“hu hu…”

The white high-speed shuttle-shaped high-speed rail flew across the wilderness.

The Mareep group grazes leisurely in the wilderness, and the energetic Tauros in the distance spread their hooves and ran.

From time to time, there will be one or two Tauros in heat, secretly leaving the team and running to fight with Miltank in the distance.

When school started, the field was still full of wild flowers of all colors. Four months later, the original green field, the color unconsciously became a lot darker and bleak.

The vigorous scene of green grass and green waves in the spring is no longer, but against the background of high and magnificent, the autumn scene of the shepherd riding horses and cattle and sheep swimming, also makes people unable to look away.

With the rapid development of industrialization, industry feeds back to agriculture, and traditional agricultural production is gradually transforming into a specialized, agglomerated, and large-scale modern agricultural production model.

Under the background that the total demand for food and vegetables has not increased significantly, more efficient modern agricultural production has reduced the agricultural land occupation.

A large number of agricultural people have entered the urban life. The agricultural land that was reclaimed in large quantities was gradually abandoned and then became the home of Wild Pokémon again.

Twenty minutes later, the white steel long drove into the Rainbow High Speed ​​Rail Station.


“Liang Ren, Little Lei, I’ll go home first.” Following the crowded people out of the station, there were people who did not go home for a long time. Casey, he was also anxious to go home and have a look.

“Okay, pay attention to safety on the road.”

“Goodbye Sister Casey~”

After watching Casey and Lilligant take a taxi and leave with luggage, the siblings and After making a call at home, I also took a taxi to the store.

“Master, go to Fengzhu Street “Meile Melody Nursing and Health Care House”.”


Return to life ten In Celadon City for many years, through the window of a taxi, looking at the familiar buildings outside, Liang Ren has a relaxed and practical feeling of returning home.

But I will leave for Hoenn early tomorrow morning. Thinking of his parents who are busy with business at home, Liang Ren feels somewhat guilty.


“Father, Mother, I’m back.” The taxi heard outside the shop, Liang Ren was paying the fare, Mu Mu Lei was already excitedly pushing The door ran into the shop.

“I’m coming back so soon. I thought you were going to play for two days before coming back. It just so happened that your dad went out to negotiate a land contract. The store is short of help!”

Hearing Mu Mulei’s voice, Ryoko who was helping a Vulpix relaxing massage turned his head and said with a smile.

“Ah~no, you just let me do things as soon as I come back. You go to your second brother.” Seeing that there were no waiting customers in the store, Mu Mu Lei collapsed on the sofa without any image, feeling helpless Grumbled.

“Your second brother doesn’t do things like you. You don’t know how to move with a stick.”


“Mom, I’m back “At this time, Liang Ren also pushed the door into the store. Seeing Mother was busy, he also checked if he needed help.

“My son is back.” Hearing Liang Ren’s voice, Mother turned around happily and responded.

“Dad isn’t in the store? I just said what the land contract is about.” He went to the kitchen to wash his hands, took three cups of tea, and asked Liang Ren to his mother outside. .

“Isn’t the 15 acres of land in our house rented to others to grow medicine ingredients? The medicine ingredients company closed down some time ago. The lease contract has not expired yet, and there is still a plant in the greenhouse. What about the immature medicine ingredients.”

“I remember that the medicine ingredients company is not small, how do you say it went bankrupt?” After making three cups of black tea, the mother and son chatted.

“Who knows, after that company went bankrupt, it auctioned off its assets to pay off the bulk of its debts, but it still dragged on the land rent of the house for one year, and the land lease contract expired for one and a half years, which was too short. No one took it after changing hands.”

“Is the rent still in arrears? Does the land plan to continue renting or terminate the contract.” asked Liang Ren, placing a cup of black tea on the stool next to the massage bed.

“No, my company has no money.”

“A few days ago, I came to talk to your dad about terminating the contract, as well as the rent arrears and liquidated damages. After discussing with your dad, the rent and liquidated damages are waived for them, but we want the medicine ingredients in the field, and there are channels for the seeds of medicine ingredients.”

Speaking of which, Mother Liangzi’s face It was full of smiles, as if the supermarket was getting cheap.

“The rent in arrears and the liquidated damages for termination of the contract are exempted. If it is the father, it is estimated that this can be done, but mom, you have never made a loss business.”

“What medicine ingredients they grow in the ground, are they valuable?” Looking at Mother with a smile on his face, Liang Ren also became interested and asked with a smile.

“It’s Energy Root.” Mother Yoshiko replied happily.

“Does your family plant all the 15 mu of land?” Hearing that it was Energy Root, Liang Ren immediately started it. This is a hot commodity in the medicine ingredients market.

“Zemen’s 15 acres of land are fully planted with Energy Root, and the three fields of Sangyuan, Nakamura, and One are planted in Polygonatum and Gentian.”

“15 acres of Energy Root, this is worth a year’s rent and a little liquidated damages. Mother, do you want the source of the company’s Energy Root seeds. Are you planning to plant it yourself? This investment is not small.”

Liang Ren didn’t expect Mother, who usually has to bargain for half a day when shopping for food, is so heartbroken.

“I have a little friendship with the Joy family, and coupled with the channels of the Feeders Association, the medicine ingredients that I planted will definitely not worry about sales. As for the money, you Futian Uncle is willing to lend us.”< /p>

“Which Futian Uncle?” Liang Ren asked with some confusion.

“Which Futian Uncle is there, that is your classmate, Casey’s father.”

“Oh, where did that dad go out to buy land?”

” When this medicine ingredients company closed down, a lot of land in the village was deserted. Taking advantage of no one to take over and the rent was cheap, my dad and I worked together to contract more points, and then all were built into large sheds to grow medicine ingredients.”


“Mom, second brother, I’ll go out and play for a while.” Mu Mu Lei, who was bored on the sofa, rolled his eyes and said.

“You this girl want to go to Game Center again, don’t you?” Mother, who was chatting vigorously with Liang Ren, turned her head and asked with cold eyes.

“No, I have a classmate on his birthday, I’ll go and see.”


“Of course, how could I lie to you Yeah! Mother, let me go out.” Mu Mu Lei ran out of the shop after speaking.

“Remember to come back for dinner at noon.”

“Got it, I will be back before noon.” Mu Mu Lei ran away in the blink of an eye.

“This girl is full of loopholes when she tells a lie. The classmate is back at noon on her birthday, and he must have asked the group of boys to the Game Center again.” Mother Ryoko sneered.

“Tomorrow, I will take her to Hoenn. I guess I won’t be able to go to Game Center in the next two months. Let her go and play for a while today, not to mention the initial Pokémon that I accepted for her. It shouldn’t be something.”

“Oh~Liang Ren, what Pokémon did you accept for the girl?”

“Rotom.” Liang Ren said concisely.

“Rotom? It is indeed very suitable for personal protection of her safety.”


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