Agreeing with the pretty girl to have a 1v1 match, Liang Ren was not in a hurry to go upstairs to change clothes, and directly followed the red-haired girl to the battle hall.

“The rules of the game are one-to-one. If one party loses combat capability or admits defeat, the game is over. Now both parties are required to send Pokémon to play.”

After communicating with the referee, red The hair girl and Liang Ren walked to the training ground and stood still. When I saw the lively trainer before, they all followed when they saw that they were going to fight.

“hmph, I won’t beat you down for a while.” The red-haired girl Xiao Qiong wrinkled her nose and took out a pink Heal Ball proudly.

Liang Ren didn’t answer, he was going to send Pidgeot to play.

“ao 嗷——” Seeing Liang Ren’s movements, Riolu, who was standing next to him, took his hand to ask for a fight.

The red-haired girl used Pokémon to exchange it with Liang Ren. Although it knew that the Master would not do it, Riolu was successfully irritated by the behavior of the opposite girl.

“Riolu, do you want to fight?” Liang Ren asked when he looked at Riolu.

The young girl is as old as he is Normal. It is estimated that this is a student who has just entered the intermediate rank school. I want to come to Pokémon Level at most in her 20s.

In the two weeks after entering the rainforest, Riolu has improved the Extrreme Speed, coupled with the increasingly deep Fighting cultivation base, dealing with the opponent in the early 20s, there is really no big problem.

“Well, then this battle is up to you.” Liang Ren nodded.

“ao 嗷——” Seeing Liang Ren responding to his request, Riolu fighting intent walked to the field and stood still.

【Riolu 】♂



Character: Energetic and loyal

Feature: Mental Force

Stamina: 48【D】Green

Attack: 87【C】Blue

Defense: 45【D】

Special attack: 35[D]

Special defense: 45[D]

Speed: 73[C] blue

Comprehensive: 333


(Extrreme Speed, Feint Attack, Endure, Alloy Claw, Spark Flash, Counter, Work Up) [intermediate rank]

(Aura Sphere) [low level 】


“Riolu of Fighting Type? I hate kid, prepare to cry and apologize to this Young Lady for a while.” See Riolu sent by Liang Ren , The red-haired girl has a smirk of victory in sight.

The opposite girl is not at all because Liang Ren first sent Riolu to replace Pokémon, but directly threw out the pink Heal Ball in her hand.

“Come out, Fletchinder.” The girl snorted and released a Pokémon that surprised Liang Ren.

Fletchinder is an evolution of the robin Pokémon Fletchling, the family bird of Kalos Region.

With its sharp beak and sharp and smart eyes, Flame Power, which was originally hidden within the body, awakened with evolution, and the light gray and black feathers on the head and back became bright orange red.

At this moment, Fletchinder is hanging down its slender feet, the ends of the black wings spread out, and the feathers also show beautiful yellow.

The black tail of the chopsticks diverges at the end, and two protruding feathers that are connected to the body grow out. The tail feathers of the Black brocade have a white V-shaped pattern at the end, giving the feeling of arrow feathers.

The Fletchinder of the “Fire+Flying” Attribute, among all bird Pokémon, also belongs to the existence of that kind of appearance and strength.


The Fletchinder flying in the sky against the battlefield, the fighting intent bird eyes stared at Riolu closely, and there was a passionate, high-pitched bird song.

Liang Ren guessed right. The red-haired girl did just enter the intermediate rank school. As the Fletchinder of the initial Pokémon, the level is as expected, only Level 23.

However, Riolu of Fighting Type, Fletchinder of “Fire+Flying” Attribute, and onlookers all around the battlefield are not optimistic about him.

“Fighting Type’s Riolu was restrained by Flying Type’s Fletchinder. There is no suspense in this game.”

“Indeed, although this Little Princess has a coquettish character, it is The Second Young Lady of the bird trainer lineage Liu Family has unquestionable strength. Fletchinder won this game.

“If Riolu evolves into Lucario and learns the ability to attack Aura Sphere, it may be okay Hit it.

“You are stupid, Fighting Type’s Riolu was twice restrained by Fletchinder, and it evolved into Lucario with more Steel type. The double restraint has become four times, and it can be a fart.

< p>“Stop arguing, watch the show, I bet Riolu loses in five rounds.

“Five rounds, you are too high to look at this brat. I bet that Fletchinder can kill Riolu in three rounds.


See you at first The young man was embarrassed as if he had just ventured out of the rainforest. Facing the coquettish Liu Family Second Young Lady, he was so hard-hearted. Many people guessed that his strength should not be weak.

I saw Liang Ren and Hong at this moment. The Pokémon sent by the hair girl, the two lineups are compared.

The audience who originally expected him a little bit, now all joined the discussion that Riolu will lose in a few rounds. No one in the room felt that Liang Ren has the possibility of winning.

“hmph hum~” Liang Ren didn’t care about the discussion of the audience on the sidelines, but the red-haired girl on the opposite side, as the audience talked, the head became higher and higher.< /p>

His mouth is humming, and his face is full of pride and contentment. Liang Ren looked up and looked at him. It turned out to be two’huhhhhh’ nostrils.

“The game begins. “The red-haired girl didn’t wait for Liang Ren to show a difficult expression on his face. The referee on the sidelines saw that both sides were ready, and raised his hand decisively to signal the start.

“ao~” After the referee gave the signal, Riolu raised his head and screamed provocatively. Riolu immediately made a start position without Liang Ren’s order.

The feet should be horoscope apart and shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, focusing on Focus Energy to stabilize. On the bottom plate, the release of Aura made the two ears drooping on the side of the brain slightly open.

The red-haired girl is not polite. Riolu’s breath is not as strong as Fletchinder, and Attribute is also very inferior. If so, she still Can’t solve the opponent in a few rounds, then she too disappointed the trust of the audience.

“Fletchinder, “Ember” first strike. “The young girl Yang issued an Attack Order.

“Come off~”

“xiū xiū xiū xiu…”

Receive the trainer’s instruction , I turned over and dived into the Sky Fletchinder on the battlefield. The crushed Ember densely packed shotgun fired at Riolu below.

“dodge, Work Up. “Liang Ren said loudly.

For the two weeks of rainforest training, Liang Ren and Riolu’s battle coordination has been very tacit. Liang Ren’s instructions are simple and clear, and Riolu has no difficulty in understanding.

“ao~” Riolu, who has ample Performance and as lithe as a swallow, is very agile to dodge.

One-handed support a backflip, use “Work Up” to increase double attack while landing. Run fast on the battlefield.

“pu pu pu pu…” Fletchinder’s Ember shots all failed, and puffed to the ground, leaving a densely packed black smoke trail.

“Wow~ this Riolu breed is very good, and its movements are so flexible.”


Seeing that it was originally not favored Riolu dodges Ember’s attack so easily, and the crowd of onlookers exclaimed.

“What about when dodge hits Ember, you can’t win the battle by hiding.”

“…” But in the crowd, people who are not optimistic about Riolu still account for the majority, Ember The attack was dodge not at all shaking their minds.

“Come off~” attacked Smack Down, and Fletchinder dived straight down and twisted and lifted off again, decisively keeping a safe distance from Riolu.

“Damn, Fletchinder, use Spark for a flash.” The first hand attack failed to hit Riolu. The red-haired girl held her skirt with her left hand, and the right hand launched a continuous pursuit with her finger forward.

“Endure.” Seeing the flyaway Fletchinder dive down again with lightning, Liang Ren showed a smile on his face.


Liang Ren gave an order, and Fletchinder, who rushed like Spark, had already hit Riolu.

“ao~” Ability “Endure” is a magical blood lock skill, with arms crossed and blocked in front of the chest.

Riolu’s face flashed with pain, and then moved towards Fletchinder with a grin, showing a big smile.

Riolu did not retreat a little bit. Fletchinder’s Spark was picked up by it in a flash.

Fletchinder saw that the situation was wrong and prepared to retreat, and Riolu’s retraction movement was faster than it.


Withdrawal of force and turn around, Fletchinder continues to pounce forward under inertia, but Riolu raises his leg for a half-month kick.

“Twitter——!!!” Fletchinder Level Attribute has certain advantages, and the speed attack is very high, but Fletchinder is undeniably a crispy skin.

Long-term load-bearing running + “Extrreme Speed” exercise, Riolu’s leg strength is very strong, the previous “Work Up” lifting effect is also revealed at this time.

Riolu’s kick was hard-wired, and Fletchinder smashed into the opponent’s battlefield like a small sandbag.

“I’ll go…”

“Fletchinder~” The red-haired girl exclaimed.

“Extrreme Speed, Counter.” The bird with its wings folded has no resistance in front of the hound.

I found that the girl opposite was the Flying Type Pokémon. Liang Ren from the very beginning was waiting for the opportunity. Now that the opportunity came, how could he let it go so easily.

“ao ——bang”

With the blessing of “Extrreme Speed”, Riolu rushed up in a burst, Fletchinder just lifted the head with its wings on Struggle, and a revenge red Glow’s fist had fallen on its delicate body.

“Fletchinder…” The red-haired girl opened her mouth wide.

Riolu turned back and withdrew, Fletchinder’s pair of birdeyes had turned into stun spirals and lost their combat capability.

“Fletchinder can’t fight, Riolu won the game.” The referee announced the result of the game expressionlessly.

“No way, Fletchinder is obviously better than Riolu, Attribute has the advantage, how did you lose in the end.

“This Riolu breed is really good. In the previous battle, it was not only positive After Fletchinder’s Spark flashed, the back kick was also very beautiful.

“Fletchinder is still too anxious. Taking advantage of Flying, even if you keep using Ember to attack long distances, it is impossible to lose in the end.< /p>


Riolu won, and the audience were incarnation. Afterwards, Zhuge Liang commented on the game, and the red-haired girl was so angry that her small face became a bun.

“hmph, this Young Lady speaks for the truth, I will go to Winona elder sister to plead, let her accept your Gym challenge.

“But don’t think that I’ll be great if I win. With the strength of Riolu and you, you will definitely get beaten up against Winona elder sister, huh~”

After talking about the red-haired girl who will lose the combat capability, Fletchinder will take back the Heal Ball and stomping Stomping Tantrum. , Carrying the skirt, turned around and left.

“What a coquettish girl. “Looking at the back of the other person leaving, Liang Ren shook the head with a smile.

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