“Wow!! It’s really Wailord——”

“Ma Ma, look, it’s a whale!!!”

“Baba, look, it’s a whale!! “



After passing at first’s uproar Uproar on the Sea Cliff Corridor, it quickly became quiet again.

Obviously, after being reminded by the staff of the Tourism Bureau and Officer Jenny who was patrolling the coast, many tourists also knew that if the sound was too loud, the Wailord group would be affected by Astonish and leave quickly.

At this moment, the direction of the coastal corridor is very quiet. Liang Ren and the three of them are staying on the battlefield of the Trovita Gym. The only thing that can be heard is the whisper of the sea breeze and the sound of the waves floating. .

“Casey, Liang Ren, look at it, Wailord is swimming towards us.” Mary, who was squatting on the edge of the opposing battlefield, fiddled with the bangs on her forehead and lowered her The voice, turned his head happily, said to Liang Ren and Casey.

“Hmm-I saw it too.” Casey replied in a low voice with joy, but Liang Ren didn’t speak, holding Slowpoke quietly to watch the whales that kept coming closer.

Pidgeot, Lucario, Monarch Snake, Dratini and several Pokémons are also quiet, but Cloyster’s face is flat. As a “water” Pokémon living in the ocean, Walord is not It’s not a rare thing.

However, watching Wailord’s migration from the shore perspective is something new to Cloyster.



Wailord, ventilating with waves on the calm sea, gave out an ethereal and long whale Song, Trovita Gym held their breath to the three people on the battlefield, watching intently at one after another dark shadow in the blue sea approaching, and soon they saw the gentle group of’ocean giants’.

I saw a jet of water emerging from the tumbling waves. The whale’s huge head and Black’s smooth back were exposed, and it sank quickly. Then there was a sound of “oh la la” in the original water column. A blue tail is cocked in the position.




Mary, Casey, the two girls each other Glancing at each other, one can clearly see the uncontrollable joy and excitement in the eyes of the two women.

Liang Ren did not speak, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Slowpoke’s head, quietly watching the swimming under the sea reef, sometimes exposing the dorsal and tail fins to slap a wave of waves, and sometimes suddenly jumping high and setting off huge waves Wailord group.

Looking at these huge monsters playing in the water, flipping and chasing them, the water column of Spit Up is as high as ten meters when breathing, and I have to sincerely sigh the magical power of nature.

Wailord is the largest Pokémon in the ocean Pokémon, with an average body length of 14.5 meters. Even the creator of the Primal Ocean, the Primal sea god Kyogre after Primal Reversion is incomparable.

However, it is precisely because Wailord is so large that he eats several tons of krill per meal, so Wailord was captured by major Alliance expressly prohibited trainers.

The Clefairy Whale Alliance is not forbidden, but once the Clefairy Whale evolves into Wailord, the trainer must be released. Among all the ocean Pokémon, it can be treated with such protection. Wailord is indeed the only one.


Spent 2 or 2 hours on the reef battlefield. During this period, there are successively varying numbers of Wailord passing here, and Trovita Island as the Southern Cross ——The location of the Southern Star Gym, the overall location is in the south of the Orange Islands.

Wailord group migratory courtship, mating, childbirth destination is the warmer Sea Territory near the equator at the northern latitude, Trovita Island is just one of the stops on the Wailord migration route.

And the first mover is just whale mothers and a group of children. It will take about 15 days for the whale fathers to arrive one after another.

Wailord and Clefairy whales did not stay in the Trovita Island Sea Territory for too long.

From the very beginning of the Wailord group to the Wailord group disappearing for an hour, there is only about two hours in between. After two hours, the Trovita Island Sea Territory will no longer see a silhouette of the Wailord.

However, not only are the islanders and tourists not unhappy at all, but on the contrary, they are full of joy and excitement.

Two hours of whale watching, Trovita Island was very quiet. Now after the whales have left, Trovita Island has become lively again, and the Whale Festival celebrations have officially started.

In addition to whale watching, another highlight of the Whale Festival is the grand Celebrate event, including Canoe competitions, bowling competitions, whale documentary broadcasts, expositions, concerts, beach parties and more.

Visitors wore Water Type Pokémon style doll jackets and paraded along the street with the islanders. Liang Ren and Casey also went to the village to follow the customs, and replaced them with a Water Type Pokemon bought last night when they visited the night market. clothing.

Mary is wearing a Dewgong costume, Casey is wearing a Menus style costume, and Liang Ren is wearing a hippo-style costume.

Pink doll jacket, a group of orange and white umbrella cloth scarves around the neck, and an elegant white Shellder crown inlaid with orange red gems.

“Liang Ren, Casey, there will be a Whale Festival Pokémon Celebrate competition in the square for a while, do you want to participate?” The neatly dressed Mary asked Liang Ren and Casey.

“Are there any requirements? For example, I can only shoot Water Type Pokémon in the competition.” Casey asked.

“No, no matter what Attribute Pokémon can participate in, the rules of the game are 1v1.” Mary explained to the two.

“Brother Liang Ren, how about it, do you want to participate?” The girl’s expression was obviously moved, but he still asked Liang Ren for his opinion.

“If I participate in the competition, will I be too bullying?” Liang Ren glanced at a few Pokémon around him and said.

“It’s okay~ In this kind of competition, everyone is just playing. In fact, they don’t care much about winning or losing, and the reward for the final winner is not very generous.” Mary explained.

“Okay, then let’s go have fun—” Seeing Mary said that, Liang Ren no longer refused, putting on the Hippo King headgear and then agreed.

“Cloyster, Lucario, and the Sovereign Snake, the three of you are going to take part in the next Gym challenge. Today’s Whale Festival celebration competition, let one of you Pidgeot and Slowpoke accompany me to the competition.”

“Pidgeot, dull, who are you two?” Liang Ren asked Pidgeot and Slowpoke to the side.

“Ah duo-are you here, Brother Bird, but if you play this time, next time you meet the challenge Southern Cross Gym, I will play first!!” Slowpoke narrowed his eyes and looked Pidgeot on the side towards towards said.

“There is only one beeping-Gym battle, and right now there are many celebration matches available, so I choose more and I want to play.” Pidgeot thought for a moment and made a decision.

“Ya Duo——Xing Ba~”

Slowpoke nodded, I didn’t feel that I was at a loss, so I looked towards Liang Ren and said:

“Ya Duo——Liang Ren, I can’t play the game for a while. You can give me some pocket money to buy food.”

“Beep Diao——Fuck, you are too cunning, Fatty.”


“Ah duo—you bite me~”

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