“Sangen uncle, I came to see Teacher her, can you help me pass it through?” Liang Ren, who was worried when he saw the visitor, also showed a happy smile on his face.

“That’s it, but you know, I can’t even go upstairs without permission,” the middle-aged man said apologetically.

“Hey, it seems that I can only wait for the evening, the Teacher has come down by herself.” Liang Ren shrugged said helplessly.

“Hoothoot ~”

While the two were talking, suddenly a brown-feathered Noctowl flew silently from the library upstairs and landed on the handrail of the stairs. , Turned his head and called to the boy on the counter side.

“Noctowl, did the Teacher tell me to go up?”

“Hoothoot ~” got Noctowl’s affirmative answer, Liang Ren expressed a joy.

“Sangen uncle, I’ll go up.”

He picked up the potted plants on the counter, and in the surprised eyes of the female staff, Liang Ren followed the cat head nightingale upstairs go with.

He came up before sorting out the collapsed bookshelves. The upper floors are no different from the first floor. Rows of bookshelves are neatly arranged. Although they are all precious documents, they do not have certain knowledge. Reserve, even if you can borrow it for free to an ordinary person, it is estimated that no one can understand it.

“Step on…”

Follow Noctowl all the way to the sixth floor. The Smith old man is already waiting for him.

I haven’t seen each other half a month, Old Lady is still so in great spirits, with her gray hair neat and tidy, a dark woolen coat, gray and blue deep and wise eyes, It seems to have the power to see through people’s hearts.


Holding a pot of medicinal plants and climbing the entire sixth floor, Liang Ren gasping for breath realized for the first time that his physique was still Too bad. As a trainer, it seems that he should not only work hard to train Pokémon, but he should also pay attention to physical exercise.

“Liang Ren, I have to say that you really surprised me. Succulent bone plant, which was regarded as rare and precious medicine ingredients in ancient times, was given by you in such a short time. I found it.”

The Old Lady, who is usually calm, looked at the succulent grass in Liang Ren’s arms with bright eyes, and said in a surprised tone.

“Some time ago, I went to the Cunyu Botanical Garden in Pallet Town with my classmates for a spring trip. I didn’t expect to be able to find this medicinal herb. It was luck.”

Speaking of this Regarding the incident, Liang Ren also showed a smile on his face, he was indeed lucky.

“The land of the village rain family? so that’s how it is.” Old Lady nodded said.

I looked around at the most mysterious 6th floor in the library. It was completely different from what Liang Ren had expected. He thought it was all kinds of precious books. Didn’t expect mysterious 6th floor turned out to be Old Lady. Where to live.

“Put things down, come and sit.”

When Liang Ren went upstairs, the old man was making tea, and he raised his finger to the seat on the side and motioned him to sit down. Liang Ren did not refuse either.

“Except for the Pidgey at first, have you conquered the new Pokémon during this time?” Old Lady, who was making tea in a small stove, with a kind smile on her face, looked up at Liang Ren Asked at a glance.

“Well, except for Pidgey, when doing missions in Cerulean City, I conquered a Slowpoke at the beach. I went to Pallet Town for a spring trip some time ago and conquered a Shellder.” Liang Ren answered truthfully. .

Old Lady has a magical power in her body, and Liang Ren basically doesn’t have defenses in her heart when talking to her.

The other side obviously hadn’t taught him any secret skills in breed Pokémon. At first, it was only a way for him to learn knowledge. However, Liang Ren willingly treated her with Teacher etiquette.

Maybe a ignorant child likes to learn, this is already a great Teacher.

“Tell me about the two Pokémons that you conquered.” Old Lady handed over a cup of hot tea, and every wrinkle on her face was filled with a kind smile.

“en. ”

Liang Ren took the hot tea from Old Lady and took a sip. This tea is bitter than the tea he has ever drunk. After passing through the mouth, swallowed down the throat, a hot air gushing out from the throat.

Suddenly, there was a chemical reaction in the bitter mouth. For a while, the fragrance of lips and teeth remained. For the first time, he really smelled it. Not only can the fragrance be perceived by the sense of smell, but also by the original sense of taste.

“Slowpoke is very cute, usually naive, but in fact Little Brat is very smart.

It has a very high Psychic innate talent, and it was already before I accepted it. Mastered Teleport’s Ability.

Fighting at Stadium some time ago, I somehow built up a spiritual connection with this Little Brat and shared its senses. After the battle, Slowpoke not only increased in strength, The power of the regenerative power characteristic is also activated.”

While recalling neither fast nor slow, the elegant and intelligent Old Lady did not answer the conversation, and quietly became a listener. , Watching Liang Ren talking about his Pokémon, the look in his eyes, the smile on Old Lady’s face grew.

“At the beginning, Shellder was accepted, considering that Slowpoke’s evolution needed the help of its Shellder, and I wanted to accept a Shellder to cultivate it by myself.

But slowly, my thinking changed. Shellder has his own choice. After all, even if it evolves with Slowpoke, it is still a living Pokémon.

A few days ago, I went to Cerulean City to do a mission. By chance, I encountered it in the Cerulean cave. It was not a small opportunity to get a drop of mysterious water droplets. Shellder became completely white after swallowing. Not only did his strength greatly increase, but he also realized a lot of ice attribute ability.”

< p>…

“Liang Ren, you have good luck. Earlier, you got a rare medicine plant like Succulents. This time, you got heavenly materials and earthly treasures like Hansui. Shellder’s future achievements are limitless, but now your strength is still relatively low, you should normally pay more attention to it. There are still many bad guys in this era.”


“Pidgey It’s a very spiritual Little Brat. There are many trainers who have conquered Pidgey on hand, but most of the trainers I have seen are quite satisfactory on Pidgey’s breed, and the core method you mentioned is very good.”

“Bone-quenching gel can be taken by Little Brat. Don’t worry about the skeleton density Minimize, which will affect Pidgey’s speed. After all, bone-quenching gel can strengthen Pokémon’s overall physical fitness.”



“You put medicine ingredients here, and you come back in three days. It is estimated that the ointment will be refined.”

With Old Lady I talked a lot. This is an old man with real wisdom. She didn’t tell Liang Ren how to do the training, but in the general direction, the other party gave him a lot of advice.

After Liang Ren’s idea of ​​Pokémon training is put forward, Old Lady will also analyze and discuss with him, never simply give an empty answer such as right or wrong. This is Liang Ren’s daring to speak up. s reason.


We chatted with Old Lady for a while. He thought that time was not at all, but when he came out of the library, the sky was completely dark. .

After arriving at the shop before Feeding Street and buying some food for Pidgey, Slowpoke and Shellder, Liang Ren went home.

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