
Missing the gaze of the girl in front of him, Liang Ren gave Dasuke behind her a cry for help.

“Ah~A new game has been released in Paradise, I will go to the waiting hall and download the new game from the internet.”

didn’t expect Ignoring his cry for help, he took out his mobile phone and pretended to drive away, making Liang Ren brows brows.

“Shimura classmates, Liang Ren, what are you two doing!!!”

I heard the voice in the parking yard outside, a girl with cream-colored mushroom head and short hair After stepping out, he stared suspiciously at the two people who got together and said.

“Ah, classmate Casey, you are here too.”

Liang Ren hurriedly cast a cry for help at the other party. Fortunately, this smart girl understood Liang at once. Ren means, came over to hold Lired’s long-haired girl.

“You two are going to fight and wait until Pallet Town, let’s talk about it, now the car is about to drive, don’t let everyone wait~”

Pulling in, Liang Ren wiped the sweat from his forehead. This girl, Aura, was a bit scary.

“Mr. Liang Ren, you didn’t apply through my friend either~”

Casey leaned towards him two steps behind, and said quietly.

“Really forgot-add it right away.” Liang Ren said with a straight face to hide his embarrassment.

“Also, you resigned some time ago without even telling me.” Casey said with half-squinted eyes.

“Ahhh~ I just bought the phone the night before, don’t you know your phone number.” Liang Ren found an excuse to stop him.

“This excuse is not sincere at all~”

“What are you two doing in the dill-dallying place? Get in the car and wait for you two.” Weiyang Shimamura turned his head and shouted at the two of Hoothoot.

“It’s coming—”

Casey sub-complied, so he didn’t worry about the topic just now, and led Liang Ren to find the tour bus they rented.

“Mu Mu, come and sit next to the elder sister.”

As soon as he got on the bus, a young girl in a yellow short-sleeved shirt with navels, waved to him enthusiastically Shouted, the Jumpluff pattern on the little shirt on her chest shook as she waved.

“Qiaohui, I finally got the class leader out. Don’t scare people away, otherwise we won’t let you go.”


“Good morning, everyone, how are you doing lately~”

Looking at the girls on chirp chirp twitter twitter, Liang Ren was not surprised, so he took off his backpack and put it down Standing on the luggage rack, standing in the seat aisle greeted everyone.

There are many more girls in his class than boys. Although other girls are usually noisy, they are not as stressful as Shimamura.

“Very good, but I haven’t seen you for a long time, I miss you a bit.”

“It’s just—”

Under the driver’s reminder This car, many enchanting females, stopped. This group of girls usually just like to drive cracking a joke with him. In fact, many of them have boyfriends.

“You brat is really loyal.”

Seeing Daisuke hiding by the window playing with his mobile phone, Liang Ren gave this guy a fist unhappily, and then Sit down next to Tamagawa Asahi in the back row.

“hehe ~”

“By the way, Tamagawa, is your cousin still at home?” Without taking advantage of Daisuke, Liang Ren turned his head toward the side Tamagawa Asahi.

“It is said that the school wants to organize some social practice activities. I have already returned to school two days ago.” Yuchuan replied.

“It’s still a while before school starts, so I went back to school so early. I also said that I have time to find him in a Pokémon battle!!” Liang Ren said regretfully.

Tamagawa Hezhi is one year older than him, but his strength is so strong. I am afraid that he is also a genius ranked at the Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon School. Liang Ren treats his Poliwhirl. deep impression.

“My cousin is from the school ethics committee, usually there are a lot of things in school, and the school will start to do the orientation work after a while, when the time comes, they also need to do some maintenance of order Things.” Said it was his cousin, Tamagawa Asahi made no secret of the worship in his tone.

“Well, I have to wait for him to learn after school.”


A colorful rainbow tour is printed on the plain car body. The bus drove all the way west towards Pewter City. After reaching Pewter City, it went all the way south to Viridian City and Pallet Town.

The bus is driving on a flat road, and the wilderness on both sides is full of beautiful wild flowers of various colors. The early morning sun shines on the window glass, scattering the halo of Attract in the car.

Not far from the railway line to the south, a high-speed train flew past, like a long white dragon, full of vitality that a new day should have.

Looking to the north, the undulating hills have faded from the blue and black color of the winter time, and the edges and corners of the body have been decorated round and lovely by the vibrant mountain forest.

Not everyone in this spring outing class participated. Many of those who were absent either had other arrangements or followed their parents to other regions. As the top class of Celadon City Primary Rank school, most of the students The conditions at home are very good.

There are really few children from ordinary families like Liang Ren, Daisuke, and Tamagawa Asahi.

The girls behind chirp chirp twitter twitter are chatting about new perfumes, fashions designed by Ma Xiu Young Lady, and Kamezi Young Lady Lei’s catwalks. These are not topics that the boys are willing to participate in.

They talked about the new concerts of Matsumoto Rika and Wada Mitsuji. Liang Ren listened a few more words. After all, Liang Ren who likes to listen to songs is also a fan of her (them).

Celadon City is not too close to Pewter City. According to some trainer travel notes read by Liang Ren, it takes at least two or three days to hike from Celadon City, but fortunately now in major cities The traffic between them is well developed, and it only takes more than two hours to get there by bus.

I stopped at the station for ten minutes to let them rest and go to the toilet, and then the bus quickly started again.

Looking at the somewhat dim sky outside Pewter City, this metropolis that relies on the mining industry to develop, used to develop its economy but now has paid some environmental price.

The bus drove out of this Pewter-colored Rock city, and then along a boulevard headed into the Viridian Forest and disappeared.

Viridian Forest is a super large Trackless Forest across Kanto and Johto Regions, inhabited by countless rare Wild Pokémon.

In order not to destroy the ecology of the Viridian forest, the road from Pewter City to the Viridian city only opened one on the periphery of the forest. The mottled golden light was projected through the dense canopy, and a few wild ones Mankey stick one’s head around to look for, looking at the passing bus, his eyes full of curiosity.

“Wow, a lot of Wild Pokémon.”

“I saw Mankey just now~”

“There are many Pidgey and Rattata.”


“I saw a group of Oddish.”


Children living in big cities suddenly came to places like Viridian Forest and saw all kinds of All kinds of Wild Pokémon, one by one cheering excitedly looked out of the window, seeing the quiet and green outside, Liang Ren suddenly had a new look in his eyes.

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