“Every fall in the Pokemon circle tournament, the school’s flying club members are the favorites to win the championship, and there are few people who can compete with them.”

Running two laps along the campus road, each back After washing the dormitory and changing into dry clothes, Liang Ren, Chu Mushan, Rei Ambe… the entire group went to the school cafeteria for breakfast.

I’ve seen Swellow’s extraordinary Flying skill just now, and I feel a little heavy in a wooden sweater.

“The Senior just now was only one of the four chief officers of the Flying Club. I don’t know how strong their president is?” Rei Abe blew the porridge in front of him, and said worriedly.

There are very few first-year students who signed up for the competition. She did not have a Pokémon suitable for the competition when she followed Mushan. At this time, she was simply worried about that’s all for Liang Ren.

“Don’t worry about this. There is an unwritten agreement in the school’s Pokemon ring competition that the president of each Flying Club will not sign up for the competition.” Said Mushan on the side explained.

“Why?” Yuan Shizuka, who was sitting next to Casey, asked with a puzzled face.

“Maybe I don’t want to bully the weak.” Chu Mushan laughed said.

“Although their club presidents will not participate, the following four officers will participate, except for the bird trainer—Liu Qing.

The Magician of Wind— —Ming Shuo,

Fighting family in the air—the strong man,

and the sky singer—Ring Yin, these three are not only very good at air sports, but also battle strength in school. They are all in the forefront, so they should not be underestimated.”

Because my cousin is a third-grade privileged class student, Chu Mushan has a better understanding of the situation in the upper grades of the school than Liang Ren. .

“haha, the Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon school is also the best intermediate rank school in Kanto Region anyway. Who can enter this school is not a talented person? There are a lot of resources provided by the school. It is strange that the seniors are not strong enough.”

For today’s Pokemon ring competition, Liang Ren, the party involved, did not have much pressure.

Although the goal set for himself is to win in the end, he doesn’t care whether he can successfully achieve this goal, and it is enough to do his best to strive for it.

In fact, he is even more looking forward to challenging Senior Senior Sisters who have never met before, but know that they are powerful.

After getting the initial Pokémon, he worked harder than his classmates and friends. He chose to enter the Saffron intermediate rank school. In addition to obtaining resources to train Pokémon, he also wanted to compete with more outstanding people. .

New Student Enrollment is only in the first semester. With his self-discipline and hard work, all of his three main pet Levels have passed the 30-level mark.

Perhaps this strength is not very eye-catching among the experts of the second and third grades, but at least it will not be the bottom. This time the Pokemon ring tournament can still be contended.

“Pidgeot, give the senior seniors a surprise today.” After eliminating the breakfast in front of him, Liang Ren wiped his mouth, turned his head and smiled and said to Pidgeot.

“Beep Eagle——!!!” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Pidgeot raised his head arrogantly and shook Contest’s crown. The pair of birds’ eyes were full of fighting spirit.

“Have you eaten? Then let’s go to the venue.” After drawing a piece of paper to wipe Slowpoke’s mouth, Liang Ren stood up and said.


“Saffron Middle School·Greenery Conference Field”

The annual autumn Pokemon circle tournament is a campus event of Saffron Middle School. Participate in the competition All are students in school, but this does not prevent parents and other citizens from coming to watch the game.

At nine o’clock in the morning, the green venue usually used to hold football sports activities, at this moment, the entrance passage is crowded with people, and there are already many spectators seated on the stepped long circular spectator stand.


On the railing next to the rostrum, a few teenagers and girls are leaning against and talking to each other, each with their eyes full of light, full of vigor, and a hearty smile full of confidence The sound drew the students’ parents in the surrounding spectator seats to look at him frequently.

“This year’s Pokemon ring tournament is much more lively than in previous years. This time there are a total of 80 contestants.”


“This The Junior Brother junior sisters who have just entered this year are courageous, and it is good to participate in the competition and learn more about the learning experience.”

“Flying Pokémon’s aerial sports is our specialty. The annual Pokemon ring tournament, It’s just a collective performance of our Flying Club.”

“The protagonist is a member of our Flying Club, and other contestants will always be the foil for this show.”

” Liu Qing, I remember he was very unwilling after you defeated Yulong Tianxiang last time. This time he is also on the list of contestants.”

“Then I will beat him again.”

The young man leaned on the white painted railing, the breeze blew up the fringe hair in front of his forehead, squinted his eyes to enjoy the warm sunshine, with a smile on his face, and his tone was neither fast nor slow Speaking of.

“Are those from the Flying Club of the school?” Yuan Shizuka asked curiously, looking at the few people beside the rostrum railing.

“Well, except for the absence of the club president, the other four chief officials have gathered.”

“The silver-gray hair is the magician of the wind-Ming Shuo


The one with a tattoo on his shirtless right arm is a fighter in the sky-a strong man.

The only girl among the four is the bell sound with the nickname sky singer. As for the bird trainer Liu Qing , The one leaning on the railing, you have already seen it in the morning.”

“In addition to the four chief executives, there are many people in the Flying club participating. These all are Liang Ren. A strong competitor for ranking.” After all, Chu Mushan added.

Withdrawing their gazes from the side railing of the podium, everyone walked towards the auditorium.

Seeing Mushan who only pays attention to the Flying community, Weiyang Shimamura thought for a moment and looked at Liang Ren with some worry, then interrupted and said:

“Except for Flying This group of people in the club, I believe there are other experts. When I took Growlithe to the school’s Pokémon Center for recovery, I saw that your cousin was also registering with Nurse Joy.”

“Tianxiang Did you sign up for this Pokemon ring competition? It happened that I always wanted to play against him. Didn’t expect to have a chance this time.”

Hearing Shimamura’s words, Liang Ren was stunned. After a while, a smile appeared on his face soon.

“The game is about to start, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Riolu, the three of you are here to cheer me and Pidgeot on the stand.”

Liang Ren will Slowpoke in his arms Passed it to Casey’s fourth daughter, touched Riolu’s little head, and said to the third pet.

“Ya duo——(˵¯̴͒ꇴ¯̴͒˵)౨Liang Ren, come on.”

“ao 嗷——٩(๑^o^๑)۶ bird brother, come on. “

“Ticket——(;一_一) Come on, you two.”

Giving the three pets to the wooden sweaters, Liang Ren and Pidgeot are facing Go to the field.

The battle stage is full of seats, and the contestants have already entered the stage. After the staff on the podium adjusted the microphone, several school leaders and invited guests have also been seated.


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