[Pidgeot ]♂

Level :36

Attribute: Flying, Normal

Character: Proud, Defiant

Features: Keen Eye, strong chest muscle

Physical strength: 90 [C] blue

Attack: 107 [B] purple

Defense: 65 [C]

Special Attack: 93【C】

Special Defense: 60【C】

Speed: 136【B】Purple

Comprehensive: 551


(Scythe Weasel, Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Steel Wings, Dragon Claw, Wing Attack)【Top Rank 】

(Divine Bird, Roost, Foresight, black eyes, Mirror Move, high-altitude attack) [intermediate rank]


I took a rest and rushed to the Pokémon Center on campus in the morning. Pidgeot has fully recovered Up the spirit.

Because it has just evolved, Pidgeot’s strength has ushered in a small burst of strength, and it played eight consecutive games yesterday.

I have absorbed a lot of experience fog groups. Level has been raised from Level 35 to Level 36. However, compared with the improvement of level of strength, Liang Ren is surprised by the gain of is innate talent red coins.

As the Heaven’s Chosen Child of Saffron Middle School, his Pokémon Aptitude is naturally not bad. Yesterday, he contributed 6 innate talent red coins to Liang Ren in eight games.

At that time, he was busy with the game and was afraid of being distracted. He just rushed into the system grid and went back to check it at night. Three speed innate talent coins, two special attack innate talent coins, and one physical defense Attribute coins.

Liang Ren estimated that the material defense innate talent coin was exploded from Magnezon, and without hesitation afterwards, it was directly used on Cloyster.

As for speed and special attack, Liang Ren added Pidgeot and Slowpoke respectively. As for Riolu, its own innate talent has not yet been developed at this stage, so Liang Ren did not use it.

I took my four pets to the school cafeteria for breakfast. The sun is rising, and the plain and elegant campus is illuminated brightly and brightly. This is the Kanto’s high-ranking intermediate rank institution gradually becoming lively.


All the elective theoretical courses for this semester have been completed. Watching the noisy flow of people rushing to the classroom upstairs on the campus boulevard, Liang Ren brought his four pets Walk towards the Ability Pavilion.

Pokemon ring tournament’s winning reward, the most valuable is the opportunity to pick a TM in the Flying Type area on the second floor of the Ability Hall, followed by the half-year Flying Type Top Rank Pokéblock, and finally a champion honor trophy .

Because of Pokéblock’s freshness and shelf life issues, Liang Ren wanted to go to the logistics department to pick up a batch every other week.

As for the opportunity to choose TM, Liang Ren not at all will wait until later.


“The Flying Type Ability on the second floor is on the left hand side.”

The information network on the campus is very smooth, Liang Ren approached the Ability Hall The teacher explained his intention. This thin woman with a small mole on her eyebrows made a registration and directly told him the location of the Ability shelf.

“Okay, thank you Qiurong Teacher.” In the morning, the Ability Hall is not at all who, and the second floor is extremely deserted.

Fire Element: Fire Punch, big character explosion, explosion flame…

Water Type: Muddy Water, Water Tail, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon…

Grass Type: Horn Leech, Wooden Hammer, Petal Dance, Solar Beam…

Walking through the wooden frames, there are not a lot of abilities placed on them, except for the Top Rank Ability and the Big Unique Ability. , There are also some special abilities that are rarely seen.

“Although so many precious high-quality TMs are only disposable items, the total value is unimaginable.” Liang Ren sighed.

Unfortunately, he only had one chance to choose, and it was only limited to the Flying Ability area. Thinking of this, Liang Ren turned his head and stopped watching.

Go straight to the shelf where the Flying Type TM is placed, on which there are many blue boxes with cloud wings embossed.

Juggling, Drill Peck, Aeroblast, Defog, Hurricane, Yongniao, Divine Bird…

Compared with other lines, the ability of Flying Attribute is not much, but two There are still a lot of good things on the Flying Type shelf on the floor.

Flying Type Three Unique Ability: Hurricane, Yongniao, and Divine Bird have the most lethality, so Liang Ren is given priority.

When I evolved into Pidgeot, I realized Divine Bird on my own, so the options are a lot smaller. Yongbird is very similar to Divine Bird, but completely different.

The brave bird-the bird of courage, as an attacking move that hurts the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred, just like its name, only in the state of seeing death as home and being perish together can the greatest Bring out the formidable power of this Unique Ability.

The gentleman does not stand a dangerous wall. This is one of Liang Ren’s rules of life, so after a glance at Yongniao’s Ability description, Liang Ren directly excluded it.

Three big moves, Divine Bird Pidgeot has already mastered, and Yongbird was eliminated. Hurricane seemed to be the best choice, but Liang Ren did not make a decision so lightly.

“Look at other abilities again.” Take down Hurricane TM and put it aside, Liang Ren looked towards another TM.

Juggling, Drill Peck, Aeroblast, Defog ———

Defog is the auxiliary Ability. If Pidgeot mastered this Ability in the first round competition yesterday morning, the battle will be good Hit a lot.

“It’s a very practical skill, but using such a precious opportunity for it is not cost-effective. You can buy it on Hunter’s Guild’s intranet in the future, so it is excluded.”


“Using wings to fan out two powerful cyclones to attack is a mimicry use of energy, but it is somewhat duplicated with Sickle Weasel and Air Slash. Although Aeroblast is very suitable for group attacks, it is excluded. “


“Drill Peck has certain requirements for body structure. Only Pokémons such as Fearow, Skarmory, Toucannon, and Zapdos can perform this attack to the fullest extent. “

“For today’s Pidgeot, Ability Ability: Pecking is completely enough, not to mention close-body attacks also include wing flapping, steel wings, and dragon claws, so this is also excluded .”


“As for juggling…” Picking up juggling with the candidate Hurricane, Liang Ren looked towards the basic information of the two-stroke Ability.


——formidable power:55


——PP:15(Max 24 )

【Hurricane 】

——formidable power:110


——PP:10(Max 16)

Compare the basic information of the two skills Ability. It stands to reason that he shouldn’t have any hesitation, so he directly eliminated the juggling and chose the flying type big move: Hurricane.

But when he accidentally caught a glimpse of the detailed introduction of juggling below, Liang Ren couldn’t make up his mind again.

『Juggling』: Just like Fighting Type Pokémon, the body is beaten to a certain extent, Fighting skills are trained to a phase of Peak learning Qi and Boxing, and then you can transition to Qi Refinement stage to learn Qi and Bang same.

Juggling is hailed as a trick that Pokémon can master by honing his flying skills to the extreme. The offensive route is dexterous and changeable, and there is no trace to be found. It can often play with opponent in the applause.

It looks like Frillish launches an attack, but it can cause great damage to the opponent. It is said that a juggling attack launched without wearing any Items can cause double damage to the opponent——< /p>

“Flying skills are tempered to the extreme to comprehend the moves…the trajectory is flexible and changeable and there is no trace…Play the opponent between the palms…, 55 points of basic damage, double it is 110 , Then this formidable power is not equal to the great Unique Ability “Hurricane”!!”

After reading the detailed introduction of Juggling Ability, Liang Ren couldn’t help but click one’s tongue in wonder, looking at the two TMs in his hand, Liang Ren hesitated more and more.

“What do you want to do with both?” Liang Ren muttered to himself with a bitter expression.

Finally, after thinking about it, Liang Ren took out his phone and entered the intranet mall of Hunter’s Guild, and searched for the prices of “Juggling” and “Hurricane” respectively.

[Hurricane] (Quality: low-grade, price: 640w…)

“A piece of low-quality “Hurricane” is all my net worth.” Filtered the catalog. , Even the lowest price makes Liang Ren secretly speechless, his accounts add up to only about 630w.

shook the head searched for “juggling” again, but the result made it frowned.

“Not for sale?” After being promoted to Silver Bounty Hunter, the authority of the intranet has been improved a lot.

Bounty Hunter’s intranet mall, which claims to be able to buy a variety of rare and weird goods, does not even sell “Juggling” TMs, which greatly increases Liang Ren’s attention to the TM held in his left hand.

“Juggling is a trick that you can only comprehend when flying skills are tempered to the extreme. It can be understood as a mixture and fusion of various skills, so can’t it be made into a TM? Then how is this TM made…”

“Wait!!! How is the quality of this TM [low-level -]? Isn’t the quality of all the discs in the Ability Hall Top Rank? What is the situation of this “Juggling”.”


After looking at the TM in his hand over and over, Liang Ren suddenly found a logo on the box that made him startled to fall the chin.

This is not available for sale on the intranet mall of Hunter’s Guild. It is solemnly placed on the second floor of Ability Hall with “Hurricane, Brave Bird, Divine Bird”. The quality is actually Not even a low-level defective product.

“Is this a school prank? How should I choose this?” On one side is the Flying Type Unique Ability, and on the other side is the product of basic Flying skills training and sublimation. Liang Ren feels a little confused.

“Quality is not a problem. Hurricane has sales channels to bring out the effects of juggling. The formidable power is not weaker than Hurricane…”

“hu~ Since this is the case, then choose you “After a long ideological struggle, after analyzing the pros and cons, Liang Ren put down the TM in the right hand and walked downstairs without looking back.


“Have you chosen? Classmate Liang Ren.” Hearing footsteps, the Teacher behind the service desk, who was studying Pokémon’s matching skills, pushed the glasses lifts on the bridge of his nose. the head asked.

“Well, I have chosen.” Liang Ren passed the TM in his hand.

“Okay, let me register.”

“Wait!!! You chose this TM, this~” Seeing the box handed over by Liang Ren, this one The thin black clothed woman willow brows wrinkle, her expression becomes unusually serious.

“Liang Ren, don’t blame Teacher for being long-winded, this TM was sent by Principal temporarily last night, and he had to put it on the second floor. According to me, this kind of [low-level-] defective product It’s not enough to put it on the first floor.”

“I advise you to put it back. The TM on the second floor is very precious. Many students have not had this opportunity for three years in school. , But it seems to me that it is simply impossible to learn Pokémon.”

“Teacher only reminds you that you are handsome~”

“Thank you Qiurong Teacher, Actually, I was planning to choose the Flying Type big trick “Hurricane”, but I had a dream last night.” Liang Ren leaned against the counter, pretending to be very mysterious, and said in a low voice.

“What dream did you have? Tell me, Teacher is very interested to know.” Looking at the adolescent boy in front of her, the black clothed woman’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly asked.

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