But Froslass is not the kind of Pokémon that can only move slowly on both feet.

“shua ——!!!”

Looking at Staravia moved towards and started a collision, Froslass as lithe as a swallow flew into the air one by one, and easily dodged Staravia’s Tackle.

“Mku~” was attacked by dodge, Staravia flew an arc and quickly turned back.

But at the moment Froslass is not idle. At the moment of flight, a white light ball is already condense between his palms. After dodge Staravia’s attack, Froslass hits the light ball in his hand without the slightest hesitation. In the air.

“Mi Lu~”

“Boom——” The white light ball burst, turning into a plume-gray snow cloud that instantly enveloped the entire battlefield.

“Staravia, use Astonish on Froslass!!” Seeing the sky over the battlefield, the young man’s expression seemed to want the snowy sky, and it has several points of gloom.

However, as a student of Saffron Middle School and deputy monitor of class one (three), Xiushu is not the kind of person who stagnates when encountering difficulties. Facing Casey’s Froslass, he is also thinking continuously Countermeasures.

“Froslass, close your eyes and use Safeguard.” Ghost Type Ability has an outstanding effect on Ghost Type Pokemon, especially Staravia also has the “intimidation” feature, and the effect of Ability Astonish will definitely take another step.

“Mku!!!” When Casey gave Froslass a response command, he flew to the stadium Sky, and Staravia, who was at the same height as Froslass, opened his eyes and made a terrifying expression. .

Casey’s son Froslass reacted very quickly, and Froslass hurriedly closed his eyes at the same time that Staravia displayed Ability.

It doesn’t matter whether the opponent will launch a sneak attack during this time, each minding their own business raises their hands to prop up a protective cover of seven egg shells to resist negative states.

“Mi Lu!!” However, a violent Psyshock wave hit, Froslass, who was deploying Safeguard, still trembled, and there was a pain in his mouth.

Ghost Type interrupts “Astonish”, which can be seen as a fusion of enhanced ghost face + weakened version of Confusion. Through the scary expression, it makes the opponent feel terrified, and it also comes with a certain amount of Psywave impact damage.

Froslass closed his eyes after receiving Casey’s sub-command. Although he avoided fear, there was no dodge Psywave shock.

In addition, this Psywave comes with Ghost Type power, even if Froslass is not weak, it still suffers a lot of injuries in an instant.

“Froslass, use Payback!!!” Froslass was attacked and injured, and Casey immediately returned the color.

“Chuckchchchch…” Hail has already descended in the sky snow cloud, and Froslass, whose dodge rate has been enhanced, has also become much faster.

When Levitate was in midair, he condensed the pain on his face, stretched his brows and twisted his body beautifully, and then moved towards Staravia in a thunderous manner.

There is no need to use in advance like in the game. During the Ability is activated, you can withstand the opponent’s attack to activate the Ability passive, and then the next counterattack will double the damage.

Payback is the same as Cloyster’s Avalanche. Even if it is a late attacker and was attacked the moment before, next moment use Payback can still double the Revenge effect.

At this moment, Froslass was just like that. He was just injured by Astonish, Payback flew over, and the long sleeves flicked, Staravia was taken away instantly.

“Staravia!!!” A young boy named Xiushu startedled off the field. He didn’t expect to come up with a strategy. As a result, not only was the opponent evaded by the opponent, but also suffered such swiftness and fierceness. Fight back.

However, this situation is normal. Casey relied on two Grass Type Pokémon to achieve ten consecutive victories in Saffron City Stadium and successfully promoted to a professional one-star trainer.

The disadvantages of Attribute can be so strong, and the advantages of Attribute can’t suppress the effect. Then she is not the elite of the privilege class, nor the star professional trainer of the city Stadium.

“Staravia, use…”

“Froslass, use Icy Wind!!!” Casey interrupted the boy’s command loudly, and commanded Froslass to launch an offensive.

“Staravia, hurry up to dodge~” Xiushu hurriedly directed Staravia to dodge, but Icy Wind’s large-scale attack on Ability is so easy to dodge.

“Mi Lu~” At the stadium Sky, Froslass rotates lightly like a piece of Icirrus, but between the fluttering skirts, there is an extremely cold freezing wind moved towards the hurriedly flying away Staravia attack Kill away.

As a degenerate form of Staraptor, Staravia is very good at flying, hu hu hurriedly flapped its wings, and the whole body turned into a Black Xiao Xuanfeng and galloped forward.

Black Whirlwind ran desperately in the front, and the white hair wind chased after him with a cold face. Seeing that he could not catch up for a long time, Froslass II used to expand the scope of the winter snow and turned it into a pocket. In addition, he drew out a Dendemille to drive away. Staravia moves into position.

Soon Staravia fell into Froslass’s wind pocket, and the scattered Dendemille suddenly shrank inward, and the captured Staravia was instantly surrounded by groups and lost her dodge space.

“Staravia, use Spark to rush out in a flash.” Looking at the little Black Whirlwind surrounded by the white hair wind, the young man named Xiushu shouted loudly.

“Mku!!!” Staravia use Spark was ready to break through the encirclement in a flash, but when he touched Icy Wind, he shrank and let out a wailing.

moth flies into the flame is to pursue the light. The birds are afraid of the cold and will only choose to migrate. They have not done cold resistance like Liang Ren’s Pidgeot, and their body is instantly stained by the Staravia feathers swept by Icy Wind. Frost on it.

“ka ka…” As the wind and snow continued to blow, Staravia was quickly frozen into an ice sculpture, and then moved stiff and heavy towards the battlefield below.

“Staravia!!!” Xiusuki yelled in a panic, and before the start of the game, he forcibly comforted himself. The opposite Froslass was not strong and his level was not as high as Staravia. However, he found out that the opponent was difficult after the battle really started. Wrap around.

At this moment, Casey, who is on the opposite side of the field, is smiling. Although she is standing motionless in the commanding position on the sidelines, she is already in step with Froslass when the game officially starts, breathing with heart.

She is a dancer, and Froslass is the same. Others see them fighting, but in the eyes of Casey, she and Froslass share a body dancing lightly and gracefully on the court.

“Froslass, prepare for the curtain call, use Ice Punch!!” Casey waved his arm gracefully, like a spring breeze blowing willow branches Normal, moving towards Froslass gave instructions.

“Mi Lu~”

The silhouette faintly discernible Froslass in the wind and snow Hail suddenly flew down, and an ice crystal fist was fiercely imprinted on Staravia’s body .

“ka ka…Bang!!” The ice cube burst and shattered, and the frozen Staravia also seemed to wither Normal, and his head fainted to death.

“Bang~” His body slammed heavily on the field, but Staravia didn’t utter a whine this time, because it had just been hit by Froslass’ urgent Ice Punch, and it had lost its combat capability.

“Staravia!!!” Hideki yelled, Staravia lost the combat capability. Before the game started, he imagined that he was promoted to the privileged class and became the influential figure of Saffron Middle School. All this was vanished.

“Staravia lost the combat capability and Froslass won the game.” The referee didn’t pay attention to Hideki’s call. From start to finish, he is a man with no emotion.

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