After challenging the Tangerine Gym and successfully got the “Fire Badge”, Liang Ren was not at all rushing on the way, but went to the Pokémon Center with Casey.

Recovered the Monarch Snake and Lucario who had played in the previous Gym battle, and then checked Joy at the front desk to register for accommodation.

“After coming to Tangerine Island in the past two days, Casey, you have stayed in the fire rescue team and did not go out. Let’s take a look around on the island this afternoon.”

Liang Ren, who helped two Pokémon recover, gently shook the girl’s hand and said softly.

“Okay–” Casey was nodded.

Although she is a character who always considers the people around her, Liang Ren can always pay attention to her state and take care of her feelings, which makes her feel very sweet in her heart.

The two released Pokémon and let them go out to play by themselves, while Liang Ren only followed Lucario by his side, and Casey only held Bellossom in his arms.

The two walked out of the center of Pokémon, and then moved towards the bustling street in the area of ​​Tangerine Island.

The economy on Mikan Island relies on cargo transshipment at the port.

At first glance, it doesn’t seem to be very prosperous, but it can be selected by the Orange Alliance and assigned a Gym to station, the development prospects of Tangerine Island are still very big.

However, Liang Ren and the girl just didn’t stop there for a while during the trip, and then appreciate the local natural landscape and customs.

“Hello, Mr. Liang Ren~”

“Hello, Casey Young Lady~”



Some time ago, the relationship between Liang Ren and Casey was already well-known in Kanto, Johto, Orange Islands and Hoenn Region.

In addition to the rescue of Fire Element in the staff dormitory building of Blue Ocean Cargo Company yesterday afternoon, the residents on the island know that Liang Ren traveled to their Mikan Island.

At this moment Liang Ren and Casey are walking down the street, and the islanders who recognize the two of them will also greet them enthusiastically.

Pokémon world fans are not as crazy as they were in the previous life. At this moment, the islanders who recognize the two people are not at all rushing to sign.

Nodded or saying hello is the limit.

However, if the two enter a store for consumption, the owner will enthusiastically waive the orders for both of them. No matter how bad they are, they will be given special discounts.

Wandering in the street for a while to buy some food, the two went to the beach, blowing the sea breeze on the seawall corridor, and walking on the beach.


“Brother Liang Ren, Little Lei seems to be graduating today.” Holding her hand on the railing, blowing the sea breeze, the girl seemed to be thinking something , Turned around and asked.

“Hmm~” Liang Ren nodded.

“Time flies so fast. In an instant, not only have we grown up, but even Little Lei this girl has graduated from Rainbow Primary Rank School and then officially debuted as a trainer.”

“Yes–” The girl flirted with her ears and hair that had been tossed by the sea breeze, looking at the blue sea ahead of her in a daze.


——Celadon City ·Rainbow Primary Rank Pokémon School——

“Kuroki, hurry up, Fat Tiger and Xiaofu will probably drag It won’t be too long for the other party. If the Pokemon egg is exchanged by that guy, next spring, my second brother and I will travel to Unova, and I won’t take you.”

“Sorry, Little Lei, I was wrong. , I didn’t expect that after the graduation ceremony, the class teacher Teacher would ask me as the class leader to organize the last class meeting.”

“Don’t be long-winded, let’s cut corners, must rush to Rainbow Game Center before that guy , And immediately redeem that Pokemon egg.”


Rainbow Primary Rank school has another group of students graduated. After the graduation ceremony and graduation class meeting, a man One woman and two silhouette moved towards the school gate.

Not waiting for the guard to open the door, the two silhouettes are like Parkour Normal, a forward flip directly over the automatic retractable door.

“Hey! The little girl of Mumu’s family, you skipped class again, and I will tell you the head teacher when I turn around–“

“That’s it, then call the parents and let your father beat you The ass.”

Two guards, one tall and thin, one fat and short, came out of the guard room, panting with rage with hands on hips and shouted.

“You two should take a break, this Young Lady graduated today.” In the two silhouettes running out of the school gate, the girl in front responded arrogantly.

“This girl is usually unearthly and loves to make fun of people, but now that I graduated and left, I don’t know why, I feel quite reluctant.”

“You guy really owes you Don’t panic, how much trouble this girl has caused us during school is just more tossing than Taoya’s bastard kid, and her second child Liang Ren is well-behaved and sensible.”

“Old Hei, you can look away. No, Momoa’s shameless brat and this girl were just a little bit naughty when they were young. When they grow up, Bulldoze will be stable.”

“Liang Ren was really honest when he was young, but you can see how long it is. It’s big, and a big news comes out every few times. It’s more troublesome than Momoa and this girl.”

“Lao Bai, I don’t allow you to say that about our Kanto Alliance future champion.”

“What am I…this kid is an Alliance Elite Four.”

“Bet? If the two boys become the Kanto Alliance champion in the future, from now on you will do the dishes. .”

“Why, I have cooked all the food.”

“Try to change the bike into a motorcycle. If I lose, I will wash your underwear from now on. With smelly socks.”

“Okay, I bet, I bet that the second kid will become the champion of the Kanto Alliance in the future.”

“Fuck the old man, you shamelessly, you Didn’t I just say that Liang Ren can only be the Alliance Elite Four?”

“Have I said that? I don’t care. I’ll bet that the second kid can be the champion, and you can only bet on Lao Bai. The second kid is an Elite. If you lose, you have to wash my pants and stinky socks for a lifetime.”

“My day, you…”

“I will be afraid of you ?”


The two people who ran out of the Rainbow Primary Rank school didn’t know the discussion between the two guards. At this moment, they Go through a few narrow alleys and use the fastest speed to cut corners to Rainbow Game Center.

At this moment, a young man with a Tapu · Mingming hairstyle, with two teenagers’hanging’ one fatty and one thin on his body, is struggling to move to the front desk for prize exchange.

“I want to redeem…”

“Hey!!! Your wallet has fallen.” Seeing the Yellow cockscomb youth at the prize redemption office, gasping for breath rushed into the game hall Mu Mu Lei suddenly yelled.

“Huh????” The cockscomb youth who was about to redeem the prize was interrupted by’interference to cast the spell’, he turned his head moved towards and looked behind him with a puzzled look.

The girl with glasses who rushed into the hall quickly rushed to the award platform——

The young man with yellow hair and cockscomb head saw the girl’s movements, no matter how stupid he was, he knew he was fooled Now, even more how, he is no stranger to him.

Too late to be angry, the cockscomb teenager quickly turned around, handed the Member Card to the staff and shouted:

“I want to redeem the No. 1 prize~”

< p>“I want to redeem the No. 1 prize~”

Mu Mu Lei’s movements are not slow, and eventually he shouted out the request of “I want to redeem the No. 1 prize”.

“Two, this–” Looking at the Member Card that was handed in front of him at the same time, the face of the rewarding staff behind the counter was embarrassed.

“I’ll come first, give it to me.” The cockscomb young man glared fiercely at the girl, then turned his head and said to the awarding staff.

“I said it first, and I have been preparing for this prize for a long time. If you say that comes first, then I am right.” Mu Mu Lei retorted uncompromisingly.

“hehe…then why didn’t you do it before.” The cockscomb young man raised his head and asked rhetorically.

“Flying you guy, if I hadn’t graduated from the Rainbow Primary Rank Pokémon school before, I would have exchanged this Pokemon egg, and it is my turn to get you—”


“haha, then I don’t care about it. Anyway, if I come first today, I will exchange this Eevee egg.” The cockscomb young man called Dead Fei provoked.

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