The “Rapid Spin” pulled Hail on the ground, fiercely facing the alloy claws dropping from the sky, and Skarmory’s claws bounced away with a bang when the teeth were sore.

The plan to bring Cloyster to the high altitude and then fall down failed, Winona did not simply give up like this: “Skarmory, use Steel Wings.”

Winona’s crisp voice on the platform Stadium Reverberating, Skarmory, who was knocked away by Cloyster, turned his head unwillingly and attacked again.

Seeing Skarmory coming again, Liang Ren still expressionless, coldly spit out a command: “Blizzard.”

“Rapid Spin” Cloyster landed not at all open shells , After receiving Liang Ren’s order, you don’t even need to consider from which direction Skarmory will launch an attack.




Skarmory’s Steel Wing slashed on Cloyster, and he The price paid was that the entire body was swallowed by Blizzard.

“Skarmory, fly upward!!” Winona exclaimed.

Skarmory panicked and screamed from the raging Blizzard.

“Steel” Attribute restrains “Ice” Attribute, but “Ice” Attribute is also the nemesis of “Flying Type”.

One gram and one weakness seem to cancel each other out. In fact, what kind of damage can be done in a battle depends more on the development of the Pokémon-related Attribute strength of both sides.

Liang Ren’s Cloyster mutation became pure ice attribute Pokémon. In order to ensure the purity of power within the body, in addition to the Ice Type moves in Ability learning, he also only let Cloyster learn a few tricks of the “normal type” Moves.

Winona, as a Flying Type Gym trainer, Skarmory can also see its breeding direction, obviously focusing on Flying Type and supplemented by Steel Type.

Being sucked into “Blizzard”, Skarmory’s damage is definitely not as simple as ×1 times.

“Skarmory, fly upwards!!” Winona shouted again into the white storm on the court.



The screaming wind engulfed sharp snow flakes and smashed ice marbles. I saw a dark bird’s shadow flying upwards strenuously, but it was held tightly by a suction.

The sharp snow flakes scratched the steel armor chi chi, and the fast-flying Hail hit Skarmory squawking. The damage was accumulating, the body temperature was lowering, and the body became more and more rigid and heavy.

Only a few rounds from the start of the game, Winona’s situation has become precarious.

But it’s the Skarmory of LV.48, the level is higher than the 10th level of Cloyster.

After experiencing the initial panic, Skarmory was able to stabilize his body even in the storm full of tearing force, struggling to flap his wings and slowly rising.

Liang Ren watched this scene expressionlessly, disapproving, and at the same time did not order Cloyster to obstruct it.

Ice marbles hit Cloyster, splashing ripples of green energy. In the last game, the injuries caused by Swellow’s attack and the consumption of “Blizzard” at this moment are all continuously recovered.


Skarmory flew higher and higher, sinking into the white storm for most of the day, and finally emerged from Blizzard, and couldn’t help but utter the joy of rebirth from the sky.

Skarmory is about to leave and Winona finally sees hope, but what she doesn’t know is that Liang Ren and others are also at this moment.

Is there anything that can hit opponent’s fighting will better than extinguishing the hard-won hope?

There is no expression on Liang Ren’s stern face, and Maroon’s eyes are clear and bright.

Looking at Skarmory who was about to leave Blizzard, Liang Ren, who was silent for a long time, issued another command: “Cloyster, use “Aurora Fall”. “

Sky Xueyun demonstrated his harshness through Hail, magnificent, Mew’s gorgeous aurora, and at this moment also revealed his murderous intention.



The bright aurora brings all the colors together, and an aurora laser cannon with a thick water tank dropping from the sky.

Skarmory, who was reborn after the catastrophe, just let out a bird cry with joy, and his whole body I was bombarded into the white storm again.

Swellow’s previous heavy rain added formidable power to Cloyster’s blizzard at the moment, and the air was saturated with moisture.

By Aurora Beam The frontal hit was blasted into Blizzard at the same time, and Skarmory’s body was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture, and he had no resistance to the wind and snow.


The rest There is no suspense in the game. No matter how Winona cheered up, and Skarmory didn’t know how Struggle, under the confinement of the accumulation of thickened ice, Skarmory could not escape the fate of losing.

Winona sighed, the ice block Skarmory in the movie took it back: “Thanks for your hard work, Skarmory, come back first. “

“Skarmory surrendered. At this point, all three Pokémons on the gym trainer’s side have lost their combat capability. The winner of this Gym competition is the challenger-“Mu Mu Liang Ren””

The clouds are raining, the color is clear, the warm golden sunshine once again enveloped the platform Stadium. Hearing the referee’s verdict, Liang Ren’s cold face melted, and a happy smile appeared.

” Your Pidgeot or Cloyster are very strong. Congratulations, you successfully passed the test of Fortree Gym. “

The podium slowly lowered, and Winona came over with a delicate Badge box.

“Thank you~” Liang Ren politely thanked him, and told Winona This Gym game gave him a lot of gains, and at the same time he felt the deficiencies of Pidgeot. There are still many places he needs to work hard on for the next cultivation.

“This is the proof of passing Fortree Gym “Feather Badge” “Because the Hoenn Alliance Conference has not yet started, this Badge is only for commemorative purposes.

But when you want to challenge the Alliance Conference, I can help you enter the clearance information, but the time limit is only three years, and you have to challenge Gym again after three years. “


In a homestay in the southern city center, a group of “Interpol” is discussing the next arrangement.

The undercover agent who broke into the Hunter J team returned news. Recently, Mu Mu Liang Ren, who has become famous in the Hoenn Coordinator and trainer circles, is the next hunting target of J.

However, after the target entered the rainforest, their Interpol team was divided into two teams and stayed in Lilycove City and Fortree City for nearly a month, but did not see the trace of Hunter J group.

The bait walked out of the rain forest unharmed. After contact, the young trainer named “Mu Mu Liang Ren” also denied that he had encountered a hunter gang.

It is about the safety of themselves and Pokémon, the other party has no reason to lie to them, so the group of Interpol concluded that there are too many unstable factors in the rain forest, and the hunters postponed the arrest.

However, I recently contacted Liang Ren and asked him to act as a “bait” to attract these greedy hunters to the bait, but they still did not find the hunter team.

At this moment, they have some doubts whether the news from the undercover agent is true, although their Interpol headquarters also monitored that Hunter J team went to Hoenn, maybe J team has another goal.


“If there are other targets, but during this period of time, the Jenny Police Station in Hoenn Region did not provide us with relevant report information.”

“Captain, what should we do next, we can’t stay here forever.”

“Black times, what are the next arrangements for “Bait”? “The prudent middle age person on the theme pondered for a while and asked.

“Liang Ren, after he challenged “Fortree Gym” this morning, he will set off to continue his journey in the afternoon. “In the room, the sporty teenager replied seriously.

After hearing Hei Ci’s reply, the middle age person on the theme fell into contemplation again, but at this moment, the subordinate who was responsible for entering the rainforest search, There is good news for them.

“Captain, there is news from the search team…”

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