Ding, experience +9

Ding, pick up the physical strength Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up the attack Attribute value +1


< p>A mist like fresh water vapor rose up, and at the same time two white Attribute coins also jingle and splash from Poochyena within the body that had lost its battle strength.

It’s very shabby, but a Level 8 Poochyena can explode two white Attribute coins instead of one. This is already very good. Liang Ren doesn’t demand anything.

Compared to this spoils of war, the victory Poochyena gave to Riolu is undoubtedly more valuable.

“ao 嗷~” Hearing the referee’s announcement of its victory, Little Brat looked at Poochyena who had lost his battle strength on the ground for a moment.

“ao——I won!? The first time I played the game, I was so nervous, I actually won.” After the incredible, there was an ecstasy rise in the mind.

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎”

Turning his head and looking towards Liang Ren, Riolu has regained his former vitality.

Excitedly tossing Black’s long ears hanging on both sides of his head, the tail behind him also swept around, yelling excitedly.


Liang Ren didn’t speak, just nodded with a smile, and raised his hand to compare with a thumb. For Little Brat, this is already the biggest Encouragement and affirmation.


“This Riolu was breed very well! I was so nervous before the game started, didn’t expect to perform so well after entering the state.”< /p>

“That is, a single Ability from the beginning to the end is useless, but Poochyena was defeated by ordinary moves.”

“This Riolu breed is really good. I don’t know if you find out. No, Pokédex described Riolu as an average height of 0.7m, while the Riolu in front of me is 1m visually.”

“The ability to breed Pokémon so well shows the outstanding ability of the trainer. In the game just now, this guy’s precise control of the timing completely overwhelmed the opponent.”

“che, the battle between the two Pokemon chickens was so badly said by you, I can only say that I was there. All of you are rubbish.”


After a battle ended, Riolu was not optimistic about winning, and the crowd on the sidelines also broke out except for a burst of surprise.

Little Brat, after a battle of baptism, is no longer as nervous as at first, and there is a touch of confidence in his eyes unconsciously.

“I want to challenge.” After the boy in short shorts left with the defeated Poochyena, another girl in the crowd of onlookers immediately stood up and said.

“Okay.” Riolu didn’t consume much in the last game and was not injured. Seeing another challenger came on the field, Liang Ren directly accepted.

“ao 嗷——ㄟ(´・ᴗ・`)ノ” Riolu poses for the battle. Not only is there no tension on his small face, but he is eager to have a try full of excitement.

“My side is a level 9 Zigzagoon.”


The girl in the miniskirt threw the Poké Ball in her hand and immediately got a fur The dark and light brown zigzags are staggered, and the petite Pokémon resembling raccoons and badgers appears on the court.

Unlike the ferocity of Poochyena in the last game, Zigzagoon’s big bright and intelligent eyes staring at Riolu gives people a very clever and cute feeling.

“The game begins.” Both Pokémon were in place, and the referee announced the start of the game without delay.

“Riolu, sink into Qi Condensation, and wait for the opponent to approach.”

Riolu is temporarily incomparable with Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Liang Ren’s action instructions in battle need to be as much as possible detailed.

Of course, this kind of novice treatment will not last too long. After Little Brat slowly builds up his confidence and gradually forms his own battle method, Liang Ren does not need to be so laborious.

“Zigzagoon, use flying sand feet.” The girl in the miniskirt on the opposite side was not slow, and it was almost the moment the referee gave the start signal that he gave Zigzagoon instructions.


Zigzagoon is even smaller than Poochyena. As the initial form of Linoone, Zigzagoon is agile and fast.

After receiving the instruction, he didn’t use any moves immediately, but rushed towards Riolu.

“Swish swish…”

Zigzagoon moves with the wind, running around the’horse-stitching’ Riolu continuously, looking at Riolu sharply, looking for the attacker opportunity.


Zigzagoon didn’t let everyone wait too much. When running the third lap around Riolu, he noticed that Riolu was lax.

Zigzagoon moved, the sharp, fine claws puffed on the ground, and the yellow sand was turned into a large net moved towards Riolu.

“Close your eyes and step back.” Liang Ren raised his brows and said loudly to Riolu ordered.

“Zigzagoon, use Tackle.”

On the field flying sand running stone, the girl in the miniskirt showed a triumphant smile on her face, and directed Zigzagoon to launch an attack.

“Swish~” Zigzagoon moved when he heard the sound, kicked forward, swished out, and the speed of Tackle was comparable to Spark.

“This Zigzagoon seems to be carefully breed.” Seeing Zigzagoon’s movements, Liang Ren reacted instantly.

“Bang—why!” Closed his eyes and backed away, Riolu dodge caught the blinding sand, but failed to dodge Zigzagoon’s Tackle.

Between the virtual eyes and the misty eyes, a group of brown shadows hit, and Riolu was hit full of arms.

I was injured for the first time in the battle. Feeling the pain from the nerve endings of the abdominal muscles, Riolu gritted his teeth, his emotions became…excited for no reason! !

“On the top of the knee, hit with a straight fist.” Ninety-nine percent of Liang Ren’s attention was on Riolu’s body, and he naturally noticed the emotional change in Riolu’s eyes.

Fighting Pokémon, known for his belligerence and perseverance, Liang Ren has never seen anyone who is afraid of a little bit of pain.

Before in Fighting Gym cultivation, many Pokémon in the hands of senior brothers and senior sisters even took the initiative to withstand opponent attacks and used their physical pain to improve their fighting spirit.

The “bang~” pain made Riolu’s body react more sensitively. Riolu, receiving instructions from Liang Ren, instantly stopped the back-sliding movement.

Zigzagoon made a dexterous somersault in the air, but before he escaped, he was hit by a knee by Riolu and pushed into the air.

“Zigzagoon, use desire.” Seeing Riolu’s sudden counterattack, the miniskirt girl was surprised.

However, she did not respond slowly, and had already given Zigzagoon instructions before Riolu’s second-stage attack hit.

“Hyena——” Riolu’s knees hit Zigzagoon in the air, a painful color flashed across his face, but a light flashed in the eyes of the little thing next moment.

“Desire” Ability use, urged by greed, Zigzagoon became more agile, in midair turned to dodge Riolu’s straight punch.


A fluttering probing claw, Zigzagoon pounced towards Riolu again.

“shua shua ——” Zigzagoon, who hung on Riolu like a koala, didn’t find’Items’ after a groping with his claws.

In anger, sharp claws popped out of the pads, and shua shua overlapped and tore on Riolu’s chest.

“ao ~”

When he was attacked again, Riolu’s heart burst into flames for no reason, and Zigzagoon was inconvenient to attack with a straight fist while hanging on it.


Fuzhimind, the claws that are usually hidden in the meat pad, at this moment, urged by a force, it instantly pops out like a switchblade.

“zi zi…”

The anger in my heart runs down the Steel Muscles Iron Bones of the arm, and reaches the sharp claws. With almost no hesitation, Riolu fiercely tore Zigzagoon’s back.


The dark and light brown soft and shiny fur broke at the roots, the skin was cracked, and the pink muscles rolled.

Zigzagoon, who was hung firmly on Riolu’s body, opened his mouth and suddenly let out a scream, and his paws conditioned to loosen.

“Did you comprehend the “Alloy Claw”?” Liang Ren’s eyes flashed with joy, but he was still in battle at the moment, so he didn’t dare to be too distracted.

“Zigzagoon, use flying sand feet.”

“Riolu, uppercut.”

The instructions on both sides are issued quickly in no particular order, but Pokémon In terms of implementation, Riolu is about to take a shot.


Zigzagoon was attacked on his back and released his claws. The body hadn’t landed yet, and Riolu’s attack came again.

Fighting technique cultivation for more than a month, without training Pokémon Ability, but specialized in fist technique training.

The three basic boxing skills of straight fist, swing fist and uppercut have become a kind of muscle memory, which is deeply burned in Riolu’s mind and turned into an instinct.

Seeking for the gap, he raised his arm and punched Zigzagoon’s side rib with an uppercut. This clever little thing, at this moment, was like a torn sack and was thrown away directly.


“Zigzagoon lost the combat capability. Riolu won the game.” Zigzagoon fell still, and after ten silent counts, the referee announced the result of the game.

“Good guy——!! He won two games in a row.”

“This Riolu has made rapid progress, and he has become more handy in the face of battle.”

“Indeed, the main thing is to win the last game beautifully. Riolu has slowly built up his confidence.”

“che, didn’t you even use Ability in the last game? This game faces A Level 9 Zigzagoon was not only injured, but also used Ability.”

“Dead gangster, get out…”

What everyone doesn’t know is, Riolu didn’t know “Alloy Claw” before. This ability was suddenly realized during the battle.

Riolu was hatched from Pokemon eggs, which is different from Pidgeot…when they were taken, Riolu can be said to be a blank sheet of paper without any foundation.

For Little Brat’s breed, Liang Ren has his own ideas.

Although Genetic has “Aura Sphere, Extrreme Speed”, rather than exercising Ability earlier, Liang Ren hopes Riolu can integrate Fighting into his fighting instinct.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster need a complete Ability system to deal with battles well, but Riolu does not.

As a Fighting Pokémon, even if it does not use any Pokémon Ability, it is simply driven by the close fighting instinct in the bloodline.

In battle, fists, elbows, knees, feet… can all be turned into sharp weapons to attack, causing tons of damage to the opponent. This is the difference between Fighting Pokémon and most other Pokémon .

Of course, this kind of battle method also has a big weakness. It was dazzled by two victories. Riolu, who was a little fluttering, suffered Waterloo in the next game.

And opponent is just a boy who catches insects…

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