The fake fruit has a saffron color and an attractive fruity fragrance. The real fruit has a green skin and no Fragrance. Eating fake fruit will not only lose the affinity for the wind, but will also end the way forever, while eating both the real and the fake The fruit can also be poisoned.

Although Liang Ren suffocated for a long time before uttering an adjective, he has to say that he described it very appropriately. The spirit of Spirit Tree is indeed very’insidious and vicious’.

“Beep eagle!!” Just when Liang Ren was stunned to check the system to give the wind spirit fruit comment, Pidgeot suddenly screamed to wake up Liang Ren.

Liang Ren looked up and saw that the wind spirit Berry Tree with Growth at the top of the crevice of the cliff suddenly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye after the fruit was picked.

In the end, it was like being burned by a fire, turning into a handful of Black ashes and dissipating.

“This…I also said to dig down the remaining plants to make potted plants and place them in my Xiangshan Villa.” Looking at the disappeared wind spirit Berry Tree Liang Ren, he looked a little regretful.

Of course, this is just a talk.

With Liang Ren’s cautious character, how could such a tree that he has labelled as sinister and vicious, dare to make a potted plant and put it in the house? The ghost knows if it will be poisonous.

“It’s okay to dissipate like this.” Liang Ren nodded said, looking at the Spirit Tree, the wind that didn’t even leave a leaf.

Attention turned away from Feng Spirit Tree and Feng Lingguo, Liang Ren looked at the big Pidgeot in the stone crack lair, and came here today just to help Pidgeot resolve the knot.

The revenge battle is over. The big Pidgeot chased and killed him for more than two hours at the time. A precious “Wind Spirit Fruit” was enough to resolve him, and the remaining Liang Ren had no reason to be embarrassed.

But looking at the super huge Pidgeot, the five-meter-long terrifying body and the strength of the quasi-Elite Top Rank, although the fake fruit of the Wind Spirit Tree is used, the strength will no longer be able to break through in the future.

But as a Wild Pokémon, it is very rare to have such strength.

Even in the circle of professional trainers, the Quasi Elite Top Rank is already very powerful. After all, not everyone is like him on the basis of rich knowledge, experience and resources. Own system cheat.

Don’t talk about the quasi-Elite level, the normal trainer is breed. An elite level trainer is choking. It is precisely because of this that Liang Ren feels a pity to leave like this.

Although he already has an Elite Pidgeot under him, if he doesn’t accept it, his eldest brother Momoa, Casey, and Daisuke can accept it.

It really doesn’t work. Wouldn’t it be fragrant to leave it to the old man to guard the medicine ingredients greenhouse or as a ride Pokémon? After all, such a domineering Pidgeot.

Liang Ren who had thoughts in his heart, the eyes looking towards’Big Pidgeot’ suddenly became very kind and close, and a smile appeared on his cold expression.

“Big Pidgeot, because of Fengling Berry Tree, you have stayed on this deserted island and never left. Now that Fengling Berry Tree is gone, what do you plan to do next?”

“Pidgeot, translate it for me~” said Pidgeot, who was riding under Liang Ren patted.

“Beep carving…”

“Dagger carving…”

Pidgeot asked on his behalf and watched the strange plants he had guarded for many years. As a handful of ashes disappeared, Big Pidgeot has not come back to his senses at this moment.

Faced with Liang Ren’s question, Pidgeot thought for a while, but didn’t know how to arrange it for a while.

Liang Ren did not immediately give his advice. Instead, he stepped into the big Pidgeot’s nest in the rock, took out the medicine, helped the big Pidgeot treat the wound, and gave it some recovery. food.

Liang Ren’s action really gained a lot of favorability in Big Pidgeot.

Although it was not Liang Ren that wounded it and took away the wind spirit fruit, it was Pidgeot, but Pidgeot was Liang Ren’s Pokemon, but the big Pidgeot obviously did not dare to struggle too much on this issue.

“There is nothing on this deserted island. Now there is no strange plant to guard. I believe you will leave soon.”

“But you are huge The body shape is too eye-catching. If it is discovered by humans outside, I think there will be countless trainers coming to track and conquer you.”

“I don’t know if you have thought about it. Continue to live the life of Wild Pokémon, eating and sleeping, or find a trainer to rely on, and live a life of spreading his mouth to stretch out his hands every day?” Liang Ren touched the feathers behind Pidgeot’s neck.

“The dagger…”

I heard Liang Ren analyze that it will be chased by many human trainers after going out, and at the same time asked if it wants to continue to be Wild Pokémon still wants to find a human trainer for himself.

If it was asked by other humans, it is estimated that it will flap its wings directly. By the way, “mind your own business, believing or not tear you.”

However, It was Liang Ren who asked it, but Pidgeot had to seriously think about this question.

Five years ago, it was still living in the forest close to the human city. It was not very repulsive to humans. Even after one of its partners was subdued by humans, it was full of yearning for the human world. .

Later, I encountered a storm while migrating and fell on this deserted island. It has been so long unconsciously, and now I am leaving the deserted island.

Whether it will continue to be a Wild Pokémon, or follow a human trainer like a little friend before, Pidgeot does not know.

But remembering the happy and happy expression that the little friend once saw when he went for a drive back to the forest, he found that he still had a good yearning for entering the life of the human world.

“Beep Eagle-Boss, the big guy said that he wants to find himself a trainer, he wants to enter the human world life.” Pidgeot helped translate.

“Since you want to find a human trainer to follow, that would be great, but it is also a human trainer. Different people have different personalities and behaviors.”

“And here I happen to have a few very good personalities recommended to you, but before you make a selection, I want to ask you.”

“You want to follow professional trainers to often participate in the battle What? Or follow an amateur trainer and don’t have to fight often?” Liang Ren asked.

“Dagger Eagle-it would be best to follow a professional trainer who often fights. Apart from eating Rest, my only hobby is fighting.”

In Pidgeot With the help of the translation, Pidgeot, who understands Liang Ren’s words, also gave his choice.

Although it is not clear when it agreed to choose from the training home recommended by the young man, this is not the point.

“Okay, in that case, let me ask you a question.” Liang Ren, who got a reply from Pidgeot, took out his mobile phone, pulled out the address book, and dialed a call.

Considering the closeness and estrangement of the relationship, it is naturally the best that the fertility does not flow out of the field, so Liang Ren first called his Old Brother.

“I’m stupid but kawaii Odoudou, why are you calling me to Old Brother?” The call was connected, and the voice of the eldest brother Mumu Momoji came from the other end of the phone.

“Old Brother, have you drunk?” Hearing what his elder brother called him, Liang Ren raised his forehead and asked in a speechless voice.

“The learning task for this semester was finally completed. I accidentally drank a little wine when I went out for dinner with the guy Xuetu in the morning, burp~ pa pa pa!!!”

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