“This Pidgey is even more adept at controlling Agility than Mitsumi. Is this really a Pokémon that a novice trainer can train?”

Danza, who came out of the exit channel, I did a record of the record at the staff, and when I was about to leave, I glanced at the broadcast on the wall TV. The battle between Liang Ren and Okamoto had already begun.

Like her fighting strategy in the previous game, Liang Ren used Agility to improve Pidgey’s flying speed for Pidgey.

The condensed light film like a water wave, this novice Pidgey’s control of Agility is even more brilliant than her Dodrio, which Dansha felt very surprised.

Danza, who originally planned to leave, also found a place in the waiting hall and sat down, a pair of bright eyes with a touch of inquiry, watching the thin boy on the broadcast TV. And his Pokémon.

“Double Team, Air Slash.”

Seeing that the opponent was afraid to take the initiative to attack, Liang Ren did not hesitate, and directly signaled Pidgey to attack.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ 唰——”

Ten, a total of ten identical Pidgey appeared on the battlefield Sky, and the breakthrough of Agility also caused the original stagnation The former Double Team has made considerable progress.

“si si ~”

A Pidgey has become a group of Pidgey, the arbor spit out the basilisk and made a threatening sound of si si, but the arbor did not at all feel Panicked, the Double Team has a strong ability to confuse and interfere, but it is not at all very useful for having Arbor monsters.

The bifurcated snake letter is unsteady, catching odor particles in the air, and the cheeks between the eyes and nostrils are like infrared receivers, sensing the temperature changes all around, forming a picture in the mind Thermal image.


Pidgey’s attack came very fiercely. The connection between Air Slash and Double Team was very smooth. Double Team circulated in the air like a bee and butterfly, trying to interfere with Arbor Weird sight.

Ten Pidgey played Air Slash together, one after another Zhan azure’s crescent wind blade aimed at the Arbor monster below and cut it down. From the audience outside the field, Pidgey’s Air Slash is simply beautiful. And the Arbor monster who was in the sword rain in the sky seemed to have fallen into an extremely dangerous situation.

“Double Team’s ability to confuse is first-rate, but when the sense organs are strengthened to a certain extent, Double Team is actually like a dummy.”

Different from other people’s set by Liang Ren The operation was shocking. Dansha frowned in the waiting hall did not approve of how wise Liang Ren’s offensive was. However, the situation that followed proved it.

“Abo, dodge, use Poison Sting.”

Okamoto is very aware of his Pokémon’s abilities, watching the ten moon arc wind blade twist towards the Abo When he called, the young man was not at all panicked. While giving instructions to dodge the Arbor on the field, he also launched a counterattack.


“xiū xiū xiū xiu… ”

The off-site audience did not think that the Arbor monster could dodge Air Slash, but it was unexpected Yes, Arbor twisted his body and actually avoided the attack launched by Pidgey’s real body.

The other nine wind blades passed through the body of the Arbor monster like a phantom, not at all did not cause any damage to it, and the real crescent wind blade also failed, only in a hard fight against Ground A ravine-like knife mark was left.

“Pidgey, keep the distance, dodge.”

Seeing that Air Slash did not hit the Arbor, Liang Ren could not be frowned, but it is not allowed when the opponent launches a fierce counterattack. He thought about it, and hurriedly gave Pidgey an order to avoid it.

“Pu pu…”

An Aber monster snake mouth, exuding a dense Poison Sting with a purple light, moving towards Pidgey is a burst of fire, and the swarms of bees are dancing Double Team was directly shot into a sieve by Poison Sting like a drizzle, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“chi… ”

Yingying white light bursts out of Pidgey’s petite body, and turns into a red white tail flame under the light film. , Pushing Pidgey to flicker wildly to avoid the Poison Sting attack of the Arbor monster.

“Pidgey, Lie Hurricane.”

When I saw that the Double Team hadn’t been destroyed yet, the Aberdeen kept chasing Pidgey’s physical attacks, and Liang Ren also Finally, I realized that, thinking of the unique sense organs of snake life, I also knew that the offensive of the Contest just now did not at all in the eyes of the opponent.

Although the attack just now did not make a contribution, it did not affect his confidence. He has the flying ability Pidgey, although he is not completely invincible, but the initiative is on his side. Controversial facts.


“hu hu ……”

Under the twin speeds of Agility and Spark, Pidgey is not only extremely fast but also very flexible Arbor kept shooting a Poison Sting attack for a long time, but there was no one to hit Pidgey. The boy on the opposite side browsed tightly knit and obviously realized the difficulty of Flying Pokémon.


The violent tail flames helped Pidgey to distance from the Arbor. Upon receiving instructions from Liang Ren, Pidgey spread his wings and whirled.

When flying over the sky above Arbor’s head, the petite but extraordinarily strong wings flapped fiercely. The violent airflow seemed like a chaotic net, compressed into a wind wall under Pidgey’s control. Moved towards the Abel monster below was pressed down.

Flying Type Unique Ability has the fastest attack speed among all Attribute Unique Ability. At first, I have never thought about the arbor monsters dodge everywhere. When the wind wall is pressed down, it is too late to dodge .

The lofty upper body was hit by the wind wall with a bang, and his cheeks also came into close contact with the solid Ground.

“Advance, use Air Slash.”

Liang Ren, who already knows that Double Team has no utility, has no choice but to let Pidgey use it and hit the Arbor monster on the ground. Before getting up, Liang Ren has already launched another attack.


Pidgey, a petite body, like a bright meteor that cuts through the sky, a swooping flashing and bursting towards the Arbor monster, Air Slash is also there Immediately moved towards The Aber Monster cut out.

“Abo, use poison mist.”

“chi chi——bang.”

The huge moon arc wind blade cut through the chi chi ground The air, without giving the other party any room, fiercely slashed on Aboguai’s body, so painful that Aboguai’s body twisted wildly on the ground, and the sand and dust flew up.

“Air Slash.”

With a single blow, there is the dark purple poison mist of Spit Up in front of him. Liang Ren, who originally planned to make Pidgey close with his paws to attack, Very flexibly changed the strategy and commanded Pidgey to use Air Slash to attack again.

“Abo, use Dig.”


The trainer on the opposite side is a bit difficult. Compared with the opponent I encountered before, This young boy’s attack appeared to be very organized, and he could still keep his head calm in the fierce battle, but such an opponent was exactly what Liang Ren wanted to encounter.

Zhan azure’s wind blade dissipated the poison mist that had faded somewhat, and fiercely cut it towards the Abel monster.

However, the raised smoke and dust dissipated. In addition to a ravine created by Air Slash, there was a large hole on the ground.

“Pidgey, lower the flying height, pay attention to caution.”

Since the snake has drilled a hole, then he will lead the snake out of the hole. This is the simplest truth.

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