“A lot of these foul-smelling alocasia flowers grew on the road just now, but the traces of this alocasia flower stem were scratched by hands, who would do such a thing.”

The sunlight from the jungle canopy shone on the calla lilies, and the stench of rotten flesh drew groups of Insect Bzz Bzz around.

Following J’s gaze, the subordinates behind her also found the handprints on the flower stems. The marks on them were very new. The person who should have done this has just left.

The people hesitated for a while, but they still couldn’t believe that their tracing was detected by a 13-year-old boy.

“Master J, it should be a coincidence, maybe it was made by Pokémon in the rainforest.” The leader said.

“As the aboriginal people in the rainforest, these Wild Pokémon are more clever than humans, except for insect who is willing to be contaminated with the smelly calla flower. And there are that many coincidences in this world.”

“When I was chasing over, a strong wind suddenly blew up. At that time, I felt a little abnormal. You can see that the fallen leaves on this Ground were all blown by the strong wind, while the ones ahead were not.”

” And the air here is full of the smell of insect-controlling spray. These clues are connected in series. Obviously this kid has already noticed our existence, and knows that we are tracking him by smell, so he got this hand. Come to interfere with us.”

As a cunning Pokemon hunter, J’s mind is kept sober and sane at all times. Although the target is only a 13-year-old boy, she did not despise it.

Any target she stares at has no difference in age, gender, or strength. They only have a common identity tag, which is “prey.”

“Then Lord J, we should now…”

“Everyone, turn on the signal launcher on your body, and let the spaceship command to hunt down separately.”


The prey is right in front of you. There is no reason to give up easily. Now that the other party has detected their existence, J no longer cooks the frog in warm water, and directly orders it to open up. Encircle the net.

The black robe woman gave an order, and the whole hunting team broke into pieces. In the blink of an eye, they spread out and went into the woods and disappeared. Only the communication sound from the headset communicator was heard from time to time.


“It’s really bad luck, how did the scavenger-eating hyenas like “Hunter J” spot you? Is it because of Pidgeot and Slowpoke? “

Detecting that someone is following him, Liang Ren not at all chooses to escape immediately, but hides in a big tree in the vicinity, and uses Slowpoke’s Psychic to detect the situation of the other party.

It is best to be able to figure out the identity of the other party and the purpose of stalking him.

However, when he saw “Hunter J”, all the doubts in Liang Ren’s mind disappeared and he was What is the reason why a group of Pokemon hunters are staring? Naturally, his Pokémon has aroused the covetousness of the other party.

At the Lilycove City Contest Conference a week ago, his successful battle with Drake made the name “Mu Mu Liang Ren” a household name, and his three Pokémons also impressed the audience.

I think it was that time that attracted the attention of interested people, and then attracted this group of notorious Pokemon hunters.

“Flee or not?” Liang Ren, whose breathing became unconsciously fast, carefully pondered his coping strategies.

If you escape, there is Slowpoke’s Teleport, such a big rain forest, the other party will never catch him.

But what Liang Ren was worried about was that the other party would bite him tightly. This is the habit of hyenas, and his next trip might not be so smooth when this group of people watched him.

To be alert at all times, it is not his style to be completely passive in this way.

If you don’t run away, this group of people will not be so easy to dismiss, and although J is notorious, but it is a real Elite-level expert, facing the Alliance Elite is worthwhile.

This is a madman and a lunatic who dared to pry the tomb and demolish the temple, and stretched out evil hands to the legendary Pokémon like the Three Sages and Regigigas.

With his current strength, he can only run away from J. But although he knew the stakes in this, he was still very unwilling.

The joy of conquering the initial Pokémon, the fulfillment of helping Pokémon in training, and that many sweat and efforts have been devoted to becoming stronger along the way. He came from a civilian family in order to obtain resources to become stronger. He racked his brains with Pokémon.

Nowadays, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster have all grown up. Although it is not enough to call it a powerhouse, he is no longer a novice at the bottom of the circle.

I thought he had some self-protection ability, but now these Pokemon hunters are looking at him, and the other party wants to take away everything he has.

To capture the Pokémon he has worked so hard to breed like Wild Pokemon, which he regards as his companions and family Pidgeot, Slowpoke, they must be locked in iron cages by the other party and be traded on the black market as commodities .

Without any reason, the other party focused on the Pokemon he had on hand, so he could only be slaughtered, and he could only flee around in fear. His past efforts would be trampled on by the other party.

He doesn’t know if the opponent will harm his life, but in the rain forest of danger lurks on every side, if there is no protection from Pokémon, he will be torn apart by the fangs of Ariados or Seviper in minutes.

“I want my life~” Liang Ren let out a long breath. The nervous and panic expression on his face slowly faded away, replaced by a calm face.

But only he himself knows how angry and aggrieved the mood is at this moment.

He is not reconciled–

He wants to let these hunters know that he is not easy to mess with, and is not a prey that can be caught by throwing a net.

“Then let us see who the prey is and who the hunter is.” Looking down at the black clothed person who walked vigilantly, Liang Ren’s eyes flashed severe light.

“ka-cha ~”

The tactical boots stepped on the ground and the bark rotted, leaving only the bones and bones to make a ka-cha crackling sound. The black clothed players cautiously ground Walking through.

He looked around with vigilance, but what he didn’t know was that in the dense canopy of Sky above his head, there was a pair of eyes staring at him coldly. The identity of the opponent was the prey they were hunting.

“Position 7, did you find any clues?”

“Received position 7, but no trace of the target was found here.” A Houndour opened the road ahead, behind him The black clothed team members report information to the spaceship.

However, tone barely fell ——

“ao~” deliberately created a Zane movement, causing Houndour to turn his head and look over, Slowpoke Hypnosis use.

The overbearing hypnotic brain waves were conducted through line of sight contact, and Houndour hit Yawn and fell to the ground and fell asleep.

“Houndour, you guy who loves Slack Off, you’re on a mission now, not when you were at Rest.” Just after reporting the situation, seeing Houndour sleeping, the black clothed team members were taken aback.

But at this moment–

The air twisted behind the man, and a teenager wearing a gray green camouflage jacket appeared silently and holding a Slowpoke.



A kick on the back of the knee joint, the unprepared man threw himself on his knees and said, “Who is it?” ? ‘Before shouting, a cold light Lingling knife has been placed on his neck.

“Don’t move, don’t shout, or my knife will be skewed.” Liang Ren’s chopper pressed slightly against the man’s neck, and the other party’s body suddenly tightened.

“You…who are you?” The man was obviously frightened and asked in a trembling voice.

“Shut up, I will ask you to answer, if you lie, the consequences must be something you don’t want to see, understand?” Liang Ren pressed his throat, pretending to be a vicious threat.

“Ok…ok, you~you be careful with the knife~”

“Shut up.” Liang Ren pressed the knife in his hand again.

“Tell me your identity and the purpose of entering the rainforest.” Seeing that the other person was shocked, Liang Ren began to ask questions.

“I…I am a trainer. I enter the rainforest for adventure, and then look for the rare Pokémon to conquer.”

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