“Tropius for your hard work, come back first.” After taking back Tropius, who had lost the combat capability, the brunette boy sighed imperceptibly, and a trace of frustration flashed in his eyes.

“It was a very exciting battle. Tropius also trained well. I am looking forward to fighting with you next time.” The hot air balloon landed on Ground, and Liang Ren greeted the opponent very kindly.

“Liang Ren, Pidgeot is really strong by you. I am convinced that I lost this time.”

Seeing Liang Ren’s proactive hand, The brunette boy froze for a while, and then stretched out his hand and shook Liang Ren. The frustration and unwillingness in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the whole person regained his friendliness and confidence before playing.

“In the next game, please continue to fight with our classmates who have already been eliminated. We will cheer for you in the spectator stand.” The boy said again.

“Of course.” Fang Yuan and Tamagawa Asahi are classmates, and they are in the same dormitory. They met once when they visited Tamagawa Asahi in their dormitory. Liang Ren had a good impression of this friendly boy.


The second round will have a total of 20 duels. Liang Ren is ranked in the 11th group. The next eight matches are over, and the time has reached 12 noon. , The audience and the players left the field one after another, and the game won’t start until two o’clock in the afternoon.

The classmates got together for lunch, and everyone was busy. Although the school was closed today because of the Pokemon ring tournament, the semester will be over in more than two weeks. Everyone should also prepare for the final assessment.

As a privileged class student, he enjoys the large amount of resources provided by the school. In addition to receiving a leave and leave assessment for each school-wide monthly exam, the final assessment of each semester is also a time when the class is shuffled.

There is no mandatory course arrangement. The courses of Primary Rank, Intermediate Rank and Top Rank can be audited according to their own wishes and needs. Compared with ordinary class students, Liang Ren has more freedom. But if you lose your rhythm in this relaxed and free environment.

Theoretical exams, actual combat literacy, and battle strength. These three assessments at the end of the semester did not meet the school’s requirements. The next semester will begin by going directly to the ordinary class to report. There is no room for discussion. Everyone is entering the privileged class. I was told at that time.

“Pidgeot, take me for a ride, you have evolved for so long, and I haven’t been to the sky to feel the taste of Flying!” After eating, I walked downstairs in the training room. After a lap, after thinking about it, I still didn’t bring the four pets to training.

Six Sect theory course has been fully understood through self-study. Stadium has been promoted to a one-star vocational trainer before the start of school. Although the actual combat course on the school side has not been taken this semester, it is actual combat. Literacy Liang Ren is still very confident of himself. It can be said that the final assessment arranged by the school is not at all pressure for him.

Pidgeot, Cloyster, and Slowpoke have been in the team for half a year, and they have been able to stand on their own. Behind the dazzling results, in the eyes of outsiders, Liang Ren, whether it is against himself or the Pokémon with opponent head, something is too tight. , It is necessary to give Pokémon and himself a vacation occasionally.

“Beep Diao~” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Pidgeot and Cloyster were taken aback for a while, and then they became full of joy again.

Pokémon, who has been conquered from the wild, generally has to work harder and motivated, but when you have a trainer, a comfortable and comfortable environment will also have some impact.

In order to respond to the trainer’s expectations and not let Liang Ren down, Cloyster never slackens during training, but sometimes they still have the idea of ​​being lazy, rather than staying in the training room all day. 、Fighting field, sometimes they also expect Liang Ren to be less decent and can relax and play with them.

Don’t do anything, just let Pidgeot go for a ride in the sky, bask in the sun, and then a few of them quietly next to him, or drowsily curl up in Liang Ren’s arms, or snuggle Watch him concentrating on things next to him and feel the temperature of his palm.

They know that their trainer is an outstanding and perfect person with profound knowledge and mature personality. They were originally in the ethnic group with ordinary talents and status. After being taken over by Liang Ren, this young man can always Find the correct and effective method to develop their respective potentials, and make them continuously improve through training.

Behind each of Liang Ren’s actions, there are his own considerations and incomprehensible meanings. Every action is effective. The long-term relationship has allowed them to repay Liang Ren. 100% trust.

The three Cloysters who were able to be subdued by Liang Ren often feel that they are really lucky. They are also willing to accompany Liang Ren to become stronger and more outstanding, to see more scenery they could not imagine before.

Although I admire my own trainers very much, just like the battle, Liang Ren can see a lot of things they can’t see from the different perspectives. They can also see Liang Ren when they participate in the battle. Unable to feel the details.

To get along for a long time, the three of Slowpoke sincerely admire Liang Ren’s outstandingness, and at the same time worry that he is too tired to live, and consider that many. It’s better to consider that many as you can’t say that you are not profitable. Said that he is always seeking resources and benefits for his family, friends, and four of them.

He should also think more about himself, not for anyone else, just for Liang Ren himself.

“Beep Diao——”

The Liang Ren and Riolu have been seated firmly, Pidgeot vigorously flapped their wings and was projected by the afternoon sun on the windows of the administrative office building next to them. The huge bird shadow shoots straight into the broad blue sky like an arrow.

“Wu~ Being able to fly freely in the sky is really an enviable ability.”

Sitting cross-legged on Pidgeot’s back, the warm sunshine stroked his cheeks, The breeze whispered in his ears, looking up at the blue sky, as if he could see his shadow in it, extend the hand moved, and a white cloud that looked like cotton candy from a distance drifted by.

The bright colors and the bright environment made Liang Ren feel happy. The whole person seemed to be healed and Purify, and a smile from the heart appeared on his calm and calm face. .

Fighting technique cultivation eliminates Riolu’s lack of strength. Snacks and lazy sleep make Slowpoke deprived of emotions. The intense competition relieves Pidgeot’s pressure. Slowpoke’s caring and trainer’s company, Cloyster also Out of the psychological shadow, however, the negative impact of the Cinnabar Island shipwreck on Liang Ren’s own psychology was healed and resolved at this moment.

“Pidgeot, let’s go to the city to take a look.” I circled twice in the school building Sky, saw the school green forest gradually becoming autumnal, and also experienced the gurgling beauty of the wetland ecological lake, Liang Ren raised his finger to the downtown area where the skyscrapers row upon row were in the distance.

“Ya Duo~” Slowpoke, who was leaning against Liang Ren’s arms, also opened his mouth and raised his arms to point forward. Compared to the endless sea, it is obvious that Little Brat prefers the vast blue sky.


“Is this boy Liang Ren, who you mentioned as Morisuke? This youngster is really good.”

There will be competitions in the afternoon. Many students on campus are rehearsing tactics and adjusting their status with their Pokémon. The movements of Liang Ren and Pidgeot have attracted the attention of many people, including Mr. Saffron City and others who visited the school building with Fujimori. Invited guests.

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