Led by Yuecheng Xuetu, the four of them found a nice restaurant and ate something.

“I’m going to start!!”

“Hmm!!——oh hee*ꈍ﹃ꈍ)ノ”

I don’t know if I feel like Sorry in front of her elder brother and classmates, Mu Mu Lei, who usually eats at home, chews slowly like a lady.

Liang Ren snickered silently. The eldest brother Mu Mu Taoya who sat with Liang Ren raised his eyebrows but was full of contempt.

After a day’s flight during the day, it was almost eleven o’clock after eating. Everyone didn’t walk around the city, so they called a taxi and went back to the hotel.

“Liang Ren you brat is improving very quickly. I heard that father said that you are still the class monitor and the head student of the first grade privilege class of Saffron middle school. Are you planning to take the path of a professional trainer? “

The eldest brother Mumu Momoka has booked a two-bedroom and one-living luxury suite for the siblings in the best star hotel in Larousse.

When Mu Mu Lei took a bath in the bathroom, two brothers who hadn’t seen each other for half a year were chatting in the living room outside.

“Well, until now my dream is to become a Pokémon trainer.” Liang Ren laughed replied.

“In this case, I should have asked me to help you prepare the initial Pokémon.” Hearing this answer, Momoa sighed a little displeased.

“It’s okay, Pidgey is the initial Pokémon. The starting point is not low. Big brother, your Larvitar egg I hatched, and I can’t afford it.” Liang Ren laughed not at all.

“Also, with the initial Pokémon you prepared for me, big brother, if you defeat you in future battles, you will be sorry, hehe~”

“You guy, I admit Your Pidgeot and Slowpoke have some strength, but if you want to defeat me, you are still far away!!”

The big hands are on the top of the young man’s head, normally Mumu Momoka, who has always been cold on campus, has a face at this moment. Shang also couldn’t help showing a bright smile.

“Big brother, which Pokémon do you have now, and how many are the highest levels?” Liang Ren couldn’t comment on his eldest brother.

Like Daisuke, the eldest brother Mu Mumomoya is not good at memorizing theoretical things, but in Pokémon training and battle, he has an extraordinary innate talent.

The situation is the same with him. My eldest brother graduated from Celadon City Primary Rank school, and then was admitted to Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon School, and has firmly occupied a place in the privileged class for three consecutive years.

For three years in middle school, his eldest brother Mumu Momoka performed well. Before graduation, he was already a three-star professional trainer at Saffron Stadium.

After learning about my eldest brother, it was not the Indigo Alliance Zhili Top Rank School who applied for the exam, but the Larus Pokémon Top Rank School in the Hoenn mainland.

Kanto Alliance even chose to give out a Larvitar egg to win him over. This can be seen by the high innate talent of his elder brother’s trainer.

Although his own strength can surpass the whole freshman’s first grade in the school, his strength will not be easily ignored in the upper grades, but compared with his own elder brother, it is indeed much worse.

“In addition to the Primeape, Tauros, Gyarados, Rhyperior Tyrunt, Pupitar you know, Flame Dragon, Electivire and Exploud were trained after coming to Hoenn. The highest level Primeape has been at level 50 for half a year. It’s been a long time.”

Although his eldest brother’s strength is already high, Liang Ren was surprised to hear that Primeape, which evolved from the initial Pokémon Mankey, has now reached level 50. speechless.

“Primeape, Tauros, Gyarados, Rhyperior Tyrunt, Pupitar, Duckbill Flame Dragon, Electivire, Exploud, eight Pokémon?”

“Big brother is really big brother.” Liang Ren sighed heartily.

Be aware that my eldest brother does not have the cheat for picking Attribute like him, but his strength is comparable to some [Gym Leader].

“haha, breed Pokémon is the lifelong cultivation of the trainer, and cultivation is something that can’t be rushed.”

“You brat trainer’s innate talent is very high. When I was in the first grade of middle school, my strength was not as good as you. When you graduate from the Top Rank school, I believe that the strength of Pokémon at hand will not be lower than mine.”

When I was young, my elder brother liked to tease him. The personality is also very reckless, but as he grows older, he is now a lot more mature and stable.

“Hmm~” Liang Ren nodded.

For Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Riolu, Liang Ren, he is still very confident.

Moreover, he also has system and Psychic innate talent on hand, which is an advantage that no one else has. In the field of trainer, his growth ceiling is much higher than others.

“By the way, you are graduating in half a semester. What are your plans for the future?” Liang Ren asked.

“I accepted the Present of the Indigo Alliance, and of course I returned to Kanto after graduation.” Mumu Momoa said about the gift of Larvitar eggs from the Alliance.

“This way…”

Kanto has developed very well in recent years. It is different from other Region Alliances. Kanto Indigo Alliance and Johto Mt. Silver Alliance have close relations with each other, politically and economically. , Culture… all aspects are coordinated development.

My eldest brother is a native of Kanto Celadon City, and he graduated from Kanto Alliance’s talent cradle: Saffron Middle School.

Although I didn’t enter the Indigo Alliance Zhili Top Rank School for further study, it allowed Alliance to send out Larvitar eggs to win, and return to Kanto Alliance after graduation. I believe it can be reused by Alliance.

Younger sister Mu Mu Lei will go to Unova Nimbasa City next year. Although she is still staying in Kanto Saffron City, she still follows his plan.

Most of the theoretical knowledge behind “Elementary, Middle School, Top Rank” can be self-learned through video courses, and he will spend more time traveling to experience.

If my eldest brother returns to Kanto to work, my parents will be able to take care of me, and I will feel more at ease when I travel.

Sabrina’s predictions to him have always been a thorn in his heart, and Kanto has not been peaceful in recent years.

Team Rocket seems to have disappeared, but under the joint encirclement of the two alliances of Quartz and Mt. Silver.

Forbid this group of lunatics to jump over the wall in a hurry, creating panic and chaos everywhere and disrupting public order, refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, making Alliance feel jealous.

After all, Team Rocket has been developing in Kanto and Johto Region for so many years, and the power and network of connections are intertwined. If you want to completely remove this tumor, it is not as simple as you think.

Liang Ren is not interested in Region politics. Without violating the principles in his heart, he values ​​the safety of his family and his own interests.

After all, he is just a child from an ordinary commoner family, a 13-year-old boy.

He has not yet in-depth contact and understanding of this society, this World, a stable social security, and a harmonious political and legal environment, which provide a citizen and a society with the greatest sense of security, but for him now It’s too illusory.

Even if he is two lives, the habits of the petty citizens rooted in his heart are not at all changed. He is cautious and almost paranoid to focus on small habits and responsibilities.

Family and family are his main source of security. No matter how far he travels, he sleeps in a homestay, Pokémon center or hotel, lying on a strange bed.

In every dream that made him feel at ease, he could vaguely smell the home in the suburbs of Celadon City.

In the wooden corridor, the fragrance of floor wax and turpentine, and the fragrance of flowers and plants in the courtyard.

In the afternoon in her spare time, Mother polished the window glass so that she could be seen. The white shirt on the clothesline on the balcony danced in the sun and the warm wind.

The smell of washing powder blows into his room, into his nostrils, who is sitting at the desk in front of the window and reading a book. It’s home, and it’s a smell that makes him feel at ease. .

“Perhaps when I become stronger in the future, I will also feel greater responsibility on my shoulders!!” Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he glanced at the dimly lit city of Larousse outside, Liang Ren sighed slightly in his heart.

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