“Everyone is not so restrained. They all said that I am just an ordinary challenger.” After taking his seat, Liang Ren couldn’t help but feel a little funny when he looked at the upright and serious fire officers and soldiers.

“Moreover, even if I am the special inspector of the Orange Alliance, I am only the one who governs the Alliance Gym. You are officers and soldiers of the fire brigade and are not under my jurisdiction.”

“Now I am here to challenge the Mandarin Gym, but I ran to the canteen of your fire brigade training base to have a meal. I am not sorry. How can you guys make the atmosphere so tense and serious.”

” Everyone, hurry up and eat…” Looking at the fire officers and soldiers, Liang Ren waved his hand and broke the condensed atmosphere with a ridiculous tone.

“haha…Mr. Liang Ren, don’t you know, these guys are utterly troublesome when they eat dinner, but today they saw a guest and only had a little rest for a while, but this is also out of respect “

“This afternoon, Mr. Liang Ren, you were training with Pokémon on the training ground. These guys happened to see you. Mr. Liang Ren’s tacit understanding between you and Lucario also opened their eyes~ “

Russell explained with a smile, and handed out one of the big red apples in the fruit plate in the middle of the table to each of the fire officers and soldiers present.

“hehe…” Hearing what his Captain said, the firefighters who were sitting upright just now scratched their heads in embarrassment, with a simple and honest smile on their faces.



Seeing Liang Ren’s approachability, coupled with his own Captain’s ridicule, the fire officers and soldiers are not like just now Seriously, after laughed, he buried himself in the dinner in front of him.

“Mr. Liang Ren, the understanding between you and your Pokémon is really good, do you have any skills?” A fire soldier couldn’t help asking as he ate.

“Tajiri, you fellow, it’s so rude, this is Mr. Liang Ren’s personal privacy, how can you ask casually!!” said a fireman next to this person.

“I’m curious~”

“It doesn’t matter, in fact, this is not a secret that can’t be said.” Liang Ren took a tissue and wiped his mouth said with a slight smile.

Hearing what Liang Ren said, the fire fighters at a large table all cast a curious and expectant look at Liang Ren.

“The logic of the trainer and Pokémon’s getting along is just like how people get along. After we get along for a long time, they will naturally establish friendship and become a tacit understanding.”

< p>“On this issue, a more specific description is to not release them from the baby ball when only fighting or when you need Pokémon.”

” Personally, I am more used to putting Pokémon in Outside, because there are only 24 hours a day, the trainer and Pokémon eat together and rest together. The longer they stay together.”

“The trainer will learn more about his Pokémon, and Pokémon will also be better. Knowing the trainer, this is a tacit understanding that is slowly brewing over time.”

“Is it enough to put Pokémon outside the baby ball?” a firefighter with an honest face asked.

“Of course it’s not that simple.” Liang Ren shook the head.

“Just like you all do firefighting rescue training, take different rescue measures for various fire situations, and develop and carry out targeted training in order to improve one of your own abilities.”


“In order to improve the tacit understanding between the trainer and Pokémon, we should also regard it as a difficulty to overcome, and continue to study in depth, breaking the big problems into small ones, and then one by one. Tackling problems individually.”

“For example, to improve the tacit understanding between the trainer and Pokémon, put Pokémon outside so that the trainer and Pokémon can spend more time together every day and experience more together. After the incident, the tacit understanding naturally improved.”

“In fact, this is enough for the average person, but the requirements of professional trainers will be more demanding. Basically, since the beginning, the acceptance of Pokémon has been I’ve considered these issues.”

“A careful-minded trainer will consider whether Pokémon is compatible with his own personalities. A professional trainer with a big personality will also spend more time with Pokémon before being accepted. The two sides are in harmony or not.”

“Every link is striving for perfection and perfection. In the end, the tacit understanding between the trainer and Pokémon will naturally reach the unimaginable level of ordinary people.”

About how To improve the tacit understanding with Pokémon, Liang Ren also shared some of his own opinions and opinions to a group of fire officers and soldiers.

The fire officers and soldiers here also listened very carefully. I can see that they all love their Pokémon very much.

But think about it, usually when the police are out to fight the fire, Pokémon enters the dangerous fire scene with them. They are both born and died’comrades in arms’. They naturally cherish their Pokémon very much.

But be that as it may, but if you don’t establish a bond with Pokémon, the relationship between the firefighters and Pokémon is impossible to reach the level of Liang Ren and Lucario.



But the firefighters didn’t care. They are not professional trainers, so naturally they don’t need to be professional. The trainer is just as demanding, and there is a way to make the tacit understanding between himself and his Pokémon go further, which makes them very happy.

In addition, everyone saw that Liang Ren was not as arrogant as they imagined, but his personality was very approachable and easy to talk, and each of them recovered from the past noisy just like Russell just said.

chirp chirp twitter twitter chat and joke, or ask Liang Ren about training Pokémon, Liang Ren is also happy to help everyone answer.

The fire officers and soldiers looked at Liang Ren’s gaze, and they also respected him because of his strength and status.

Slowly because of his approachability and unreservedly imparting his experience insights to them, he gained more admiration for his character on the basis of the original respect.



These firefighters have a very straightforward character. Seeing Liang Ren giving them experience and answering doubts, he left Casey in the cold. Son, everyone who reacted quickly apologized.

People who don’t know how to express their apologies, in the face of Casey didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, all the fruits Russell just sent to them were sent as apologies. To Casey.

Casey was on the table in front of her, and there was a pile of apples in the blink of an eye. The girl stared at Liang Ren angrily, her expression becoming more helpless and didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“I originally wanted to pretend to be a beautiful girl with a small bird stomach. It seems that everyone has Foresight. I am the real face of the big stomach king.”

Casey sighed, use The way of self-ridicule resolved the embarrassment, and the high emotional intelligence immediately won everyone’s favor.


While Liang Ren was chatting with the officers and soldiers in the fire base, there was a peace happening in the remote Hoenn mainland. His related things.

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