“It’s you.”

“It’s you!!!”

Turning around, Liang Ren was surprised to find that he was going to grab the task with him. He competes with Iwatake of Cerulean Gym’s temporary Gym Leader.

From the expressions of the two sides at this time, it is obvious that neither of them expected to meet here again.

“What is the name of this gentleman?”

Liang Ren did not talk to Iwatake, the employer in front of him expressed doubts about his ability, and saw Iwatake, a burly middle-aged robust man , The opponent is obviously inclined to hand over the task to Iwatake.

Liang Ren knows that he has to say something at this time. The reward for the task in front of him is as high as 2w, which can be worth doing 3 normal D-level tasks. I really shouldn’t just let it go. .

For ordinary persons who don’t have Pokémon on their hands, it’s very difficult and dangerous to go to the wild to help their children conquer an initial Pokémon, but for Liang Ren’s current strength, this It is not difficult.

“In Shimooka Junpei.”

Although I don’t know what the boy is doing when he suddenly asked, but the tall man with a thin face answered politely.

“Mr. Okazumi, is this your child? He seems to be a very smart boy.” Liang Ren took advantage of the situation and said again, letting the other party focus on his side as much as possible.

“Of course, my son is an outstanding graduate of the second class of Rainbow Primary Rank Middle School. His grades are in the top 30 every semester.”

The tall man with a thin face was very proud of his child. Hearing Liang Ren’s praise, the beard on his upper lip twitched with the grin, and a smile appeared on his serious face.

“Wow~ It’s amazing. Such a smart kid must help him to subdue an outstanding Pokémon.”

Seeing the other party pick him up, Liang Ren’s face With a smile on his face, I continued to say, Iwatake who wanted to grab the task with him was directly left by the two.

“I think so too.” For Liang Ren’s words, the thin and tall man is nodded with approval.

“If possible, Mr. Okazumi might as well give me this task. Although I seem to be younger than the gentleman next to me, I am fully capable of helping your child win him Desirable Pokémon.

My current record of Celadon City Pokémon Stadium is three consecutive victories, and I was a temporary Gym Leader at Cerulean Gym the week before. At present, the completion rate of the tasks I received in the guild is even higher. Up to 100%

It’s also worth mentioning that I have fought against this one before, and Goddess of Luck is very kind to me. That time I won the championship.”

In the face of opportunities, Liang Ren always likes to take the initiative to fight for it. He can be a low-key person, but in some things, he doesn’t mind being high-key.

“This—” Listening to Liang Ren’s words, the thin man suddenly hesitated.

Just as Liang Ren said, he hopes to help his child conquer an outstanding Pokémon.

That’s the case. For the sake of safety, he prefers to hand over this task to Iwatake who is aside. Liang Ren’s age does make him feel a little unreliable.

But after listening to Liang Ren’s self-promotion, what Stadium has won three consecutive times, has been a temporary Gym Leader, has a task completion rate of 100%, and even defeated the middle-aged robust man next to him.

Oka Junpei was stunned for a moment. It seemed that of the two people in front of him, this young man was a bit more powerful, but he just didn’t know if what the other person said was true.

“If Mr. Okazumi is not in a hurry, I can play a Pokémon battle with the person next to me. If I win, how about giving this task to me?”

< p>The thin and tall men were originally inclined to Iwatake’s side, but after listening to his words, he became a little hesitant at this moment. Liang Ren, who saw this scene, was sighed in relief in his heart.

Since the other party hesitated, it showed that his initiative to fight for this time was effective. Liang Ren hurriedly gave the other party a solution to help him gain a competitive opportunity.

“If the two of you are not too troublesome, of course I agree.”

Liang Ren’s proposal is indeed a good solution. Whoever is stronger will help. It is undoubtedly more secure for his child to accept the initial Pokémon task.

“How about, Mr. Wu Yan, would you like to play against me?” Liang Ren looked towards Yanwu and said with a smile.


Iwatake has no desire to argue with a teenager. Since the employer agrees to this plan, he has no reason to refuse.

After the tall and thin man agreed, the two asked the counter staff to Lock On the task, temporarily preventing others from taking it, and then the two walked towards the battlefield behind the communication hall next to it.

Before Slowpoke relied on the hypnosis of Teleport and Yawn, so that Gyarados, who had no control over Ability, was defeated. I don’t know if the opponent learned a lesson. During this time, Gyarados was able to master some bracelets to target more sensitively. The opponent.

Father and son stayed on the edge of the opposing battlefield, watching them walk up to the opposing battlefield and stand still.

“The rule is one-on-one, right!” Liang Ren took out a treasure ball from his pocket and placed it in his hand, looking at the opposite Iwatake and said.

“Yes.” Yanwu’s words were still concise. He took out a Poké Ball, held it in his hand, and replied Liang Ren.

“Then come out, Shellder.”

“Gyarados, it’s time for revenge.”

Not at all. The referee helped to signal, The two exchanged glances and threw their Poké Ball toward the court.

The baby balls on both sides opened, making a crisp peng peng sound, and Pokémon on both sides also appeared on the battlefield.


Gyarados’ temperament is still so tyrannical and ferocious, and there is no water on the court, which makes Gyarados look even bigger, with a deafening roar that not only makes the sidelines The father and son turned pale in fright, and attracted the trainers who wandered around the battlefield.

——Gyarados vsShellder ——

“Gyarados, Roar.”

“Shellder, Hail.”

A confrontation in an imposing manner Next, both sides knew when the opponent would launch an offense. There was no signal from the referee to start the game, and both sides gave Pokémon instructions at the same time.

Gyarados with a curved tail height of six meters, with halberd horns on his head pointing to the sky, dark red eyes are always irritable and angry, and Liang Ren’s ears Bzz Bzz’s violent roar, making him frown Wrinkled tightly.

After the last Cerulean Gym battle, there was a new response to the sensitive opponent Iwatake. Shellder moved very slowly, but it did not affect the effectiveness of Gyarados’ Roar Ability.


If the intimidation feature is a passive effect, Roar Ability, which can scare the opponent out of the game, is to actively use its own imposing manner to oppress the opponent , Let opponent fall into a state of fear.

“Gyarados, rush over and use Frozen Teeth.”

“Shellder, don’t be afraid, use Hail.”

Gyarados’s Roar Ability is effective. Although Shellder was not scared to escape back to Poké Ball, Hail Ability was directly interrupted and the shells closed. Shellder was scared and retracted into the shells.

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