“ao 嗷—” After Lucario returned to complied, he didn’t hesitate to act, and quickly ran on the court flexibly.

“Step on…”

“zi zi ~~”

As Lucario runs, he grinds down the steel nails on the back of his hand, using a sharp ear Metal Sound keeps reducing the special defenses on the opposite Blastoise.

“Blastoise, restrict its movement and use the Rock seal.” Russell also moved towards Blastoise and gave instructions.

Although at first intends to rely on the excellent dual-proof and rain plate characteristics to recover in rainy weather, it will continue to pull and consume Lucario’s physical strength.

But right now, Foresight Blastoise does not have any special defensive power moves, and plans to use continuous Metal Sound to reduce Blastoise’s special defense, and then burst damage later.

Russell, who understands Liang Ren’s tactics, obviously doesn’t dare to bet that Blastoise can withstand Lucario’s explosion after being cut off, so at this moment he also gave birth to the idea of ​​do it quickly.


“hong long long~” Blastoise roared in a low voice, and the air in front of his body instantly condensed into a stone the size of a stone door.

“sou sou…” Blastoise thought, four boulders sou sou broke through the air, and moved towards Lucario, who was running flexibly, smashed past.

The trajectory of the stone ballistic seems to be unrecognizable, but in fact it is intentionally or unintentionally forced out of position, with the intention of driving Lucario to a blind spot and blocking the retreat.

Lucario also dodges continuously from side to side. With Aura perception and Aura mind reading, it is very clear about Blastoise’s mind and where the boulder fell.

“Tap Ta Ta Ta…”


Blastoise’s attacks all failed, Lucario’s side is safe, although because of the dodge attack It took a little bit of physical strength, but fortunately, I was not at all trapped by the stone prison.

Lucario continued to move nimbly, while frustrating the steel nails on the back of his hand to give a toothless Metal Sound, continuously reducing the special defense of Blastoise.

On the other side of Russell and Blastoise, they increased their firepower and continuously launched an attack.


Unconsciously, the roles of the two sides on the field have already changed.

Liang Ren originally felt that he could not consume the opponent, so he wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, but Russell relied on the Blastoise’s broken double defense and the rainy weather recovery power of the rain plate characteristic to pull and beat war.

But seeing that Blastoise’s special defense was continuously reduced by Lucario with Metal Sound, I can’t bet that Blastoise can withstand Lucario’s explosive set of Russell and can’t sit still first.

The two sides have been pulling for a period of time –

The price Liang Ren needs to bear is to face a Blastoise in’full condition’ again.

The price Russell has to bear is for Blastoise to temporarily transform from an untouchable high-defense meat shield Pokémon to a special-proof crispy skin.

Blastoise, which does not have enhanced special defense capabilities, is likely to be taken away by a few sets of burst capabilities from the opposite side.

This kind of consequence is something Russell doesn’t want to see, but at the moment, the situation on the field is constantly moving towards the direction he doesn’t want to see and he can’t stop it.

Because the Lucario on the field is too flexible to move, and can accurately predict Blastoise’s attack every time.


“Lucario, now it’s our turn to fight back, use “Aura Sphere”! ! “After reducing the Blastoise’s special defense to the extreme, Liang Ren decisively launched a counterattack.

After a period of torture, now when Liang Ren and Lucario launch a counterattack, he originally thought it was a relief, but Searle found himself still unwilling.

“Blastoise, use the Rapid Spin to dodge. “Russell gritted his teeth and continued moving towards Blastoise to give instructions.

“Hey~” Blastoise groaned back to complied. The special defense was reduced to the extreme. Although it is still fully stamina now, The Celestic expression in the eyes revealed a sense of exhaustion.

“Swish swish…” The head and limbs retracted into the tortoise shell, Blastoise used Rapid Spin in place, and then the body flew up and fled. Empty.

If you are facing ordinary Pokémon, Blastoise may be able to dodge the opponent’s Ability, but it is facing Lucario, a powerful Pokémon that can detect and Lock On through Aura.


Sure enough, the Blastoise flying into the sky not only did not attack from dodge Lucario, but instead exposed the relatively low side of the turtle shell’s defensive power to Lucario.


“Hey! ! “Blastoise, who was hit by Aura Sphere, let out a miserable cry.

Liang Ren didn’t let Blastoise off, but got the time to choose to chase after victory.

“Lucario, Use “Spiral Aura Sphere”! ! “




“Lucario, give it one last blow, use “Aura ·Spiral Shuriken”! ! “

Sky’s dark clouds are still raining lightly, and Blastoise, which activated the Implicit Characteristic rain disk, is also continuously recovering its strength.

But it is specially guarded against being covered. Cut, any special attack will lose half of the blood.

At first, Russell and Blastoise regard it as relying on the blood recovery ability of the rain plate characteristic. At this moment, it is simply an utterly inadequate measure. It can’t keep up with the speed of being hit by Lucario Ability and losing blood.

The light blue Aura Sphere was held by Lucario in his hand to do a super Rapid Spin, as if it was a Hurricane teenager holding a twister.

After compression, Twister turned into a light blue “Aura · Spiral Shuriken”, and then slammed into the Blastoise, which fell after being hit by the spiral Aura Sphere.

My feet haven’t touched the ground, there’s nowhere to take advantage of it;

The body hurts severely after being injured, and I can’t use the Rapid Spin to escape. Liang Ren’s opportunity is very accurate. Blastoise is indeed a target.

“Boom——” A deafening roar came from the front of Aura’s spiral shuriken. The audience was cut into wheat by this explosion of endless dust and sand. The same swiftly pressed down on the ground.

Everyone patted the dust on their hair. After the smoke and dust from the explosion on the field dissipated, they saw a huge hole with a diameter of four or five meters in the center of the battlefield that was originally flat and intact.

At the moment, lying at the bottom of the giant pit, it is Blastoise that has lost its combat capability.




Looking at the destroyed giant on the field The pit and the Blastoise that had lost its combat capability at the bottom of the pit, everyone outside couldn’t help but swallowed their saliva.

They have been completely shocked after eating, such a terrifying Ability is simply unheard-of.

“I’m a good boy~”

“Watching Mr. Liang Ren’s battle, I found that the Elite Four exhibition game that was broadcast on TV before was weak.”

“Can I say that I am worthy of Mr. Liang Ren!!”



“Hoo~” Russell let out a deep breath of frustration, then turned to the sideline and shouted to the referee who had been stunned by the scene: “Kashima, announce the final result.”

“Ah. !!!” The named referee suddenly regained consciousness, and quickly answered complied, “Yes, Captain.”

“Blastoise can’t fight. Lucario won the game.”

“So far, the gym trainer Russell and the two Pokémon have all lost their combat capability. I announced this Gym Challenge. The challenger: Mumu Liang Ren who won in the end was announced.

As the referee, Kashima’s voice became more and more loud and excited, and finally he even shouted out Liang Ren’s name.

“roar roar ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”

The trainer of the appearance match also burst into enthusiastic cheers at this moment.

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