
“Liang Ren, here is a guest, help pour a cup of black tea.”


3 On the 24th, the day after tomorrow is the official opening day of Saffron City intermediate rank school. Looking at Mu Mu Lei on the window sill in the shop, who is rushing for winter homework, Liang Ren shook the head speechlessly, knowing that tomorrow their Celadon City Primary Rank Pokémon school will school starts.

“Mrs., please sit down for a while. After taking care of Psyduck here, it is your Delcatty’s turn.”

In the compartment of the store, Mother Yoshiko I am doing an essential oil massage for a Psyduck. It has been more than a month since it opened, but the store’s business is getting better and better.

Compared with many difficulties that Rookie had after opening a store, his “Miracle Care and Health Care Home” does not have the so-called hardships of starting a business Early-Stage.

Fresh but stylish decoration and attentive service, whether it is a wealthy wife, Young Lady, or ordinary citizens, this nursing shop at the corner of Fengzhu Street makes them feel To kind.

Everyone is happy to come here to consume, which is why the business in the store will get better and better.

“Because I don’t know your taste, I didn’t add sugar.” After brewing a cup of black tea and serving it out, Liang Ren smiled and handed it to the lady who was sitting on the sofa.

After finishing training in the morning, Liang Ren will also spare part of the time to help in the store in the afternoon. At present, his record in Stadium has reached eight consecutive victories.

I went to Stadium to register for the competition at noon. There was a star trainer who had a game tonight. Suddenly, he couldn’t come to participate because of something. Stadium arranged his game to the main venue in the evening.

Eligible to compete in the main venue where tens of thousands of spectators watch the game. This is a treatment for star trainers and trainers who have won nine consecutive victories and are preparing to hit the stars.

Liang Ren is a coincidence, but Stadium also has its own considerations. Liang Ren has won eight consecutive victories, and there is not much difference from nine consecutive victories, plus his age. With the advantage of Shanghai, we will arrange to have a warm-up match at the main venue at night. I believe the audience will be happy to watch such a game.

“Well~ the black tea is very good, I like this taste–” the beautiful woman took a sip, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face.


There are many customers in the shop in the afternoon. Every time the other person comes, Mother can call out Mrs. XX and Young Lady XX. Obviously these all are regular customers who often come to the store for nursing care.

The main job in the store is Father Mother, who only greets customers when they come to the store.

When it was getting dark, the store closed in advance today, and the family drove to the City Arena.

Tonight, he was fighting in the main venue. Not only the father Mother younger sister, but also Daisuke, Demushan, Casey, and Tamagawa Asahi also came to cheer for him, which made him a little I was nervous.

But it was just a little nervousness. He didn’t relax this month.

In addition to participating in the’Qualifying Tournament’ at the Stadium, every morning I go to the northern suburbs to do hard training, and I go to the guild for bounty tasks in the afternoon. The rest of the day is in the task hall of the Pokémon Center Find opponent to play against.

If Pidegeotto, Slowpoke, and Shellder battle strength were mature a month ago, now the three pet battle strengths have taken shape.

The opponent of this battle. He already knew that during the time he participated in the Stadium, he did not miss the opponent. He was indeed a powerful opponent, but Liang Ren was not worried because he Be confident enough in your own strength.

“Second brother, come on, my father Mother and Casey will cheer for you!!”

“Liang Ren, I will follow Mushan and Asahi One has also entered the arena. Tonight is the main venue for tens of thousands of people to watch the game. Don’t lose—”Dasuke said with a smile.

“Don’t worry, I won’t lose.” For the Pokémon he trained, Liang Ren is still very confident.

“Then we will go in first, and we can watch your performance later!!”


Look at yourself The team’s relatives and friends have entered the arena from the audience passage. After Liang Ren took a breath, he also walked into the trainer’s passage.

“Mr. Mumu Liang Ren, please come with me. I will take you to the waiting hall of the main venue.” Entering the player hall, a staff member who had been waiting for a long time walked over quickly, Liang Ren said.

“Um, good.”

The main venue is in the center of the 24 branch fields. Because they are all regular battlefields, the main venue is not bigger than the branch field.

However, as the main venue, those who participate in the competition every night are star trainers, higher-level competitions, more spectators… everything seems much bigger.

“You are waiting for the game in Hall One. Tonight’s game will start soon. Because you are playing in the First Stage, please be prepared in advance.”

The staff helped open the door of the waiting hall, and then said to Liang Ren.

“Okay, thank you.”

After Liang Ren said thank you, he walked directly into the waiting hall and saw the immature face of Liang Ren, the main hall waiting for the battle. The trainers here were taken aback.

The main venue only has two waiting halls, No. 1 and No. 2. Because everyone is a star trainer, all battles are matched after screening by Stadium.

In order to ensure that the players on both sides will not influence each other before the start of the battle, the trainers in the same waiting hall will not become opponent in the night game. This is somewhat different from the rules on the branch field. It seems more solemn and more particular.

“Is this kid also a star trainer? You can’t go wrong, right.” A bald man did not lower his voice.

For a time, all the star trainers in the waiting hall cast their gazes at Liang Ren, full of surprise.

“The waiting hall of the main venue requires staff to lead the way. Without the qualifications to play at the main venue, there is no way to come.”

“It is estimated that it will be the game tonight. Warm up the field.”

“Oh, does this guy have won nine consecutive victories? It’s really amazing.”

“Indeed, Celadon City Stadium has already I haven’t been promoted to a star for more than half a year. Didn’t expect is still such a young boy.”

“This is more than young. My son is about the same age as him. I know it all day long. Fooling around in Game Center.”

“Tsk tsk, it’s incomparable…”

Although I have become accustomed to being talked about, I have been given a star rating by a group of professional trainers. Talking about it, Liang Ren is really touched.

However, Liang Ren didn’t have stage fright either. After looking around with a smile on his face, he found an empty seat and sat down.

The trainers in the waiting hall are all star trainers who have won ten consecutive victories and promotions before. Even if they lose in the evening game, they will have a lot of money to get.

But his situation is different here. He can’t lose in the home game for the first time. You must know that tonight, there is a group of relatives and friends present to cheer him, and this is his’qualified match’ The ninth game.

Matching matches can be lost at will, but qualifying matches can only be won! ! !

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