After a day of practising “Fire Kagura”, after a brief wash in the return to house room, Liang Ren took the Slowpoke and went into the bed Rest.

There is no word for a night, until the east is about to dawn and the dawn is twilight.

Liang Ren, who was awakened by the clear sound of Wingull by the sea, came to the window in slippers, and the plain curtain was opened by oh la la.


Morning sun gradually raised from the sea on the east side, the dazzling golden light not only illuminates the sea, illuminates the Mandolin Island, but also Liang Ren’s remaining drowsiness was completely dispelled.

“Huh——” Liang Ren, standing in front of the window, took a deep breath, stretched his arms, and let the golden sun shine on the smooth, handsome cheeks and muscular chest.

Bathed in the Morning Sun, the boy’s whole body seems to be shining like the sun, giving people a very bright and sunny feeling.


I wash and eat breakfast, and I have agreed to have a gym battle at 9 o’clock in the morning. Slowpoke, who usually loves bed, got up early today.

During the meal, Flora rushed over again with the camera crew from Sun News and the drone Rotom.

Not long-winded, everyone quickly went to work. Liang Ren and Casey went directly to Mandolin Gym after having breakfast here.

But this time coming to Mandolin Gym, it is not just Liang Ren and the others.

Learning that the Mandolin Gym has been opened, Liang Ren will formally carry out the Gym challenge today. After learning this news, all the trainers on Mandolin Island rushed over.

When Liang Ren and Casey came to the Mandolin Gym, the whole battlefield was full of trainers who came to watch the battle. At a glance, they were crowded with people.

“Look, it’s Mumu Liang Ren~He’s coming!!” I don’t know which trainer shouted, and everyone looked out of the palm grove.

“It’s really Mumu Liang Ren~”

“So happy, after the Gym battle is over, I must ask him to sign my Poké Ball.”< /p>

“Ahhh!! Mr. Liang Ren, I am your fan——”



As Liang Ren and Casey came together, the trainer waiting outside the mandolin Gym suddenly shouted excitedly.


The gym gate, which was closed previously, opened with a squeak because of Liang Ren’s arrival. Fuyou, dressed in priestly costume, brought Walking out with a young man who also wore the traditional Asian food.

“Good morning, everyone.” He greeted the trainers and fans who came to watch the game after hearing the news. Liang Ren handed Slowpoke to Casey, and he walked on the battlefield alone.

“Liang Ren, come on, you are the strongest.”

“God, come on…”



Fuyou and the youth who served as referees also silently came to the opposite command position and stood at the center line outside the field under the cheers of the trainer on the field.

“Challenger, are you ready?” Fuyou lifts the head and asked Liang Ren with his beige eyes.

“Of course, after taking a rest for the night, my Pokémon and I are now full of fighting spirit.” Liang Ren replied in a vibrant voice.

“Just fine with you.” Fuyou’s face also showed a smile. Today is her first battle since she served as the Mandolin Gym Leader.

She will spare no effort, and hope that the challenger will also use the best condition to meet this Gym battle.

“Cyan Brown~” Fu You turned his head and shouted to the youth at the center line outside the battlefield.

This young man wearing traditional Asian costumes is also nodded intentionally.

“Then, now the gym battle between Mandolin Gym Leader Fuyou and challenger Mumu Liang Ren will use two Pokémon…”

The youth looked around, and did not feel stage fright because of the many trainers standing outside the stadium, and announced the rules of the game openly.

“Now, please both sides send the first Pokémon ready to play.” Young Yang raised the green signal flag held by his right hand and shouted.

“I don’t know which Pokémon will be sent by Mr. Liang Ren? Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, or the monarch snake?”

“As long as it is not the faction, it has not officially participated in the training Of Dratini, no matter which Pokémon is playing, the winning rate is very high.”

“That’s it~”

“But compared to Liang Ren, I actually I am curious about the strength of Fuyou Gym Leader. Before the Orange Alliance officially appointed him as the Mandolin Gym Leader, I did not hear her reputation in the trainer.”

“I know this, Fuyou Gym Leader She is the last maiden of the sea on the nearby Asia Island Lineage, and she is very powerful.”

“Everyone knows the recent hot “Sun Daily” and “Sun News” companies. “

“I checked on the Internet and found that Flora, the CEO of Sun News, is the maiden of the sea from the lineage of Asia Island, and she is also the biological younger sister of Fuyou Gym Leader. “

“Wow! ! For Sri Lanka, I don’t know what kind of Pokémon Fuyou Gym Leader will send. “



The referee issued an order to release Pokémon, and the trainers in the field battle also whispered to each other. Now.

Fuyou didn’t let everyone wait too much. As a Gym Leader, when Liang Ren just took out the baby ball from his pocket, Fuyou has already released Pokémon first.

“Come out! ~Slowbro, this is the first battle of Mandolin Gym, let the challenger see your strength. “

Fuyou, wearing a coral stone bracelet, held the Poké Ball lightly against his forehead, then yelled it in an imposing manner, and then threw it out.

“Ah~duo~ “

Open the baby ball. One is similar to Slowpoke. It is about 1.6m tall. It walks on its own feet with two hind feet. The tail is covered with a huge spike and dark markings. Pokémon, bitten by the conch, appeared on the field.

“Ah! ! It’s Slowbro~”

“In order for Slowpoke to evolve into Slowbro, in addition to satisfying the condition that the tail is Shellder Bite, the Level also needs to reach LV.Level 37. “

“Even in the vast Sea Territory Region like our Orange Islands, Slowbro is also a very rare Pokémon, and did not expect Fuyou Gym Leader to accept it. “

“It’s amazing, worthy of being the Gym Leader of our Mandolin Island. “



Fuyou released the first Pokémon Slowbro to play, and it also rang continuously outside the battlefield. Phew.

“I don’t know, Mu Mu Liang Ren, which Pokémon he will send to fight. “

“Although Fuyou Gym Leader gave in intentionally, she sent Pokémon first, but Mumu Liang Ren has already taken out the baby ball and held it in his hand.

If you want to temporarily switch to Pokémon, which has a more advantageous Attribute, you will also be hit in the imposing manner. “

“Don’t worry, Mr. Liang Ren said that every Pokémon under his hand can be a unique existence, so no matter which Pokémon is sent to play, he will never lose. “

“That is, Mr. Liang Ren has won inferior Attribute battles, but there are many. “

“be that as it may, but Fuyou Gym Leader, the Slowbro, is also very strong. If Mumu Liang Ren is careless, I’m afraid I can’t ask for anything.”

< p>“…”


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