“Okay, the morning exercise is over, go back to rinse and prepare for breakfast.” Liang Ren glanced at Riolu, who was so tired that he was sticking out his tongue to dissipate heat and said.

“ao 嗷——”

In fact, Pokémon’s physical fitness is stronger than that of humans, especially Fighting Type Pokémon like Riolu.

The time to accept Fighting cultivation is not short. Although Riolu is not as proficient in fighting skills as Liang Ren, his physical strength has completely exceeded him.

In addition, Riolu was hatched from him, watched grow up, and training is also hand-in-hand. Liang Ren can be said to be the closest person to Riolu.

If it wasn’t for Riolu’s younger age, his body and mind are still growing, and his favorability alone, Riolu has actually met the conditions for evolution.

But at this stage, Riolu’s strength is growing very fast, almost every day, I believe that the day when it evolves into the final form of Lucario, it is already not far.

Go back to the villa room to wash and change clothes, and then go downstairs to have breakfast with Liu Qing.

“Liang Ren Junior Brother really worked hard. Compared with you, my senior is a bit sorry.” Looking at Liang Ren downstairs, Liu Qing shook the head and smiled.

“Riolu is currently in a stage of rapid growth of strength. If training is abandoned, its innate talent will be wasted.”

“By the way, Senior, Swellow, Pidgeot, etc. How long will it take to come back?” Liang Ren asked worriedly about Pidgeot.

After all, according to the plan, after challenging Fortree Gym in these two days, he will set off to continue traveling.

If it takes a long time for Pidgeot to accept inheritance, he must also make plans as soon as possible.

Long-term stay is not realistic. Maybe he can go ahead. The Liu Family will take care of Pidgeot and send it to him through the Pokémon center machine after the inheritance is over.

“Senior sounds weird. I’m two years older than you. If you don’t dislike it, you can call my brother like Xiaohong or by name.”

After the “Yan Zun” and “Ying Zun” affairs, Liu Qing has completely dismissed him as an outsider, and has become closer when talking.

“haha~Okay, then I’ll call you Brother Liu Qing.” Seeing Liu Qing’s sincere attitude, Liang Ren haha ​​smiled and didn’t see it.

“haha ~ OK.” Liu Qing also smiled happily when he heard Liang Ren’s name.

“Don’t worry about Pidgeot. Champion inheritance mainly consists of two parts. One part is to inherit the will of the Elite level, and the other part is to inherit the natural momentum that the champion level understands. These all are need a little Time, but it should be over within a week.”

Seeing Liang Ren worried about Pidgeot, Liu Qing also said that he was comfortable.

“That’s it.” Liang Ren replied.

About a week, this time cannot be said to be long, but it is not too short. This makes Liang Ren hesitate to stay in Fortree City or leave first.

“What’s the matter, Liang Ren, do you have any arrangements?” Liu Qing, who was eating a sandwich, raised his head and asked in confusion.

“Well~ this summer vacation is not long. According to my at first plan, after challenging Flying Gym in these two days, I will set off to continue traveling.”

“But now It takes a week for Pidgeot to accept the inheritance of “Eagle Venerable”, and I don’t know whether to stay or leave first. “Liang Ren didn’t conceal it, and directly said what was in his heart.

“Why is it so urgent, it only takes a week, so you can stay for a while, is it possible that it is our poor hospitality. “Putting down the sandwich in his hand, Liu Qing frowned pretending to be angry and said.

“Where are you, Liu Qing, for a few days as a guest here, Moe, Uncle Liu Shi, and Liu Hong treat me like Like family, there is nothing wrong with it. “

“It’s just that the time is really tight. If you don’t start early, the next journey will probably be endless. “Liang Ren said.

“It’s just one more week. It’s already August 4th. If there are only more than 20 days left before school starts on September 1, even if you leave now, There is no way to finish the rest of the journey. “

” And the important thing to travel is to realize, during which you have to help Pokémon do training. You travel through the rainforest between Lilycove City and Fortree City. You have spent half a month of time, and the remaining 20 The next day you will at most walk to Mauville City.

“Like Phantom Desert, Chimney Volcano, Fallarbor Forest, Falling Mountain Range, Meteor Falls, Fangcao Plateau, Rusturf Tunnel, Petalburg Woods, any one will be delayed for a week or two—

Rather than skipping over such a beautiful scenery, it is better to travel slowly when you have time.”

“So don’t say you only stay for a week, the next 20 days You can live with me with peace of mind. It would be great for our brothers to go back to school together when school starts.”

When Liang Ren said he was leaving, Liu Qing remembered her grandfather’s instructions when she went out in the morning. .

“Must stay Liang Ren at Zamen’s house, stay with our bird trainer family for a longer period of time, the longer you live, the better.”

Remembering grandfather’s instructions, Liu Qing suddenly Excited, I said a lot of reasons that I could think of, and kept the road very enthusiastic.


After listening to Liu Qing’s analysis, at first he went to Liang Ren, who had already decided, hesitated again. The other party seemed to have some truth.

The final exam on 7.22 is over. There was not much time during the semester on 9.1. Now it is 8.4. The rest of the journey seems to be impossible to finish.

After all, according to the route he planned, he crossed the Hoenn River from Fortree City to the south, and then arrived at Mauville City where’Game is Happiness’.

Then go north through the Phantom Desert and the chimney Volcano to Lavaridge Town, famous for its sulfur hot springs.

Continue north to Naipuru Gym, then go west through Fallarbor Forest, and then go south into Meteor Falls and fall into the mountain range……

Behind it is the Fangcao Plateau On the Verdanturf Town, Rustboro City on the other side of the Rusturf Tunnel, Petalburg City behind Petalburg Woods, and finally cross the sea to Dewford Town, and finally meet with Abe Rei.

Furthermore, there are five gyms on the travel route he set. During the trip, Pokémon trains to improve his strength. He must challenge Gyms to test the changes in the battle strength of Slowpoke, so time is definitely not enough.

If part of the travel plan is deleted, the travel route is shortened, and he does not challenge Gym, he will feel unwilling.

In addition, Hoenn only has Lilycove City, an international Airport. If he travels too far, it will be inconvenient to rush back to Lilycove City when he returns to school.

Of course, there is not enough time. He can also return to Lilycove City or Larousse City, but it is not very convenient to help Pokémon do training in these two big cities.

Although Fortree City is also a big city, the whole city is integrated with the forest, with rainforest to the east and Hoenn River to the west. The complex natural environment has a very good experience for Riolu.

To be honest, Liang Ren thought about it carefully. Fortree City is indeed a very good choice. He can just help Riolu wholeheartedly train them.

The only thing that makes Liang Ren a little entangled is that he is not used to living in Liu Qing Family all the time. It’s not that the other party has not treated the guests well, on the contrary, the family is very polite to him.

But that’s exactly what happened, instead, he felt that he couldn’t let go of doing things.

If at first he did not meet Liu Qing, at first he would be staying at the Pokémon Center. When he finds that there is not enough time left for him to travel, he will definitely choose to stay in Fortree City until school starts. .

“Well, wait until Pidgeot comes out of the Forest of the Elders to decide.” Seeing Liu Qing looking at him expectantly, Liang Ren had to stay for now.

The appearance of Interpol a few days ago, let him know that the “Hunter J” matter has not completely ended, and he has to be more cautious about his own safety.

Riolu’s strength has improved rapidly, but the battle strength has not yet matured. At present, he can only rely on Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster.

If Pidgeot is left and left early, then he will go to 30% of his strength. You must know that Pidgeot’s manned flying is also his key means of escape.

After thinking about it, Liang Ren finally got a compromise plan in his mind.

It is not convenient to live in Liu Family, but the Fortree City area is very suitable for Pokémon training.

After that week, he resigned and left, and then found a place in the forest near Fortree City or a strange small village to devote himself to special training for Pokémon.

“Yes, this plan is feasible.” Liang Ren nodded inwardly.

The time flies by, and in a blink of an eye I stayed in Liu Family for another week.

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