


Liang Ren who was cooking dinner next to him, casually caught a glimpse of Casey One of the Pokémon released by the child, his expression was stunned.

“Casey~Your Snorunt has evolved into Froslass!!” Liang Ren asked in surprise.

“On the way to Feeding Street at noon, Snorunt wanted to play with a tambourine from my bag. After accidentally touching Dawn Stone, he finally evolved.”

Liang Ren was worried for her. Casey told a little lie and did not disclose the fact that he was blocked by the Snatch Dawn Stone in the park.

However, Liang Ren didn’t doubt that Snorunt in the First Rank segment didn’t have much room for training. The Level reached LV.30 evolution, and the foundation was considered very solid.

Attention was transferred to what he was doing. Pidgeot went to Asia Island and Ice Island, and brought Slowpoke and Cloyster back. Liang Ren also finished his dinner.

After a week of high-intensity training, Liang Ren, Casey and Pokémon all gave themselves two days off to relax.

Two days later, Liang Ren and his subordinate Pokémon have started a new stage of special training.

But unlike before, in addition to the Monarch Serpent and Lucario, Casey has also moved over to accompany him this time.

Not only Casey and her three Pokémon, but after more than a week of anti-cold training, Dratini also officially returned to the team.

For this Little Brat, Liang Ren currently does not at all plan to arrange formal training for it.

Although I am very envious of seeing a few big brother elder sisters training in a frenzy every day, Liang Ren, as a trainer, still hopes to give little Dratini a childhood.

As a child of champion Dragonite, the innate talent of the young Dratini is definitely cream of the crop.

The slow growth rate of Dragon Type Pokemon is actually an illusion. The reason is that Dragon Type bloodline is too powerful. It takes a long time to exercise and accumulate for each level 1 increase.

In previous Pokémon’s various game works, Dragon Type Pokemon has a longer experience bar and requires more EXP per liter Level 1 than Pokemon with other attributes of the same level. It can be seen.

The strong accumulation in exchange for the almost invincible strength of the same level, this can be regarded as a kind of compensation for the Dragon Type Pokémon.

But this “slow growth” is not absolute. The training of the trainer will accelerate the growth of Pokémon, not to mention Liang Ren also has the cheat of system.

Through the battle, you can pick up experience fog groups and Attribute coins. Compared with the “Exp. Share” level-level items in the previous game, I don’t know how much stronger it is.

So for the training of little Dratini, Liang Ren is not in a hurry. After Little Brat sheds a few more times to grow up, he will consider letting Dratini start training.

Of course, this decision was made, and another reason is that Pidgeot, Lucario, and the training of the first and second teams of the first and second teams have not yet ended, and he is a little too busy for the time being.

The Pokémon innate talents in the hands of other trainers are limited, and they often encounter bottleneck or the growth ceiling, so the trainer will have time to acquire the new Pokémon breed.

The potential of Pokémon’s innate talents like Liang Ren is very high. Since the day of acceptance, the strength has been able to maintain a steady growth and almost nothing.

“Perhaps this is the trouble that his Pokémon innate talent is too high.” Liang Ren secretly laughed and teased himself.

At the end of the two-day break, Liang Ren started training again.

Cloyster is still returning to Ice Island to accept Articuno’s Coaching. As Cloyster with the shallowest ability pool in the team, Liang Ren has no plans to help him learn more new capabilities.

As a pure ice attribute Pokémon, strong personal ability has almost made up for the shortcomings of Attribute.

Keep the power within the body purely on the path of extreme ice, plus the power of meteorological authority gained from the ice orb during the evolution.

Cloyster is even more advantageous than Slowpoke and Pidgeot in the breakthrough champion’s understanding of nature.

Now Articuno conducts Coaching, and Cloyster’s understanding of meteorological authority and Nature Power is continuously deepening.

Although it has just broken through the Elite level, Cloyster has actually been ahead of Pidgeot and Slowpoke for the impact championship level.

Cloyster went back to Great Snow Mountain, the island of ice, and Slowpoke returned to the sea cliff altar of Asia.

Following the Senior of Hippo King, Slowpoke has more subtle and subtle control over his own Psychic, and the wisdom king inheritance obtained from the Holy Crown is also continuously integrated with it.

Slowpoke has gained a lot of insights from the four tricks of wisdom king, inheritance Ability, “fortune telling the future, predicting the enemy’s first chance, predicting wisdom, and Star Realm greater teleportation.”

Especially the ability of “wisdom foresight”.


Notes on “Intelligent Prediction”: Go on the field to increase the total Attribute value by 400 points, and the opponent side will automatically apply the buff effect on itself. copy.

Under normal conditions, it can be activated automatically, and the will of the king will be automatically activated by the will of the king during battle.


The effect of the ability of “intelligence foresight” is divided into two parts. One part is to increase the ability value of all Attributes by 400 points when playing, and the other part is It replicates the gain buff effect used by opponent.

Before obtaining the wisdom king inheritance, Slowpoke had already walked out of his own way. The “Calm Mind technique of the sea of ​​clouds” was transformed from the “Calm Mind technique of the sea” of the Hippo King.

Tracing to the root of the Calm Mind technique of the sea, it was developed from the Psychic Type Ability of “Calm Mind”, and the most basic effect of the Ability of Calm Mind is to increase the level of special attack and special defense. 1 .

Whether it is the Calm Mind technique of the sea of ​​Hippo King, or the Calm Mind technique of the sea of ​​clouds that Slowpoke comprehends based on the Calm Mind technique of the sea, it is far better than “Calm Mind” this trick Ability.

So when understanding the Ability of the “wisdom foreseeing” trick in learning wisdom king inheritance, Slowpoke is not at all because the Ability trick is too Top Rank, and the energy operation technique is too profound and complicated. Feeling blind.

The second part of Ability’s “wisdom foresight” trick is to copy opponent’s buff.

Slowpoke has mastered the “mental transfer” trick to transfer its negative state to the opponent Ability a long time ago.

Transfer the negative state buff from oneself to opponent, and copy the gain buff from opponent, the two are actually very similar.

So when Slowpoke understands and learns the wisdom king inheritance ability of “wisdom foresight”, although the wisdom king’s ability is very mysterious, Slowpoke can still get started quickly.

“Wisdom foresight” is now displayed by Slowpoke, although it cannot achieve the effect described in the notes, but it can now be displayed and used in actual combat.

Pidgeot’s Snow Mountain trial, three huge might Unique Ability of “God Strike, Dragon Strike, and Destruction Strike”; Lucario has advanced Aura development and mastered “Wind Killing Formation, Gale Palm, Kicking, smashing steel elbows, and iron knee tops”

The monarch snake activates the hidden Water Type power in the bloodline to become a Pokémon with a balanced double Attribute of water and grass, and masters the combined ability of “Water Pledge + Grass Pledge”.

For more than a month, Pidgeot, Monarch Snake, and Lucario are improving, and Cloyster and Slowpoke are also improving.

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