
The rain falls in the autumn forest, and the Leafage rustles.

Liang Ren rushed back to the camp, and hurriedly took the clothes on the clothesline between the two trees not far from the tent.

“Riolu, cover the camp with a deception space and don’t let the rain fall, I’m here to prepare for supper.”

Cleaned up the camp, Liang Ren greeted Slowpoke Cover the rain, while taking out the cooking utensils from the system backpack and preparing to eat.

I conducted high-intensity special training during the day and went to Mauville City Stadium to play games at night, which consumes a lot of Pidgeot.

Before the body functions start to sleep and resume at 9 o’clock in the evening, taking some nutrients is good for Pokémon’s body.

“Aberdeen taro, seaweed beans, dried shiitake mushrooms, barley kernels, Energy Root…”

Dry firewood lit up the fire, and one person surrounded the fire with four pets cheeks The reflection was red, the fire was stewed and Little Flame was simmered, and the aroma soon came out of the hanging casserole.

Little Flame simmered for more than ten minutes, a pot of nourishing medicinal meal was completed, some useless medicine ingredients were picked out and thrown away, and then sprinkled with rice pepper and green onion.

The son is like a mother, Liang Ren not only Genetically has the superb looks of his mother, but also inherited her superb cooking skills.

A pot of simple medicinal soup is also cooked artfully by Liang Ren.

There is a layer of yellow oil blossoms floating on the milky white broth. On the oil blossoms, there are a few jade green onions and a few bright red peppers.

Fragrance is complete. The three foodies of Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Riolu have already started to swallow. Even Cloyster’s icy eyes are eager.

According to the idea of ​​many Wild Pokémon, who is running around for food, being accepted by human trainers is to receive a free long-term meal ticket.

Obviously, compared with other trainers, Liang Ren’s meal ticket is obviously more valuable.

“Okay, let’s eat.” Looking at the four greedy ghosts who were eager to see through, Liang Ren couldn’t help but laugh.



“Brother, let me tell you, I caught a megalodon at the pier in the afternoon.”

“Koji you guy, haven’t you been banned by Aunt Liuli?”

“Fuck~Can you not mention this? I was allowed to go out in the afternoon by Mother. Recently, I have been staying in Liugan Gym. Study.”



“hehe ~ I have been training with my elder brother recently, my Geodude has evolved into a Graveler, Liang Ren If you have time to come to Pewter City to play, we will learn from each other again.”

“Okay, Brother Brock, his ideal is to become Doctor Pokémon. From now on, Nibi Gym Leader will definitely fall on your shoulders, Wu Er ( Wu Forrest) You have to come on.”

“Of course, I recently took over a Rhyhorn and waited for me to breed it into Rhyperior Tyrunt. In the future, I will see which novice trainer who dare to regard Pewter Gym as The weakest Gym challenge.”

“Come on, Sao Nian, I am very optimistic about you~”



< p>“Liang Ren, guess what I found when Asahi and I traveled through the lake outside Pomfret Town in the afternoon.”

“V Zimon?”

“Go away~ Labor and management didn’t crack a joke with you. In the afternoon when Asahi and I passed the lake outside Pompano Town, we found a Wild Totodile.”

“Totodile!! Johto Region Water Type Yusanjia, are you sure it is” The wild one is not a trainer?”

“Asahi and I squatted on the shore for an afternoon. I was 100% sure that the Totodile belonged to the Wild. Unfortunately, the lake was too big. I haven’t caught it all afternoon.”

“It’s a pity, are you two going to stay by the lake?”

“Forget it, which lake is too Big, even if you know that there is a Totodile in the lake, the probability of catching is very low——

And Totodile, a Water Type Pokémon with sharp teeth and strong biting ability, is impossible to catch. Right.”

“That’s true, but except for the Totodile that I met in the afternoon, Daisuke, you and Asahi traveled in Johto Region for a while, have you accepted the new Pokemon?”

< p>“No, I have Charmeleon The three Pokémons, Machoke, and Mekayangma are tired enough to train.

Before Charmeleon evolves into Charizard or Machoke evolves into Strength/Machamp, I have no plans to conquer the new Pokemon for the time being. “

“Indeed, Pokémon quality but not quantity. “

“But the smelly younger brother Asahi received a Sunflora a while ago. “

“Asahi had only one Squirtle before, now it’s time to take in some new Pokémon. “

“Well, it’s Liang Ren you brat. After traveling in Hoenn for so long, have you taken over the new Pokémon?” “

“No, Riolu is now in a period of rapid growth, and it feels that it is about to evolve recently, so the main energy is still on Riolu, Little Brat. “

“Rely on ~ Riolu is going to evolve, do you want this guy to be so perverted, how long has it been breed? “

“haha…Little Brat is fighting on his own, I can’t help it (^~^), after a while after school starts and returns to school, remember to let your Machoke Coaching give my Lucario a look~”

“Hey…you just follow me. “



“Yes~ Liangzi, you are now famous in the Hoenn trainer circle. “

“Fame, this thing, currently does not have much practical effect for me. On your side, I heard that Drake Elite took out a Bagon to draw you in. You didn’t agree to respond. “

“No, I accept the Larvitar eggs from the Indigo Alliance, and naturally I will not agree to stay in Hoenn for development. Of course, if Liangzi you want this Bagon, Old Brother, it’s okay to be a villain. “

“Forget it, Bagon is really attractive, but I’m not going to make such a sacrifice on Old Brother for a Quasi-Legendary cub. “

“By the way, I got a piece of “hard rock” from Hunter J some time ago. Later, I will come to Larus City to bring it to you. I don’t have Rock Type Pokemon on hand, yours. Rhyperior Tyrunt and Pupitar are just useful. “

“”Hard Rock”? These are precious items that can increase the formidable power of Rock Type moves by 20%, Liang Ren, keep it for yourself. “

“It’s okay, I’ll take Rock Pokemon in the future, and you can give it to me. “

“That way, I won’t be polite to you. Next time I find something good here, I will keep it for you. “

“Through childhood, you leave all good things to me and Little Lei. Brother also think about yourself. “



Liang Ren just made supper, and it rained for a while, and the moon came out of the dark clouds. Half of the body is exposed, and the bright Moonlight envelopes the earth.

A forest wind blows through, and the aroma of the food in the camp spreads.

The mountain col near the Xiangyou Village to the east of Metasequoia Forest Here, the wildly growing thorns make people unable to approach at all, but in the depths of the thorny mountain, there is a huge nest.

In the nest built by hay, a Venusaur is lying prostrate, There is a delicate Snivy curled up next to him.

This Venusaur has a loose figure, is covered with sores, and the corners of the eyes are filled with turbid yellow eyes. It looks dying and old.

Snivy curled up into a ball next to Venusaur sleeping soundly. If you look closely, you will find that, unlike other normal Snivy, this Snivy has no arms, feet or limbs.

“si si ~”< /p>

Not far away, the scent of food in Metasequoia forest was blown by the forest wind over the thorny mountains. Snivy, curled up and sleeping soundly, instinctively stretched out Snake Xinzi and probed in the air.

< p>“Da na~”

Feeling the abnormal movement of Snivy in his deep sleep, Venusaur, who was staring at the moon, turned his head, and stretched out a Vine Whip under the yellow and dim style of his back, like a nightmare to calm down The awakened child comforted Snivy gently.

A pair of dying muddy eyes are full of kindness, apart from this, and a deep sorrow that cannot be removed.

< p>The autumn worms living in the Bramble Mountain Col, taking advantage of the last moment before the arrival of the cold winter, they opened their mouths and screamed hard.

The bright Moonlight shone in the thorns nest one big and On one small two Pokémons, Snivy, who was soothed by the gentleness, slept soundly, Venusaur stared at the sleeping Snivy, the sadness in his eyes grew thicker.

The rustling autumn wind rose, and the sound of the cicada died;

The old frog sleeps in the mud hole, and there will be no return next spring.

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