped her in front of her, the girl was shocked and opened wide.

Although there are still not many questions that have not been figured out, there is one thing Casey is very sure in her heart, that is, this Snorunt loves to dance and has a very high talent for dancing.

“Mi~” jumped for a while, Snorunt concealed a happy smile, his expression collapsed, just when Casey was puzzled.

“Hoothoot…” Snorunt’s stomach made a hollow sound of Hoothoot. It turned out that Snorunt had been waiting for them to come back in the snow after one person and two pets left in the morning.

Because I was afraid of missing it, I had to endure not looking for lunch during the whole process. Now after a while, I feel a little hungry in my stomach.


“Mei Li——hehe~”

Lilligant looked at the embarrassment of Snorunt touching his stomach and face. And Bellossom couldn’t help but let out a silver bell-like laughter.

But Casey didn’t laugh, but hurriedly took out a citrus from his small bag and walked forward, squatting down and handing it to Snorunt.

“You are hungry, eat a blue orange.” Casey said with a gentle smile.

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