“Casey~You are.” The girl just subdued Snorunt, but she yelled twice but she didn’t get a response. Liang Ren also relied on Lucario’s Aura search to find it.

As soon as he came out of the bushes filled with snow, Liang Ren just saw Casey subdue Snorunt.

“Brother Liang Ren, I have received the new Pokemon.” Hearing the voice of the people behind, the girl turned around and raised the Poké Ball in her hands with joy.

“This Snorunt will be selected by you. It seems that it has a very high talent for dancing. Is it “Dolan” or “Dolan”? “Liang Ren smiled and asked casually.

Dolan and Dolan are the euphemisms of Pokemon’s gender in Kanto Region Pokémon professional circles. These two words are based on Nidoran♀ and Nidoran♂. It was created by a species of Pokémon.

Dolan represents the female “♀”, and Duolan represents the male “♂”.

It is very impolite to ask Pokémon’s gender with words like male, female, male and female, because after being subjugated, Pokémon is not an animal, but a close companion with the trainer.

Of course, different regions have different questioning methods, and sometimes they use personification to ask whether they are boys or girls, but no matter how you ask, the spiritual core of respect for Pokémon remains the same.

“Is a lively’girl’. In the morning, Sayuri and I were attracted by the beautiful training. At noon we went back to have lunch, but she stayed in the snow and sat and waited for us. I haven’t left for several hours.”

“I see that he likes to dance, and also has a very high innate talent in this area, so I invited him to join during training in the afternoon.”

“Originally, I wanted to wait for a few days to get along, and wait for everyone to get closer together before submitting to accept it. I didn’t expect that Little Brat would be willing to go with me today. I also felt a little surprised about this.” Casey explained.

“But this is a good thing, isn’t it?” Liang Ren asked back, and he was really happy for the girl to accept the new Pokémon.

As an introductory on the career path, and a mature cognitive system has been formed in the acquisition and breeding of Pokémon, it is a very important thing for such a trainer to acquire the new Pokémon.

Only Pokémon who really meets the requirements and can impress him with certain aspects of innate talent will he throw the ball and win.

Otherwise Liang Ren now has more than six Pokemons “Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, Monarch Snake, and Dratini”, and Casey has more than two Pokemons.

After all, cultivating and training Pokémon requires not only a lot of time and energy, but also a lot of resources.

If you accept too many Pokemon, the average person will not only not be able to take care of it, but also simply can’t afford it. However, with Snorunt, Casey’s subordinates have only three Pokémons in total, so the pressure is not great.

“If you are a girl, you can use Dawn Stone to evolve into Froslass of Ice+Ghost Type in the future, so cultivate it.” Liang Ren encouraged.

“Yeah, I’ll work hard.” Looking down at the Poké Ball in her hand, the girl seriously nodded.

The two of them carried their sports bags and moved towards the Cedarwood Camp.

After returning to the camp, the two did not immediately start making dinner, but walked towards the other side of the cedar forest with a small bucket.

The sky is freezing on the Ice Island, and the sea near the island is also frozen into ice, but the side near the Fire Island is an exception.

Although it is still cold here, the sea is not at all frozen into ice, and the Beach is still visible.

“hua hua…” The sea breeze bursts, the waves are surging, the waves rush to the Beach one after another, and then drag the white Bubble tail, slowly backing away.

Normally no humans will come to the island at all, and no one will come to this beach. The same goes for Wild Pokémon on the island, but today this quiet beach welcomes a few patrons.

Pidgeot carries the Monarch Snake, Lilligant, Bellossom, and Snorunt, who has just been subdued by Casey’s son, on the Fly at sea.

Liang Ren, Casey and Lucario, each carrying a brightly colored small plastic bucket, came to the beach to pick up all kinds of marine goods washed ashore by the waves.

“Wow! Liang Ren, I picked up a lobster~” The girl had bright eyes, carrying a small bucket, wearing gloves and holding pliers, she found one on the wet beach. Lobster.

“ao wailing—I found a crab!!” Lucario shook his head with joy, his tail swept around behind him.

“Not bad. Pick them up. I’ll go back and cook you a seafood dinner.” Looking at the happy girl and Lucario, Liang Ren who has been training all day, his mood has also changed at this moment. Very relaxed.

Although this unfrozen beach is not long, after the tide has subsided, all kinds of marine products and seafood are everywhere on the beach.

Compared to the previous blue star Earth, Pokémon world has a much larger area. The ocean is so vast that I don’t know how big it is, and the ecological environment is well protected without being polluted.

Whether it is land or sea, all kinds of resources are also exceptionally rich, just like the marine goods washed up on the beach after low tide.

Various types of shrimps, snails, crabs, shells, as well as some rare marine fish, seaweeds and kelp…

On the beach of more than 20 meters, bursts of joy and laughter In exclaiming, Casey and Lucario picked up a bucket full of seafood within a short while.

Prying oysters and mussels Liang Ren on the reef not far away with a prying knife, he even picked up several abalones and anemones in the crevices of the reef, even from a rotten ship board Received a large pile of precious gooseneck barnacles.

Because this kind of seafood requires very high quality of seawater, the number of blue stars has been very scarce in the past life, almost reaching the endangered level.

Liang Ren didn’t expect that he was so lucky that he was able to pick up such rare marine ingredients.

“Xiaolu, Casey, let’s go back. After picking up so many marine products, it seems that we are lucky tonight.” Liang Ren held a small bucket full of marine products in both hands, excitedly moved towards one person, one pet and said.

“ao wailing–I picked up a lot of prawns and I have tempura to eat in the evening.” Lucario was very happy carrying the keg, and even forgot the exhaustion after a whole day of training.

“Okay, I have been training hard today. I will make whatever you want to eat for a while.” Liang Ren promised, also patting his chest.


Grilled prawns with garlic, grilled oysters with garlic, tempura, steamed crabs, stir-fried razor clams, clam chowder, rice noodles…

The firewood burned and made a crackle, and the fire light reflected the girl’s red-looking pretty face. The two foodies, Pidgeot and Lucario, surrounded Liang Ren, and their saliva could not help but flow out.

Cooked smoke curls, and the aroma of food diffuses in the woods and snowfields with the night breeze. A small portion of the seafood picked up in the evening is processed, and the entire table is filled.

Just when Liang Ren, Casey, and Pidgeot, Lucario, the foodie brother, were about to start eating, suddenly there was an angry roar from Sky.

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