“Whether it is me, Xiaoqing, or the current small dragon, when we were not strong at first, the master big brother would put us outside the baby ball and bring us by.”

“The master big brother will tell us a lot of things. When Hooligan blocked the road, what the master big brother said is——

‘in this world, there are good people and bad people. Always be friendly, but if there are bad people who intend to do something to harm us, we don’t need to be too polite to them’

‘Alliance enacted laws to protect the interests of good citizens from infringement , Not a shelter used by the wicked to do bad things, so you don’t need to talk to them about the laws and rules in everything.”

“That’s what the big brother said.” Lucario replied.

“When dealing with bad people, shouldn’t you behave according to the standard of treating good people?” Casey is a very smart girl, she was looking thoughtful after hearing what Lucario said.

Recall the Hooligan who just thought about Snatch her Dawn Stone. A Dawn Stone worth millions is not a big deal to her family, but what if Hooligan grabbed someone else?

I worked so hard to save a sum of money, tried my best to find a channel, and finally bought it. However, a street gangster used military force to give Snatch.

If you think about it, Casey can realize the despair, and she also understands that using the power of Pokémon to do bad things like the one she encountered just now should never be forgiven.

“Treat bad people, you really shouldn’t be too polite.” After understanding this truth, Casey suddenly became more relaxed.


Liang Ren didn’t know what happened on Casey’s side at the moment. After coming out of Pokémon Center, he took a taxi to the Central Business District in the inner periphery of the island. Area.

At this moment, in a high-end office building whose exterior walls are all glass, Liang Ren is sitting in a spacious and bright office discussing matters.

This is the headquarters of the “Sun News” company. The Pokémon world corporate law is somewhat different from the previous life. Although Liang Ren invested and occupied 90% of the company’s equity, it could not be disclosed to the outside world.

The company’s employees and outsiders don’t know the actual relationship between Liang Ren and this company. They only know that Flora is the person in charge of the company’s on the surface.

“Orange Alliance has appointed my sister to be the Gym Leader of Mandolin Gym, the messenger… Liang Ren Junior Brother, what you said on the phone made the “Sun News” company famous in the Orange Islands And what is the plan to stand firm? “

The one sitting across from Liang Ren is Flora. With the start-up capital of 50 million yuan provided by Liang Ren, this news media company has been established and has begun to operate.

< p>Weibo community, bilibiliTynamo and other video sites have all verified the company’s official account. Everyday all will push graphics and video content online in the form of “Sun Daily”.

Because the company has just been established and its reputation has not yet opened up, the data feedback of the company’s “Sun Daily” in various channels is not ideal.

Aurora is not surprised by this result, because this is a dilemma that any new company will face, or a test.

But after hearing Liang Ren say that he has a plan here, the Sun Daily News of the Sun News Company can quickly gain popularity within the Orange Islands and occupy a portion of the market share, Flora also seemed a little excited. .

“Not bad.” Liang Ren nodded.

“As a news media company, if it can consistently output high-quality and very eye-catching news content, it will naturally be remembered by everyone.”

“This Of course I understand the truth, but it is not easy to dig out enough attractive news content.” Flora took a sip of the white porcelain coffee cup in her hand.

“I’m here today, isn’t it just to provide you with exclusive news content.” Liang Ren mysterious smiled.

“Oh! The messenger…Liang Ren Junior Brother, what do you mean by the exclusive news?” Flora eyes shined, her face full of curiosity.

“As soon as the Orange Alliance was established, the Gym and the competition system are also undergoing reforms. Previously, the Orange Alliance asked me to discuss reform issues, and I also gave a set of plans…”

< p>“The four Southern Cross Gyms and the Orange Winner Cup will also be reserved, and at most half a month, the eleven Orange Alliance Gyms will be officially opened.”

“I am Kanto The director of the Alliance Pokémon Inspection Bureau, the proponent of the Orange Alliance Gym and the reform plan of the competition system, the Orange Alliance temporarily authorized me as a special inspector.”

“After half a month, wait for the Orange Alliance Gym to officially open Later, I will review the work of the eleven Orange Alliance Gyms as an inspector, and challenge as a challenger.”

“Gather all the seven new Gyms from Big Dipper plus any one. The Badge of the Southern Cross Gym can participate in the Orange Alliance Conference;

On the basis of Big Dipper’s seven gyms, all the Badge of the Southern Cross Gym can participate in the special after the end of the Orange Alliance Conference. Conference: “Winner’s Cup”. “

“This time because the Orange Alliance Gym has just opened, the Alliance Conference will not be held next year, but because I will evaluate the Gym, I will eventually challenge the eleven Gyms one by one. “

“If I can gather eleven Gym Badge, then I am eligible to participate in the Winners Cup. “

“So theoretically, I will be the last challenger of the “Winner Cup” in the traditional Orange Islands tournament and the first contestant of the “Orange Alliance Conference”. “

“The Sun News Company used this gimmick as a news topic, and carried out an exclusive follow-up report on the entire process of the special contestant’s challenge to Gym and the eventual participation in the tournament on the Sun Daily. You said the Orange Islands Will residents be interested in this news? “

Liang Ren finished the plan, took a sip of the coffee, looked at Flora with a smile and asked.

“”Orange Winner Cup “The last challenger, “Orange Alliance Conference” first contestant. “

“An exclusive follow-up report on this particular contestant on the Sun Daily. “

“His! ! “After reading the plan carefully, Flora opened her eyes wide and looked at Liang Ren in shock.

As a news media person, Flora has a keen sense of smell for hot news. The news that Liang Ren just mentioned is really fascinating.

Especially the last challenger of the “Orange Winners Cup” and the first contestant of the “Orange Alliance Conference”.

This news entry point and topic gimmick is really amazing, Flora thinks that the young man in front of her is a natural media person.

If Liang Ren is willing to move from behind the scenes to the front desk, he will have full control over the operation of “Sun News”.

I believe that within a few years this new company will become a Mega Media company known as Pokémon world, just like Liang Ren himself.

“Huh…this plan is really great.” Flora took a deep breath and sighed as she looked at Liang Ren.

In fact, there is still some content in the plan just now.

In addition to the last challenger of the “Orange Winners Cup”, the first contestant of the “Orange Alliance Conference”.

If this particular contestant is recently popular on the Internet, Kanto Johto, Orange Islands are well-known, and even the famous Celebrity trainer Mumu Liang Ren in the entire Pokémon world~

That…tsk tut

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