“The number 3 player “Mantyke Jumping” and the player number 53 “Yoran no Hippo King” are invited to play.” The referee announced.

“It’s me.” Liang Ren got up from his seat.

“Come on, Liang Ren!”

“Come on, Liang Ren——”

I took the Slowpoke handed by Liang Ren, Casey and Mary waved He waved his hand to cheer for Liang Ren.

“I will do my best.” Liang Ren did not slack off, nodded, and behaved very solemnly.

After talking about Liang Ren, put on his headgear, and then follow the wooden steps to the built-up arena. On the opposite side of the arena, there is also a burly and tall man who walks up to the command position. set.

Liang Ren’s pseudonym is called’悠然の河马王’, Liang Ren’s opponent’s pseudonym is’jumping Mantyke’, but judging from the figure of this person, his pseudonym is obviously not suitable .

If it was a lively teenager, it would be almost the same. For such a burly and strong adult man, it would be almost the same as “Strong Walrein or Poliwrath”.

However, Liang Ren did not get too entangled in details such as the opponent pseudonym. He has already begun to adjust his state when he is on the field.

“Next is the battle between player No. 3, “Jumping Mantyke” and player No. 53 “Youran no Hippo King”. The rules of the game are 1v1. If one Pokémon loses the combat capability or the trainer concedes, the game is over. .”

“Now, please send the Pokémon who are prepared to be good at both players.” After looking around at the side of the court, the referee also gave out a ready signal.

“Boy, surrender as soon as possible, or I will beat you up soon.”

“Come out~ Rhydon!!!” The robust man on the other side arrogantly provoked, and then let go Pokémon.

“Uncle, don’t say it too early, it’s not always the one who beats the cry~”

“Pidgeot, get ready to fight!!” Liang Ren replied unceremoniously. He also threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

“bang bang ——”

“Bang!!” The two baby balls opened, and one was covered by a huge monster with rock-gray armor, a dinosaur-like layman, and a height of up to two meters. The ground fell on the other side of the battlefield.

“roar roar——”Like his trainer, this Rhydon also extended his arms and moved towards Liang Ren and let out a roar.

Rhydon’s imposing manner can’t deter Liang Ren, but he doesn’t fight back after being provoked. It’s obviously not Pidgeot’s character.

“Beep Eagle——” Pidgeot, who came out of the baby ball, also moved towards the opposite robust man and Rhydon with a sharp and high-pitched eagle.


“ah ha ha ha, as expected, the baby is the baby, not only the trainer, but also the Pokémon used.” Seeing the’mini’ Pidgeot hovering in Sky, The robust man wearing a Mantyke plush suit on the opposite side gave out a wild laugh.

“roar roar…” So did Rhydon. Seeing the super small Pidgeot sent by Liang Ren, this big guy was also shy and he chuckles proudly.

“Beep Eagle!!” Seeing the performance of the opposite Pokémon and his trainer, Pidgeot’s pair of bird eyes was full of anger. Its dignified Elite-level expert was actually mocked by a Pokémon with ordinary elite strength. .

“Pidgeot, calm down, they won’t be able to laugh after the game starts.” Liang Ren raised his head and glanced at the angry Pidgeot, and said calmly.

Pidgeot, as one of his three main forces, has reached the terrifying Elite level at the same time.

In this kind of small game that adds a lively atmosphere to the festival, Pidgeot would be too bully if he showed all his strength. So before the game started, Liang Ren discussed with Pidgeot. Today The competition will lower the strength and maintain the’Minimize’ state throughout.

However, even if the strength is suppressed and the state of’Minimize’ is maintained throughout, the strength of Pidgeot is not the opponent Rhydon can provoke. Now he is working hard, and Liang Ren and Pidgeot will let the opponent know why the flower is so popular. .

“Ka Ka! Then I’ll wait.” The robust man on the other side arrogantly said with a smile.

“The game begins.” The referee did not give the robust man a chance to continue his mouth. Seeing that both Pokémon had already appeared on the stage, he announced the start of the game without the slightest hesitation.

“Pidgeot, take off to get a distance and use Agility.” At the beginning of the game, Liang Ren immediately gave Pidgeot instructions. In order not to look too bully, Liang Ren not at all opened the bond link. There was no silent command.

However, the Elite level is the Elite level. Whether it is Liang Ren, a trainer or Pidgeot, a Pokémon in battle, the combat literacy demonstrated by them is not comparable to that of an average person.

“Beep eagle!!” Pidgeot let out a clear cry, and after flapping his wings vigorously, he hovered in midair’s Pidgeot and showed what it means to fly into the sky.

“Do you think it’s great to fly? I think I can’t help you if I get a distance. You look down on me too much.” The robust man on the other side of the field crooked his mouth and said his face revealed disdain.

“Rhydon, use provocation.”

“roar roar!!!” Rhydon, who received the order, waved his arms and moved towards Pidgeot, who took the distance to launch a provocation.

“Beep eagle!!” The anger caused by being mocked at the beginning of the game has not disappeared. At this moment, when he is attacked by Rhydon’s provocation Ability, Pidgeot’s originally very clear eyes are suddenly stained with an angry red.

But it was an Elite Pokémon, and Pidgeot not at all, who was provoked, acted immediately, but kept his mind and waited for Liang Ren to give instructions.

“It’s not that I underestimated you, but that you underestimated me.”

“Pidgeot, since the other party wants us to attack, let the other person see our methods Right.” Looking at the opposite Rhydon, who looked like a rabbit waiting, the corner of Liang Ren’s mouth was raised.

“Pidgeot, use Double Team + Wings of Steel.”

“Beep Eagle!!!” Pidgeot moved in the sky, petite like Pidgey’s body in the wind like Yun Shuo It flickered and shuttled rapidly, and hundreds of identical Double Teams were separated in the blink of an eye.

“What!!” The robust man who saw this scene on the other side of the scene opened his eyes and mouth wide.

He was surprised that Pidgeot did not immediately launch an attack after being provoked, and he could still use the non-attack auxiliary Ability. Second, he was surprised that Liang Ren’s Pidgeot had divided hundreds of Avatars at once and doubled Team’s ability to exercise to this level is simply unheard-of.

At this moment, not only was the robust man on the opposite side of the field full of surprise, but the faces of the players waiting to be played off the field and the visitors were also full of surprised looks.



However, you can’t be distracted in the battle. When the robust man on the opposite side of the field was stunned, the sky was overwhelmed. A large swarm of’Pidgeot Group’ has already launched a charge towards Rhydon.

“Beep Diao…”

“Beep Diao…”

“Beep Diao…”



The Pidgeot group flew down, a pair of wings that became dense due to Minimize Ability, like a hundred-forged steel knife with a handle and a sheath. Looking up, the crowded Pidgeot group instantly turned into a dazzling knife net.

“Damn!!” The robust man, who was shocked by the bright steel wings, broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly issued instructions to Rhydon.

“Rhydon, quickly use Iron Defense to return to defense.”

“Roar——” Looking at the Pidgeot group flying down by hiding the sky and covering the earth, Rhydon eyes There was also a flash of fright, but when it heard the trainer’s instructions, it immediately raised its arms to block defense.

“I only know the defense now, it’s too late!!” Liang Ren said sonorously.

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