In the center of the empty training ground, Liang Ren, as Kiyo taught him at the beginning, demonstrated to Riolu while speaking, correcting Little Brat’s movements from time to time.

Fighting technique is wide-ranging and profound, even if it is the simplest and basic straight boxing, it also contains a lot of knowledge and profound mystery.

On the first day of training, Liang Ren not at all talked to Little Brat about how to match it with an accurate sense of distance and flexible footwork, so that the opponent felt at a loss and at a loss. ‘

Neither did it talk about’finding the gap, raising up and hitting down, dangling a blow, confused and interfering with the opponent’, nor did it say that the force cannot be exhausted, only seven points are used for punching, and three points are reserved for yourself. ‘The truth.

Liang Ren only asks Little Brat to stabilize the bottom plate, fists in a straight line, punches quickly, and exerts force. On the first day of training, if Riolu can meet the above requirements, it is already very outstanding Up.


“peng peng…”

Pidgeot, Cloyster, and Slowpoke battle strength have gradually matured, and now there are few places he needs to worry about Now Liang Ren can devote more energy to Riolu.

Pokémon’s body growth rate is much faster than that of humans. Riolu has passed the juvenile period after a month or two, and his height and weight have reached the average level of this stage.

This is why Liang Ren agreed to help Little Brat do training now, after all, the time is indeed ripe.

The cultivation of Pokémon lies in continuously’cultivation, cultivation, and Laser Focus skill’, while the training of the trainer is simply summarized as’consumer and cultivate’.

Constantly conquer new Pokémon, and then use appropriate methods to grow them strong. This is the cultivation of a Pokémon trainer. The whole process is not only time-consuming, but also a lot of resources and energy… …

Fortunately, Liang Ren did a good job in the preliminary preparations. Now, whether it is time, energy or resources, he is not short of it, which is enough to support Riolu’s training for a long time.

“hu hu ~” On the empty inner courtyard training ground, Liang Ren carefully coaching Riolu for Basic Fist Technique training.

Ten minutes of rest every half an hour. After three hours, Riolu, who is full of energy and energy at first, is also very tired and hahas his little pink tongue.

“Today’s training is here. Come and take a break.” Liang Ren handed a towel to Riolu.

The situation of other Fighting Pokémon’s original Fighting technique cultivation is not clear to Liang Ren, but the speed of Riolu’s progress in just one afternoon really surprised Liang Ren.

“You Riolu Fighting innate talent is surprisingly high.” Liang Ren led Riolu off the training ground, and Kiyo sighed after pouring a cup of Energy Root medicinal tea for one person and one pet.

“The speed of progress is indeed very fast, but there is Person beyond the Person, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, there are many innate talents who are better than you, so Riolu, you can’t be proud~”< /p>

Rubbing the little head of Riolu standing next to him, Liang Ren said half admiringly and half admonishing.

“ao 嗷~” took the herbal tea handed over by Kiyo, Riolu’s expression was serious and nodded. Pokémon with a Heart of Powerhouse would not be so easy to be affected by a little achievement.

“cough cough…” Little Brat took a sip of the medicated tea while holding the cup. The extreme bitterness overflowed in his mouth, as if the whole taste buds had been destroyed.

Fortunately, this feeling did not last too long. Little Brat shrank his neck and trembled, and then a warm current spread throughout his body.

Along with a cough, another peculiar sweet fragrance came out of his throat, the bitterness faded, and the mouthful of fragrance was sweet.

“How about? Riolu, this is called first bitterness and then sweetness. Only by bearing the hardships that others cannot bear, can you enjoy the sweet happiness that others do not deserve to enjoy.”

” P1world Fighting tournament held by Kalos, let others startled.” Liang Ren raised his fist to Riolu and encouraged.

“ao 嗷~” Riolu also raised his small fist and touched him.

Liang Ren’s remarks inspired Riolu. Just now, I personally experienced the wonder of first bitterness and sweetness. For the following hard training life, Riolu not only has no fear, but is full of expectations.

Because it knows that after hard work, the success and satisfaction brought by the improvement of strength will definitely exceed what it paid at first.


In the following days, after practicing straight fist a little, Liang Ren started Coaching Riolu again to do swing fist exercises.

“Swing fist is a fist attacking opponent from the side. Compared with straight fist, it is quick and accurate. Although swing fist has the advantage of greater strength, it is also easy to be opponent because of the longer line. Detect and dodge the shortcomings.”

“Once the swing fist is opened and closed, it is easy to lose the balance of the body. Therefore, you must be cautious when using the swing fist. Use straight first in close combat. Fists and uppercuts suppress the opponent and then cooperate with the swing fist to cause greater damage to the opponent.”

“This must be remembered!!”

“ao 嗷~” At Liang Ren’s serious gaze, Riolu also nodded in response.

With the development of Fighting cultivation, the tenacious character of Fighting Pokémon in Riolu’s bones was gradually unearthed.

Wrapped with a white bandage to prevent sprains, Riolu is doing Fighting cultivation with Liang Ren wearing a training suit.

The trainer knows the Fighting technique, which will be very convenient when training Fighting Pokémon. This is not only to give more coaching, but more importantly, you can train with Pokémon. This is for Pokémon. Said will be more motivated.


A week later

The season changes from summer to autumn. Not only has the temperature slowly turned cooler, but the weather has also become windy normally.

According to the forecast of the Saffron Meteorological Observatory, there will be windy weather in the city next Wednesday, and the Pokemon ring competition held by the school’s Flying club will also choose to set it on this day.

Liang Ren has signed up with Pidgeot.

At present, the theory courses of Ice, Psychic, Water, Normal, Flying, Fighting Six Sect Primary Rank have all been completed by self-study, and the accumulated questions have also been answered in the previous few days.

Now I mainly help Pidgeot do training in the morning, and in the afternoon I bring Riolu to Fighting Gym to do Fighting technique cultivation. I have a full schedule every day. I lie in bed at night and I feel that I have a very fulfilling day.

In a blink of an eye, it’s the day of the Pokemon ring competition.

hu hu ……

When I went out for morning exercises in the morning, the oncoming wind was much stronger than usual. The branches of the green forest next to the campus avenue swayed with the wind, shaking off a lot Yellow leaves gradually appear.

When I ran by the wetland ecological lake, it was so quiet that there was no ripple in the past, and the surface of the lake, which could even reflect the sky clouds, is now covered with layers of scales and waves.

“The strength of the guys in the Flying community is not bad, but I believe you will be Liang Ren who will win the final victory.”

“Pidgeot will also cheer today~”

Abe Rei, who had made an appointment for a morning jog, said with excitement that for Liang Ren who has repeatedly performed miracles, Abe Rei is full of expectations.

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