“Come on, wash my face.”

Bring the three Pokémon to the bathroom and wash the three pets.

Because of the existence of the system backpack, Liang Ren brought the three Little Brat’s daily necessities, Pidgey, Slowpoke and Shellder, to Liang Ren this time.

“Come on, wipe the feathers.”

“Hoothoot ~”

Pidgey doesn’t like water. Liang Ren wrung out the towel as much as possible before giving it to Little Brat wiped his feathers.

The little water on the surface of the feathers quickly evaporated and disappeared. By the way, the body temperature was lowered, so that Little Brat, who seemed to have not yet woken up, also woke up.

“It’s your turn, Slowpoke.”

Changed a towel to wash Slowpoke’s face, and then brushed the shells for Shellder, finishing cleaning up the three pets, Liang Ren After I changed my shoes, I went out.

At noon, the three sisters, Sakura, Peony, and Changpu, took him to visit the Gym. Liang Ren, who has a good memory, didn’t get lost. He walked out of Cerulean Gym.

The three sisters will go to Kalos Region at 6 pm. All the smart locks in the Gym have also recorded Liang Ren’s iris and fingerprints into the system. Liang Ren can be said to be this Gym in the next week. The owner of it.

“Hey, Mr. Liang Ren, are you going out?” After coming out of Gym, didn’t expect actually bumped into calamus.

Looking at Liang Ren standing with a Pidgey on his shoulder and holding Slowpoke in his arms, Changpu asked with a bright smile on his face.

“Well, while there is still some time in the afternoon, I’m going to take the three Little Brats to the beach.” Liang Ren laughed in response.

“Well, Gym is quite far from the sea. If Liang Ren goes to the garage to pick a supercar, I usually drive out with my elder sisters when they go for a ride on the beach.”


After talking about this straight pink-haired girl, she took a car key out of her pocket and handed it to him.

“Haha, no, I don’t have a driver’s license yet!” Seeing the girl’s behavior, Liang Ren laughed and refused.

“Well, that’s okay. If it’s not for 6 o’clock in the afternoon, I and my elder sister are going to Kalos, I can also be a tour guide for you and take Liang Ren to take a good stroll in Cerulean City. I only have to wait until I come back next week.”

A handsome and handsome appearance can always give people a good impression. After all, regardless of men and women, people always like good things.

Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Changpu was somewhat regretfully sighed.

“haha, it’s okay, I’ll go first, and I wish you a great success in this tour.”

Liang Ren waved his hand to Cichangpu, and then followed the gym outside The broad road headed towards the outer highway.


I scanned a shared bicycle with his mobile phone beside the highway outside Gym, put the Slowpoke in the front frame, and then he stepped on the bicycle. He hurried to the beach with two pets leisurely.

Cerulean City is a very clean city. This cleanliness is reflected in its urban temperament. The traffic on the main urban avenues is endless, although it also gives people a very busy and fast-paced feeling, but because there is no random The whistle sounded quieter.

Open the mobile phone navigation map, and then let Slowpoke sitting in the frame help to lift it, Liang Ren turned the bicycle into a road along the river.

dīng líng líng ——

There are some flowers and trees planted in the green belts on both sides of the artificially excavated river canal, and the opposite is the small villa area carved out of the whole white jade of the Han Dynasty. Clicking the bell on the handle of the bicycle, some Wooper and Lotad playing in the river channel cast curious glances at him.

This is the second time I have come to Cerulean City. The last time I came, I was in a hurry to go to the dried fish farm. When I went back, he was in a hurry because of the high-speed train. For the beauty of Cerulean City Just a glimpse.

Now I’m riding a bicycle, and walking around the city with two Little Brat slowly. Along the Verdanturf walkway by the river, the branches of weeping willows are swaying in the wind, and the river is gurgling with flowers on both sides. Fragrant.

On this spring afternoon, Liang Ren seemed to see the best side of the city.

Swinging around and navigating all the way, Liang Ren brought his three pets to the embankment by the sea.

“Di——” found a place to park the shared bicycle.

Sky’s sun gradually slanted to the west, and the sun disappeared from the noon heat. At this time, many people came to the beach to blow the wind, and many of them came to watch the sunset.

There are many people playing on the beach, and the corridors of the high embankments are also full of vendors, which looks particularly lively.

“Let’s go, let’s see if there are any flip-flops, and change shoes later and play on the beach.”

“Hoothoot ~”

“Ya Duo——”

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the two pets became extremely excited because they had already asked about the Fragrance of snacks.

“haha, let’s go, remember to tell me what you want to eat.”

What kind of character is his Pokémon? How can he be a trainer not clear, seeing the expressions of two pets , Liang Ren said with a relaxed smile on his face.

“Hoothoot ~”

“Would you like to eat this small octopus ball?” I saw Pidgey rubbing his cheek with his small head, and then pointed at an octopus with his wings Liang Ren immediately understood the ball stall.

“Do you want Slowpoke?”

“Ah duo——” Seeing Liang Ren’s question, Slowpoke was also obediently nodded.

“Boss, here are ten octopus balls.”


The vendor with a white belt on his forehead complied, because the business is relatively more. Good reason, this hardworking man who is so tired that brow beaded with sweat always has a happy smile on his face.

“Shellder, come out, too.”

The vendor is very efficient, and soon packed ten octopus balls in two cartons, topped them with some secret sauce, and delivered them. To Liang Ren.

After paying the money, Liang Ren took two pets to a bench by the corridor, released Shellder, and then one person and three pets tasted snacks while looking at the sea with the sea breeze. It looks very warm.

I raised my head and glanced at a person not far away who was holding the camera to focus on his side, and I didn’t know if the other person was photographing him (them).


I tasted all kinds of snacks, and the tourists wandering on the corridor cast curious gazes towards Liang Ren.

It was a handsome and gentle-looking teenager with a delicate and pretty appearance. He was squatting with a Pidgey on his shoulders and holding a cute Slowpoke in his arms.

And Slowpoke is holding a Shellder in his arms, and a cup of milk tea is placed on the shellder’s slightly open shell. This naive Slowpoke is drinking with a straw in its big mouth.

Such a weird combination is really difficult to not notice, but Liang Ren doesn’t feel embarrassed either. It is good that he and his subordinate Pokémon are happy, so why bother to look at people.

Thinking of this, Liang Ren showed a relaxed and happy smile on his face.

The photographer who just finished taking pictures of Wingull on the opposite seawall, when he inadvertently saw this weird one person and three pets, his eyes suddenly lit up and he raised the camera in his hand to freeze the warm and beautiful picture Come down.

“Magikarp, Magikarp who will lay golden eggs!!!”

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