The Third Rank training was extended by Liang Ren along the original plan, because after the monarch snake awakened the power of the Water Type, he realized the “Water Pledge” which is a combination of the’exclusive to the royal three’.

Combined moves are also known as natural combo skills in Pokémon professional circles. They do not need to train family members to dig out their minds for the combination. “Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, and Grass Pledge” are inherently connected to each other.

Two of the two different Pokémon use, Ability, can be naturally combined into formidable power, a more amazing combo.

The initial Ability formidable power of a single pledge Ability is defined as 80 in academia, and the damage after pairwise combination will reach a terrifying 150.

The combination of “Water Pledge + Fire Pledge”, use the combined attack of the water Fire Type, your own field will become [Rainbow], and the additional effects of your own moves will become easier to appear.

The combination of “Fire Pledge + Grass Pledge”, use a combined attack of the fire grass Attribute, the opponent’s field becomes [fire sea], and Pokemon other than Fire Type suffers burns every round.

The combination of “Grass Pledge + Water Pledge”, use a combined attack of the waterweed Attribute, the opponent’s field becomes [Wetland], and the Pokemon speed becomes 1/4 of the original.

The monarch snake realized the ability of Water Pledge, plus the identity of the monarch snake Unova Grass Type and the current balance of the two attributes of the water and grass.

Liang Ren’s Third Rank training for the Sovereign Snake is to learn the “Grass Pledge” and complete the “Water Pledge + Grass Pledge”, which is an independent display of the combined ability.

The initial damage of 150, coupled with reducing the opponent’s movement speed by 1/4, this attracts terror output and deceleration control effect in one body Ability, meaning for the monarch snake.

It is not lower than the meaning of “Shen Air Strike, Dragon Strike, Destruction Strike” to Pidgeot.

Understanding the pros and cons, after awakening the power of Water Type bloodline, and after training for a period of time to balance the power of the two attributes within the body, the monarch snake focused on learning the Grass Pledge and completing the combo technique. Training.

However, learning Grass Pledge does not require the monarch snake to comprehend it. Liang Ren went directly to the Kanto Alliance intranet and logged in as the Director of the Pokémon Inspection Bureau, and then he directly received this TM for free.


Compared with the monarch snake with shedding body and exchanging bones, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario and Dratini have made great progress.

Little Dratini just hatched not very long, so not at all to take part in the special training. After arriving on Ice Island, he basically stayed in the baby ball except when he was eating.

The reason why I mentioned little Dratini that it has made a lot of progress in this more than a month is because in addition to eating, eating, sleeping and sleeping every day, Little Brat has also begun to moult.

For more than a month, Dratini shed her skin four times, basically every other week.

This is also why Liang Ren said that the little Dratini, whose presence has been declining since he came to the island, has made great progress.

Although it is rarely noticed, Little Brat has actually been growing up secretly.

“Dratini, you are great too~” At the Cedarwood Camp, watching Dratini shed another time and his body became stronger again, Liang Ren couldn’t help but encourage him.

“Euyou——” The oval white nose arched Liang Ren’s hand. Little Dratini was very happy to be praised.

【Dratini 】♂

Level: LV.8

Attribute: Dragon

Character: brave, bold

< p>Features: molting, magical scales

Stamina: 51【C】Green

Attack: 74【C】

Defense: 55【C】

Special Attack: 60【C】

Special Defense: 60【C】

Speed: 60【C】

Comprehensive: 360

Ability ———

“Low Level”: Wrap, Leer, Twister

“Genetic”: Dragon Rage, Outrage, Draco Meteor


“Okay, now that you have shed your skin four times in more than a month and have grown up so much, then you can’t stay in the baby ball anymore, Little Brat I can’t sleep in anymore.”

“Although you don’t need to train for the time being, you still have to stay outside the baby ball and accompany me to supervise Pidgeot’s training, you know?”

Liang Ren touched the size of a finger on Dratini’s forehead, and said with a white bulge like a bone.

After Dratini evolves into Dragonair, this white bulge will become a tiny white unicorn, which is like an antenna. Help Dragonair perceives and manipulates natural weather.

However, for Dratini to evolve into Dragonair, the Level must reach at least LV.30 or so. For Dratini, who currently only has LV.Level 8, there is still a long section of the road to walk.

In the Dratini stage alone, the mature Dratini has an average weight of 3.3kg and a body length of 1.8m.

The little Dratini, who has shed her skin four times, weighs only 2.7kg and has a body length of only 1.4m. Although it has not fully matured yet, it has at least escaped its incubation period.

This is also a major reason why Liang Ren at first allowed Dratini to stay in Poké Ball all day, but first asked him to stay outside during training during the day.

As the heir of the champion-level Dragonite, the starting point of Dratini is much higher than that of other Pokémon in the team. In order not to waste Dratini’s innate talent, Liang Ren’s requirements are much stricter than Lucario’s childhood .

Careful and treat yourself, and then become a flower in the greenhouse. For a young Dratini with such a high innate talent, this is what Liang Ren does not want to see.

“Euyou——(·ᯅ·) snow~snow~, the wind is blowing, I’m so afraid of the cold {{{(_)}}}.” Dratini shook his head vigorously and made a Shaking motion.

“How can a man be afraid of the cold, Dratini, you have to believe in yourself, you can.” Liang Ren did not care about Dratini’s refusal, and squeezed his fist in a cheering gesture to encourage him.

“Pidgeot-come on (՞ਊ՞) small dragon, you can do it.”

“Ya duo-(͒˶´⚇`˵)͒ Yes, you must Yes.”

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎small dragon, your brother, when I went to the Ice Island, this was only your size. At that time, I was nothing I am not afraid of the cold. I skating, skiing, making snowmen, and snowball fights. I even dared to jump into the sea to catch crabs.”

“As a little man, if he can’t overcome even a little cold, what will happen in the future? Become a powerful warrior!!!”

“Ticket–small dragon, come on, Beibei believes in you.”

“Wum–small dragon is the best, Qingqing sister I believe you too.”

I didn’t make up my mind when I heard Liang Ren encouraging Dratini, but when the five big brother elder sisters also encouraged him, Dratini suddenly felt a fire in his chest, a surge of surging Fierce fighting spirit suddenly rose from my heart.

“Eh~Euyou!! The small~small dragon is not afraid of the cold. Since the owner and the big brother elder sister think that small dragon is fine, then the small dragon must be fine.” Dratini shouted vigorously. .

“ao 嗷——small dragon is good, in order to show your ambition, you eat this small ball of snow, Brother Gou eats a big ball.”

“Bang ~” Lucario hit the tree trunk with his fist, his other hand struck out like lightning, catching a ball of falling snow, and when he opened his hand again, the falling snow in his hand had been rubbed into two Snowballs of different sizes.

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