There is no cloud tonight, the sea breeze spurs the sky’s low dark clouds, driving them to the farther Sea Territory——

On the dark sky with some faint stars, the silver cold moon is isolated Hanging high, the cold Yuehui seemed to have a chill of its own, shining into the house through the floor-to-ceiling windows, making people feel particularly peaceful.

Only the vast ocean in the distant sky, under the bright Moonlight, rolled up the waves like a carnival. In the voice of hua hua, several Magikarps jumped out of the water and danced under the moon.

In order to thank Liang Ren for helping to stay in Gym for a week, and for the success of Celebrate’s water ballet show in Kalos Region, the three sisters held a party in Gym in the evening.

I took a rest for one night. After eating breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning, I was ready to leave. I was out for a whole week this time. He still missed the family.

“Sakura Young Lady, how do you pay me so much compensation? This is too much!!”

After breakfast, Liang Ren went back to the room and packed his things. Look When the text message prompted the bank card to arrive at 60w, and looking at the three sisters who saw him off at the gym door, Liang Ren said in a daze.

“No, where are there too many? According to our previous mission, the 3w per day for guarding Gym for seven days is 21w in total. Then every time you defeat a challenger, you get an additional bonus of 1w. This In seven days, Liang Ren, you beat 29 challengers, and the extra bonus is 29w.”

Peony broke his fingers and counted him, as if to prove to him that he did not overpay.

“That’s only 50w, which is not an extra 10w.” Looking at the peony counted by the fingers, Liang Ren said somewhat didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Liang Ren, you are afraid that you have forgotten the rescue of Cerulean cave. Officer Jenny has told us the whole story. This is obviously not within the scope of your mission, but you still stand up To help us maintain Gym’s reputation. This 10w is just a little bit of our sisters’ hearts, I hope you don’t refuse.”

Big sister Sakura has a high emotional intelligence, so she can do things for others. People couldn’t find anything wrong. The other party had already transferred money through the account reserved when receiving the task. Liang Ren had no choice but to refuse at this time. After thinking about it, he accepted it.

In fact, the three sisters also have the idea of ​​befriending him. A trainer with a civilian background, they have such strength at this age. Anyone with a little brain can see that the future of the other party is inevitable. It is limitless.

At this stage, establishing a good relationship with each other and gaining friendship with each other will benefit the future development of Cerulean Gym or the industry under the three sisters.

Their sisters are not short of money. The one-week water ballet tour to Kalos made them a lot of money. The reputation of Gym cannot be measured by money, but they are also I was worried that giving too much Liang Ren would not accept it, so after discussing it, he only gave 10w.


“Please note, all passengers, the C1384 train from Cerulean High-speed Railway Station to the direction of Saffron East Station will have to check in and enter the station. There are trains C1384 times. Passengers on the train, please bring your own luggage…”

“I’ll go.”

He beckoned and said to Changpu who drove him to the high-speed rail station, come Before the high-speed rail station, he went to the beach and told Xiao’an and his daughter.

“Well, I originally said that I would take you in Cerulean City for fun, didn’t expect you to leave today.”

Changpu is a very straightforward girl, for Liang Ren didn’t give her a chance to do her best as a landlord, she said very dissatisfied.

“School is about to start, I have to hurry up to train Pokémon, wait for the next time, next time I go to Cerulean City, I will inevitably come to Cerulean Gym to bother you, when the time comes, don’t think I am troublesome. “Liang Ren laughed explained.

“It’s an appointment, next time you come to Cerulean City, remember to come to Gym to find us, let us do our best as a landlord.”

“Okay, sure.”< /p>

Waved his hand and turned to check the ticket to enter the station. Twenty minutes later, the high-speed rail drove into Saffron East Station. This skyscraper seems to be piercing the international metropolis of the sky. He will come here to go to school in a month. .

In the station, transfer back to Celadon City. When he arrived at the Rainbow High Speed ​​Rail Station, it was already more than 10:40. After the task was completed, he had to go to the Hunter’s Guild to register and get out of the High Speed ​​Rail Station, Liang Ren Stopped a taxi and rushed to the guild directly.


Walking into the guild, everything is still the same. There are many Bounty Hunters in the mission hall looking for missions, but these lone rangers are extremely cold and find After registering, the favorite task hurriedly left.

Of course, sometimes I can see a lot of self-familiar trainers looking for someone to form a team in the lobby, but I didn’t see that’s all today.

“Hello, Cerulean Gym’s temporary Gym Leader mission was successfully completed. Please help me to register.”

There was a change of person at the service desk today. There is no warm greeting from the past, Liang Ren handed the ID card over and said without hesitation.

“Well, okay, please wait a moment–“

“The reward settlement method for this task is transfer to a reserved bank card account. Now the customer has completed the 60w reward payment. “

“The basic task Integral Points of this task is 5 points, the task completion is perfect, and the customer gives a five-star praise. The task has a total of 10 Integral Points, and the task Integral Points accumulated on the card is 21. Before upgrading to Silver Bounty Hunter, there are still 79 Integral Points for the mission. Please keep up.”

“Ok, thank you.” After receiving the ID card from the staff, Liang Ren thanked him. Left.

It’s almost eleven o’clock now, and he doesn’t plan to take the task today, so he didn’t stay in Hunter’s Guild.


When leaving the guild hall, Liang Ren met Dansha, the female trainer who had lost the wooden jersey before at the Stadium, and the other side He cast a smile, Liang Ren smiled and greeted nodded.

“Hello—Little Lei, is the father Mother in the shop or at home?” After coming out of the guild, Liang Ren called the younger sister and asked.

“Second brother, are you back from Cerulean City?” Mu Mu Lei’s voice on the phone seemed very happy.

“Well, I just got to the guild and handed over the task.” Liang Ren laughed said.

“Well, I’m in the store with Father Mother, come here, and bring me a cup of strawberry Shuangpin milk tea on the way.”

“Well, well, I see. .”

Called a taxi and went to No. 8 Feeding Street in Beicheng District.

Celadon City during the day is not as lively as the night, but there are still a lot of people shopping, one by one, taking Pokémon that they are proud of, shuttles through the streets, their confident posture seems to be a catwalk show Normal.

In the past, Liang Ren squatted a Pidgey on his shoulders and held the naive Slowpoke in his arms. Walking on such a feeding street can also lead the fashion trend.

At this time, there is no Liang Ren with Pokémon. It seems that he has been taken off the fashion halo, and he immediately looks ordinary. If it is not for his beauty, he is still online, I guess he must be kept by the crowd on the street with colorful combs. The head girl laughed.

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