“Oh ao~ oh ao——”

In the early morning, one person and four pets sleeping soundly in the camp tent were awakened by the roar of unknown beasts in the forest outside. It sounds like a group of Vigoroth Frolicking.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Riolu, get up.” Pidgeot three Pidgeot who were still in the Rest were pedaled, Liang Ren covered his mouth and hit a big Yawn.

Open the tent door, the sky is already bright outside, and Cloyster, who was vigil last night, is now sleeping with the shells.

Rain forests are no better than ordinary forests, because the air is humid and the weather is changeable, even if the campsite is sprayed with insect-controlling spray all around, the smell will fade after a while.

Fortunately, Liang Ren does not act recklessly. Because of the prediction of the head teacher Sabrina, he is more cautious when going out.

After entering the rainforest, he has been traveling for five consecutive days. In all aspects, Liang Ren is not as experienced as a thirteen-year-old boy.

Of course, this is due to the fact that during his stay in Lilycove City, he often communicated with experienced trainers at the Pokémon Center.

“Suo Suo…”

It has rained for four consecutive days. It looks like a sunny day today, but Liang Ren is not sure, after all, the weather was fine yesterday morning. However, it was only halfway through lunch, and there was a torrential rain.

Liang Ren is also quite helpless for the weather that has changed, but it has been five days since entering the rainforest, Liang Ren and his subordinates Pokémon have long been used to it.

“You guys will come to eat after you wash up. Today we have to travel at least 8 kilometers, otherwise this summer vacation of one and a half months, even the Hoenn River will not be able to cross, let alone travel to the Western Continent “

Liang Ren stirred the taro soup in the pot, and the coarse grain rice steamed in the hanging pot next to it was smelling.

On July 22nd, the school’s final assessment was over. I helped the younger sister to conquer the initial Pokémon and then went home for two days. After that, I flew to Ralts and stayed for nearly a week.

Starting to travel, I was delayed for three days in Lilycove City to participate in the Contest Conference, and then took Riolu to hike through the rainforest to reach Fortree City on the other side of the rainforest. It is estimated that it will take two weeks.

School starts on September 1, and there is not much time left for Liang Ren. After arriving in Fortree City, he will take a break and head south, crossing the wide Hoenn River, and on the other side is Hoenn’s western mainland.

Fortunately, Riolu performed very well. After entering the rain forest, whether it is survivability, combat experience, or strength level, the speed of improvement has exceeded Liang Ren at first’s expectations.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, after the battle in Lilycove City, were somewhat relaxed, but now they feel the pressure again.

The stagnant strength began to grow after entering the rainforest with constant battles. The Pidgeot that just broke through some time ago is still Level 38, and Slowpoke has improved a lot.

Slowpoke LV.38

Cloyster LV.35

Riolu LV.13


Cloyster Level was upgraded three days ago. During these two days, I participated in a lot of battles. It is estimated that if you absorb more experience fog group, when the time comes, there will be a breakthrough.

Furthermore, according to Liang Ren’s estimation, Cloyster is about to usher in his own power transformation.

After level 30, the power of Pokémon within the body changes from gaseous to liquid, with more total amount and higher quality, and the formidable power of Ability is stronger.

This is the most intuitive performance. In fact, the power within the body metamorphoses. After the body is washed and nourished, it improves all aspects of Pokémon.

Achieving Pokémon Level 30 in the hand is already considered a small expert, and after passing through the level of power transformation, the trainer is already considered a true expert in the circle.

Of course, in order to become a powerhouse with a certain right to speak in Alliance and Great Influence, the Pokémon Level under his hand must be at least 50. The liquid power within the body is aggregated and condensed, and then transformed into a solid state. Have that qualification.

The strength has reached a high level, and a lot of information that was originally blocked will be disclosed to them. This is what Old Brother told him before. After all, Old Brother’s original Pokémon Primeape has now touched this bottleneck.

After breakfast, after clearing up the camp, Liang Ren went on with Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Riolu.

Last night’s vigil Cloyster was collected in the baby ball to make up for it. Pidgeot played the role of scout to detect the path ahead. After opening the fetters, the message transmission became very convenient.

Slowpoke is tucked into Calm Mind in a travel backpack. When danger comes, Slowpoke will immediately prop up a shield to protect him, or use “Teleport” to take him away.

Liang Ren walking through the rainforest, seems to be carrying only a weak Riolu, in fact, the three main forces protect him from all aspects.


What Liang Ren did not expect is that besides the Wild Pokémon in the rainforest, there are also a group of ignoring the regional alliances. Pokemon Hunter of Torah.

Liang Ren had just left for less than half an hour. At the camp that was withdrawn just now, a group of men in Black action suits arrived.

“It didn’t rain in the morning, and the carbon fire still had a little temperature. It seems that the other party has not gone far. Mizutani, you stay to meet Lord J, and the others will chase after me.”

< p>I searched the rainforest for five consecutive days. Various poison insects, changing weather, complicated terrain, poisonous miasma, and attacks from Wild Pokémon.

This team of Pokémon Hunters has already lost patience. If it weren’t for J’s death order, they would all want to give up their mission and leave.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off. A carpet search from the rainforest on the side of Lilycove City, with the help of the subtle clues left in the camp, went all the way and finally approached the goal.

“Houndoom, use “Smell Detective”. “The leading burly man was followed by a Houndoom.

This pitch-black devil dog with first curved corners and bifurcated tail bowed his head and sniffed at the place where Liang Ren evacuated the tent in the morning, then turned to lead. The squad rushed into the rain forest deeper and disappeared.

“Master J, Team One has found the target trail. “The black clothed team members who left behind, pressed the communicator attached to the helmet, and reported to the J meeting parked in the Rainforest Sky Flying device.

“Send the coordinate signal, I will bring someone over immediately. Let Yuye not beat the grass to scare the snake, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Riolu, these four Pokemon customers are paying very high prices. This order should not be missed. “

J’s cold voice is on the communicator. As an illegal hunting trainer with Pokemon and a hunter who takes the underground black market to trade, she can eat well on the underworld in every region.

For her “Elite level” trainer, the goal of this mission is not strong, because Pokémon at the Lilycove City Contest Conference a few days ago was dazzlingly appreciated, so J received a hunting order here.

Traditional Pokemon poachers use modern weapons and tools to violently capture Wild Pokémon for sale on the black market, while Hunter J team hunts the carefully-brewed Pokémon in the hands of the trainer.

Being pets, beasts, experiment materials… As long as the customer can afford the price, Pokémon J in the hands of’any’ trainer will dare to start.

J’s most dazzling record in the circle is that Help used to be active in the Galaxy team in the Sinnoh Region and captured three legendary Pokemons: Uxie, Amelido, and Yaknom.

Team Galactic Leader Cyrus was swallowed by the Time and Space Storm made by Diya Luca and Palkia, and finally its ambitions fell to nothing.

And J, an ambition accomplice of the Galaxy team, was hit by the “Future Sight” of Emory and Uxie, and the whole team sank into Lake Valor together with the airship.

Everyone thought she was dead. What made Sinnoh Alliance absolutely didn’t expect was that the evil and crazy silhouette of J was active in various regions again, and the behavior style became more and more rampant.

What J didn’t know was that her team was sneaked undercover, and the hunting operation was completely exposed to Interpol’s reconnaissance.

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