Seeing that Liang Ren completely ignored Gyarados’ life and death, he seized the opportunity to attack him mercilessly. After Iwaki made a ideological struggle, he finally had to admit defeat.

For a temporary job with a salary of only 200,000 yuan, the Pokémon that he carefully cultivated suffered serious injuries that were incurable, which Iwatake could not do.

“Slowpoke, stop.” Liang Ren yelled, his expression remains as usual, but Liang Ren knew he was sighed in relief.

“oh la la…”

Receiving Liang Ren’s instruction, Slowpoke Confusion let go of his big hand and threw Gyarados back into the pool.

Iwatake took a deep look at the boy opposite, not knowing what he was thinking.

Are you saying that he has no innate talent as a trainer, but does not have the professional ethics that a trainer should have? Still cursing him for ignoring Pokémon’s life for victory.

Liang Ren is not interested in knowing Yanwu’s evaluation and opinions on him. He wants to get this task, so he tries his best to fight for it. It’s that simple.

Ding, experience +137

Ding, pick up physical strength Attribute value +2

Ding, pick up attack innate talent value +1

“Sure enough, from the Pokémon carefully breeded by the trainer, it is easy to explode innate talent red coins.”

Seeing the two white and one red Attribute coins sputtering from Gyarados, Liang Ren’s face I couldn’t help showing a smile. Of course, this smile seemed to everyone on the sidelines, but it felt cold.

“Trainer Iwatake admits defeat, and this game is won by trainer Mumu Liang Ren.”

The last trial is over, and the three sisters did not care about the game that was devastated by the battle. In the field, the results of the competition were announced directly. In this temporary Gym trial, Liang Ren, who is least optimistic about at first, won the final victory.

“Thank you all for coming to participate in the selection of Cerulean Gym temporary gym trainer. After four rounds of knock-out competition, the one-week temporary Gym Leader task is the trainer: Mumu Liang Ren. “

“We have prepared a sumptuous seafood feast for you, please feel welcome.”

After the game, the time is already 12:07, everyone went to the restaurant to enjoy After the luxurious seafood dinner, the trainers also left.

“This is the aquarium area, sometimes open to the outside free of charge, this is the swimming pool…”

After lunch, the three sisters led Liang Ren in I visited the gym. The renovated Cerulean Gym is very large, but apart from the battle hall after entering the door, the back is basically a private area, and Normal is not open to outsiders.

“Sakura Young Lady, when do I go to work?” Liang Ren turned to Sakura and asked.

“Our three sisters are on the plane at 6 o’clock in the afternoon. If possible, you will be the temporary Gym Leader of Cerulean Gym from tomorrow.” Sakura laughed and said to him softly.


After the three sisters took Liang Ren to visit the Gym, they also told him everything they had informed.

Gym has rooms equipped for him. He doesn’t need to go to the Pokémon Center to borrow. The staff will prepare three meals a day for him, and he will not restrict his freedom. Liang Ren must be present when the challenger comes.

In general, this is a free temporary job with food and housing, a high salary, and it is undoubtedly a very wise decision to come to Cerulean City to participate in this trial.

After clarifying the size of the matter to Liang Ren, the three sisters went to do their own things. After all, they are going to Kalos Region in the afternoon for a week-long water ballet tour. There are still many things that need them to be busy. .

And Liang Ren, who had been fighting for the whole morning, returned to the guest room to rest.

“Hey, second brother, how about your game? Have you competed for the temporary Gym Leader position?”

During the lunch break, Liang Ren gave him Mu Lei called and asked about the opening of the new store in her family today.

“Well, although it took some effort, I managed to get the job in the end.”

Standing in front of the three-meter-wide French window, touched the luxurious curtains. , Sighing Cerulean Gym rich and imposing in my heart, talking on the phone with Little Lei.

“It’s amazing, as expected to be my second brother.” Mu Mu Lei’s happy voice came over the phone.

“By the way, Little Lei, the new store in my family officially opened today, how is the situation?” Liang Ren asked.

“Today, the new store opened business very well. Before, Mother accumulated a lot of customer contacts when working at the breeding house. In addition, the breeding association did channel promotion, and there were many early today. The guests came to take care of the business, and many others have applied for the annual card in the store.”

Speaking of the opening of the new store, Mu Mulei’s tone on the phone seemed very excited.

“It is worthy of being Mother, and doing things is stable.”

In Pokémon world, as long as Pokémon is related to any industry, the profit margin is very large.

Although Pokémon Center can also do health care, the basics of Pokémon Center are only to ensure the basic health of Pokémon.

But like a privately-owned health care store, while ensuring health, there are also some more Top Rank and more premium services. Pokémon’s beauty accounts for a large proportion of them.

Pokémon Center will not provide this service, but for the upper class, the demand for this is particularly great.

Mother has accumulated a lot of customer resources before working in the breeding house, and now it is not as bleak as other novices.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but once you make a good start, as long as there are no major problems in subsequent operations, I believe that the profitability is very high. I believe that I will move my home in the suburbs to the main city within a year or two. It is very possible.


After chatting for a while, he hung up. He will officially go to work tomorrow, so he doesn’t plan to go home this afternoon, so he stays here in Cerulean City.

After giving Mushan and Casey a thank you note, the phone was thrown on the sofa, Liang Ren also enjoyed this luxurious guest room, watching Slowpoke rolling around on the big bed , Liang Ren couldn’t help but sigh Cerulean Gym’s strong financial resources.

As the official Gym of a city, it is also eligible to receive part of the city’s taxation because it has the responsibility of maintaining the safety of the city, and Alliance will also have a large amount of funds allocated every year.

If this gym runs very well, it is very prestigious and well-known in the circle of trainers, and it can even get a lot of sponsorship from major consortiums.

“It’s much easier to open a gym to make money than to open a shop.”

Slowpoke naughtyly stretched to his face and swept the tail to catch it, looking at Decorating the ceiling of Contest, Liang Ren thought to himself.

But Gym is not something you can open if you want. Although Pokémon Gym has a lot of independence, it is fundamentally the subordinate organization used by Alliance to manage the place.

To open Gym, not only must have enough strength, the most important thing is to get the recognition of Alliance.

“But I can plan this in the future.” Dragging the rolling Slowpoke over and rubbing Little Brat’s head, Liang Ren thought to himself.

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