“Boom–” In the sky, Pidgeot, who had defeated the’big Pidgeot’, suddenly burst into a terrifying imposing manner.

After the floating cloud on sky by Levitate was affected, it was also shattered and annihilated by this terrifying aura.

“After defeating’Big Pidgeot’, I got rid of the obsession, and then the strength breakthrough?” Looking at the majestic Pidgeot in the sky, Liang Ren’s face also appeared after a moment of consternation. Smile of joy.


【Pidgeot 】♂

Level :LV.55

Attribute :Flying 、Normal

Character: arrogant, Defiant

Features: Keen Eye, strong pectoral muscles

Will: [Burning Zhi Zhizhi]

Physical strength: 91【 C] Blue

Attack: 120 [B] Purple

Defense: 65 [C]

Special attack: 110 [B] Purple

Special defense: 65[C]

Speed: 150[A]Red

Comprehensive: 601[Max]

Ability ———


Grab, Peck, Tackle, Scythe, Aerial Ace, Divine Bird, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Lie Hurricane, Air Slash, Steel Wings, Dragon Claws~

Wing flapping, high-altitude attack, Dragon Pulse, air blast, ultimate impact, Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush ~

Shen air strike, dragon strike, destruction strike~

< p>“Speed”: Downwind, Juggling, Spark Flash, Agility, Double Team

“Supplement”: Substitute, Minimize, Whirlwind, Roost, Foresight, Flying Sand Feet, Sunny Day, Black Eyes, Feather Dance, Mirror Move, Refresh


When I arrived on the Ice Island more than a month ago, Pidgeot was looking for the feeling for the second time of “God Air Strike” When it was cast, the breakthrough reached LV.54

At this moment Liang Ren called the Pidgeot Attribute panel, and the Pidgeot Level data column had indeed been upgraded from LV.54 to LV.Level 55.

“Elite realm has a huge power gap every Level 1, and it has been continuously improved by two levels for more than a month. Pidgeot’s breakthrough speed can be considered unique among professional trainers. “

Waving a hand to close the Attribute panel, watching Pidgeot landed with hu hu flapping its wings, Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction.

“Dagger Eagle~” Seeing this little fellow of the same clan slowly descend, the big Pidgeot let out an exclamation, his eyes were full of panic and fear, without the fierceness and arrogance of at first.

“Beep Eagle~” Pidgeot landed next to Liang Ren, not at all paying attention to Pidgeot’s reaction.

Use the most solemn attitude to win this revenge battle. Now Pidgeot has no interest in this oversized comrade, because the other party has nothing to arouse its interest.

However, compared with Pidgeot’s carelessness, Liang Ren is full of interest in this super huge Pidgeot, in other words, he is full of interest in its secrets.

“Pidgeot, you can ask it for me, why does it have such a huge body now?” Liang Ren turned his head and said to Pidgeot.

“Beep Diao—good boss, I’ll help you ask it.” Pidgeot nodded, hearing Liang Ren’s question, Pidgeot was also curious.



Pidgeot asked’big Pidgeot’ the question of Liang Ren, as if this question is something secret ,’Big Pidgeot’ hesitated, and some didn’t want to answer.

However, under the pressure of the Elite imposing manner released by Pidgeot,’Big Pidgeot’ finally succumbed to Pidgeot’s lewdness and said everything Liang Ren wanted to know.

“Sure enough, this Pidgeot has such a huge size. It really is not the Innate factor and the reason that the food is too abundant. It is a coincidence that he ate some kind of heavenly materials and earthly treasures?”


Pidgeot translated from the side, Liang Ren also learned the secret.

Most birds have the habit of migrating regularly with the seasons. The’big Pidgeot’ in front of us was originally just a very common Pidgey in a forest of Kanto mainland.

About five years ago, this Pidgey followed his ethnic group to migrate to the warm orange islands in the south. As a result, he encountered a huge storm on the way and then the same ethnic group separated and settled on this small island.

When I woke up stomach rumbling with hunger, I searched the whole island, and finally it found a plant on a sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces in the center of the island.

The plant bears two jujube-sized fruits, one of which is yellow and orange, and the other is light azure on its skin.

Pidgey ate the yellow one, and when he was about to eat the green one, suddenly fell to the ground and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept before waking up. After waking up, Pidgey has no idea when it evolved into Pidegeotto. After that, the strength and strength increased greatly and the body grew bigger and bigger.

When he evolved into Pidgeot, his body size increased again. Although he did not grow wildly after evolution, his overall body size had reached the size that Liang Ren had seen.

“Growth’s bizarre plant on sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces bears two green and yellow fruits. After the yellow one was eaten by Pidgey, not only did it grow bigger and stronger, It has also grown all the way to the quasi-Elite Top Rank.”

“It seems that the fruit of this strange plant should be a great treasure.” Liang Ren rubbed his chin and thought.

“Pidgeot, please help me ask it again, where is that plant? Besides the yellow fruit, isn’t there a green-skinned fruit~”

“Did the green-skin fruit later be picked and eaten by it?” Liang Ren asked Pidgeot as if thinking something.

“Beep Diao…”

“Dagger Diao…”

Tell Liang Ren’s question to’Big Pidgeot’, soon’Big Pidgeot’ ‘With a reluctant expression on his face, he hesitated and gave an answer that surprised Liang Ren.

“Beep Eagle—Boss, this guy said that when he woke up after eating the yellow-skinned fruit, when he wanted to eat the green-skinned fruit, his body instinctively had a strong sense of rejection. “

“As if eating the yellow-skinned fruit and then eating the green-skin, not only won’t get any benefits, but it will be poisoned, so the last one-green-skin fruit is not at all eaten.”

“This guy built his nest on the cliff next to the strange plant. After that, it was protected by it and no Pokémon approached. Boss, you are also the first human to come to this island.”

“And this guy also said that when we went to the island for the first time, after I was defeated by it, the reason why it continued to chase us for more than two hours was because of the fear that the strange plant would be discovered.”

Pidgeot translated the words of’Big Pidgeot’ and forwarded it to him. Liang Ren realized that there was such a secret behind the huge Pidgeot chasing and killing it.

“No matter what, it has been defeated by you now, plus it still killed us at the beginning, and it doesn’t eat that green fruit.”

“reasonable in every circumstance, whether as a spoils of war or as compensation for chasing us down, that strange plant and the remaining green-skinned fruit are ours.”

“Pidgeot, let it take us there The location of that strange plant.” Liang Ren said.



Although he was unwilling in every possible way, but under the threat of Pidgeot, the’big Pidgeot’ finally nodded and agreed to take Liang Ren passed.

“hu hu ~”

‘Big Pidgeot’ leads the way, while Liang Ren rides Pidgeot behind, two Pidgeot one after the other moved towards the middle of the island Fly away from Heavenly Pillar Peak.

“Pidgeot, Lucario, Sovereign Snake, you will stare at that guy for a while, and beware of her rushing over the wall and ruining the exotic plant and the green fruit.”

Pidgeot backs Up, Liang Ren whispered to the three pets instructed.

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