“Beep Eagle——”

After waiting a few minutes, Pidgeot went out to find the island and flew back.

“How about, Pidgeot, have you found the island on which you are staying?” Liang Ren asked Pidgeot, who hovered in the sky.

“Beep Eagle——Boss, I found the island.” Pidgeot nodded responded to Liang Ren.

“Lead the way.”

“Beep Eagle-Received!!”

Get Pidgeot’s answer, Liang Ren didn’t care about floating ice The pile of megalodons decisively took Casey and a group of Pokémon and rode away on Lapras.

The sun has sunk into the West Sea, and the last afterglow of the sunset on the horizon has also been exhausted when the megalodon attacked just now. At this moment, the sky has become dim.

But with Pidgeot helping to lead the way, Liang Ren and the others quickly found an island in the sea, but…

“There is fire, are there anyone else who settled on this island? “Casey’s eyes emptied, looking at the distant island.

“Only there is a fire on the coast. This is not like the indigenous people on the island. There is a high probability that the traveling trainer will temporarily rest on this island.”

” Although it was a bit of a surprise to meet other trainers on an isolated island in the vast ocean, it’s not uncommon to encounter trainers who are also travelers during travel.”

“Let’s go to the island to see Look.” Although Liang Ren said so, he still winked at Slowpoke and Lucario, making them wary.

“Hmm~” Casey is nodded. Although she has traveled abroad, she has not at all Liang Ren’s rich experience, so Liang Ren decides these things.

Because the sky is getting dark, Liang Ren also holds a flashlight in his hand to show Lapras the way.


At the place of the fire on the island, two silhouettes, one high and one low, saw the flashlight from the sea, and stopped what was at hand and stood up .

Wu Feitu left, a shining moon has risen into the night sky.

Under the bright moonlight and the fire burning in front of them, the two silhouettes on the hillside of the isolated island gradually became clear.

The tall one is a teenager whose age is similar to Liang Ren, and next to him holding the teenager’s legs timidly is a little girl who is at least half the age of the teenager.

“It’s been almost a month, and someone finally found this island.” On the hillside, this normally taciturn teenager showed a delighted expression on his face when he saw someone coming to the island.

“Can we go home?” The little girl holding the juvenile’s legs asked weakly.

“It should be possible.” Although the boy was a little uncertain, he pulled out a burning wood from the fire and responded with a flashlight like a torch.


“Slowpoke, Lucario~” Seeing the fire, the other party waved torch to greet him, Liang Ren let Lapras swim towards the island, while facing Slowpoke and Lucario passed a questioning look.

“ao 嗷——ฅ۶•ﻌ•I didn’t feel Malice.”

“Yado——・ω・`) A teenager younger than you, and A little girl, it looks as if she was in a shipwreck and then fell on this isolated island.”

Lucario and Slowpoke each released Aura and Psychic, felt it and gave Liang Ren their answer.

“Brother Liang Ren, did you find anything?” I couldn’t understand what Slowpoke and Lucario said and so on Casey, and asked curiously.

“…” Liang Ren did not hide it either, and told the girl about Slowpoke’s guess.

“I thought it was a trainer on a trip, but didn’t expect to be on a deserted island in a shipwreck.” Casey looked surprised.

“Then let’s go to the island, check the situation, and see if we can help.”

“Okay—” Liang Ren nodded.



Get answers from Slowpoke and Lucario. After knowing that there is no danger, Liang Ren did not hesitate and ordered Lapras After speeding up, the two quickly went to the island.

“Thanks for your hard work today, Lapras, come back first.” Liang Ren who came ashore fed Lapras with some Pokemon food and Pokéblock to replenish his stamina, and then took it back to the baby ball.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, Sovereign Snake, Dratini, the four of you will come back first.”

“Sayuri, beauty~ you also come in the baby ball.” Casey also learned Be Liang Ren and take Lilligant and Bellossom back to Poké Ball, leaving Froslass to guard his safety outside.


With the fire on the hillside as a guide, Liang Ren and Casey quickly walked up the hillside with flashlights, and saw the “distressed and deserted wasteland” that Slowpoke Psychic felt Island’s teenager and little girl.

The clothes of the teenager and the little girl were torn, because they were living on the desert island without any clothes changing, and there were some unwashed stains on their clothes.

But overall it can be seen that the teenager is wearing a gray and blue shorts and blouse, while the little girl is wearing a light yellow dress that looks like a light green gradient.

In terms of material and fabric, it is still very expensive. Obviously teenagers and little girls are not children of ordinary families.

The young man has dark brown hair. Seeing Liang Ren and Casey go up the hillside, the young man’s eyes looked towards the two of them are obviously wary.

The little girl with cyan-green hair wearing a tattered dress also timidly tugs at the corner of the boy’s clothes and hides behind the boy.

“Don’t be afraid, we are not bad guys, we don’t have Malice~” Liang Ren took Casey’s hand, and the two of them showed a kind smile to the boy and girl.

Seeing their smiles, the youth in a gray blue shorts short shirt, the alert in his eyes lowered a little.

“Are you trainers?” The teenager asked Lucario and Slowpoke who were following Liang Ren with a curious look.

“Yes, we are the trainers, can you invite us to sit down and cook?” Liang Ren smiled and looked towards this cool-looking boyhood.

“Okay—” The young man nodded, turned around and carried a piece of dry wood and walked over, as if this was a stool.

“Please sit down.” The young man put the piece of wood beside the fire. Although his expression was still cool and cold, he greeted Liang Ren and Casey very politely.

“Thank you.” Liang Ren thanked the cold boy, then took Casey and sat down around the fire.

“We are a trainer who is traveling, my name is Liang Ren, and she is my girlfriend Casey. Are you having any troubles? Do you want to tell me, maybe we can help Busy.”

Liang Ren asked with his bright amber eyes, looking towards the taciturn boy.

“Hmm~” Hearing Liang Ren’s initiative to ask, the boy seemed to finally know how to speak, nodded.

“My name is Lan, and her name is Wenji.” The young man seemed to seldom communicate with others. After introducing himself, he pointed to the little girl next to him and told Liang Ren The name of the little girl.


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