Adding Misty who came last, all the contestants have arrived. Kurokawa asked everyone to introduce themselves before starting to talk about this invitational tournament.



Because the game will be officially held three days later, there is not much time left for Stadium to do publicity. Chuan asked everyone to take makeup photos and personal photos to make promotional posters.

This Mega Evolution Special Invitational, so far all personnel have been set.

Fifteen invited trainers will be randomly drawn to form three groups of five in one group, and then the three groups of participating trainers will compete in three main venues at the same time.

At the same time, the Integral Points system is adopted. There are three main venues and three groups of players. Each group only has 2 trainers to advance to the Peak Stadium to compete.

Six players are drawn to fight against half of the elimination. The remaining three players will compete in the Integral Points Integral Points competition, and finally two players will be selected for the great decisive battle of the strongest Mega evolution.

Because all the players are invited to play the game, Stadium will also pay each player 500w of appearance fees.

At the same time, Stadium officials will make personal peripheral products for contestants, and sell them in the Shopping District of Stadium “2·3·4·5”.

At the same time, the players will share profits based on their rankings in this competition.

First place (1), enjoy all the benefits of peripheral products after deducting the cost within half a year.

For the top three (2, 3), 90% of the profits of peripheral products will be drawn within six months.

The top five (4, 5)… the profit is 80%.

Top ten (6…10),…70% of the profit.

The top fifteen (11…15),…60% of the profit.

Half a year later, Stadium officially re-released peripheral products for the contestants of the “Mega Evolution of the Strongest Mega Evolution” Special Invitation Tournament, and the revenue is divided into five to five.

Today’s Pokémon world can be regarded as an entertainment generation. Celebrity peripheral products are a very profitable industry.

Elite Four, Alliance champions, professional team members, and other Celebrity trainers all carry considerable traffic.

Idols cannot be owned, but it is obviously a good choice to buy an idol’s peripheral products to express emotions.

Like limited edition models and figures, there are quantity restrictions and craftsmanship requirements. Although the price is high, the profit margin is not too big.

Desk calendars, pillows, cups, notepads, umbrellas, postcards, stationery, clothing, keychains, mobile phone chains, cards, stand cards… these small peripheral products, small profits but quick turnover, but profit comparison rich.


Money, fame… In the city Stadium, most professional trainers pursue nothing more than this.

Mauville City City Stadium seized the news that Hoenn was certified as the origin of Mega’s evolution and planned and held this special invitational tournament.

Its own purpose is still to promote itself, and the players invited to participate in the competition can also rely on this competition to gain fame.

Both parties can get what they want, so for this cooperation, Mauville City City Stadium and the invited trainers are very satisfied.

Taking makeup photos and personal promotional posters took some time.

In addition, I just met a few friends and met Misty in a different place. Liang Ren did not play a game at night, but went to the city with a few people to relax.

In this invitational tournament, most of the 15 players are trainers signed by professional teams and consortium forces.

One by one eyes high above the top, proud and arrogant, for Liang Ren, who is in the limelight recently, he is not too cold.

Only Walter, ALFY, Misty, and a teenager named Ivan gave positive feedback on his sincere and kind messages.

Ivan is one of the top four players at the Kalos Alliance Conference last year. His strength cannot be underestimated. He has a Sceptile capable of Mega evolution in his hands.

The trainers got together and talked about Pokemon.

Especially when he is about to participate in the competition, Liang Ren, who just came to Mauville City and is unfamiliar with other players, also asked ALFY, Walter and Ivan for information about other players.

Sand Waterfall——Tyranitar

Shock Wave——Ampharos


Sea Superman-Swampert (Swampert)

Fire Giant-Ida (Camerupt)

Wind Singer-Jane (Altaria)

< p>Jishu Ji——Le Lan (Banette)

Illusory Dance—Lopunny (Lopunny)

The God of Armor——Aggron

< p>Great King——Savikas (Hercules)

A Fei is a talkative. As soon as Liang Ren asked him, he told Liang what he knew about other players. Ren.

To become famous in Stadium, professional trainers will give themselves a resounding nickname, of course, most of them are taken by other trainers or spectators after becoming famous.

For example, A Fei himself is nicknamed “Quick Punch A Fei”, Walter’s nickname is “Electromagnetic Walter”, and his Trump Card is a Manectric capable of Mega evolution.

Because Ivan is good at analyzing opponent data and then making targeted countermeasures, he has the nickname “Data Shield” in the circle.

As for reversing Cerulean Gym, Kanto’s weakest Gym reputation is Misty, and it also has a very strong name in the Kanto trainer circle.

“Storm Mermaid-Misty”

“Liang Ren, you are playing in Stadium. Now you are so famous, you can also think of another name for yourself, which is also convenient for the circle Friends in here call each other.” It was not ALFY who said this, but Misty.

With his hands behind his back, a pair of beautiful blue eyes looked at him, with Senior in his expression looking at the younger generation’s concerned smile.

“Let’s forget about this. It feels a bit strange to give myself a nickname.” Liang Ren scratched his head and said.


In fact, Liang Ren didn’t know it, when several of them were talking about nicknames.

The contestants have finished taking individual and collective makeup photos, and are rushing to design the Mauville City Stadium event promotion department for this “The Strongest Mega Evolution: Mega Evolution” Invitational Tournament.

I am also worried about Liang Ren’s alias. The purpose of planning this competition is to increase the popularity of Stadium in Mauville City.

Therefore, apart from having the Mega Evolution Pokémon, the invited trainers are all quite famous trainers.

The rest of the players have nicknames that can be used for promotion. Recently, the talented trainer Mu Mu Liang Ren, who has been known as Hoenn, they found out that the opponent did not have a nickname that could be used for promotion.

But Liang Ren is not to blame. Although he has played a lot in Stadium, he rarely stays in one place.

At the beginning, he had just gained a little fame in Stadium in Celadon City, and he moved to the metropolis Saffron City.

During my studies in Saffron City, my record and winning rate at Stadium were also quite impressive, but at the moment when the popularity continued to rise.

Because he felt that the number of Pokémon under his team was small, it would be difficult to continue to play in qualifying to achieve a ten-game winning streak. After rejecting the olive branch thrown by Stadium Dave, he focused his energy on outing experience and breed Pokémon.

I came to Hoenn during this summer vacation, because the Lilycove City Contest Conference shined brightly, and it became an exhibition match of Elite Four Drake and was known to Hoenn Region trainers.

For a while, he has come to Mauville City where the competitive industry is booming. Liang Ren has become more famous after defeating several Celebrity trainers with his excellent strength.

But in the end, the time is too short and the reputation is very big, but the loyal fans and supporters do not at all accumulate too much. Naturally, Liang Ren in the Mauville City Stadium does not have a loud nickname.

“Editor-in-chief, why don’t we use the tickets for the day after tomorrow’s game as a reward, and post a nickname solicitation on the Stadium official website.”

Seeing that everyone in the office is a little bit difficult, one The girl intern wearing glasses raised her hand weakly and suggested.

“Call for nicknames?” The editor-in-chief at the top of the conference long table frowned and thought, she was considering the feasibility of this plan.

“Editor-in-chief, I think this idea is very good. Although the trainer Mumu Liang Ren has just emerged, he has more traffic than other famous invited trainers. “

“We can just take advantage of the opportunity to help him solicit another name, and use his own traffic to carry out the first wave of early publicity for our competition.”

In the Conference Hall , A female staff member raised her hand in agreement.


“OK, Grace and Tracy are responsible for the promotion of the official website and Weibo channels, Jessie you are responsible for…”

“This The second Mega Evolution Invitational officially started three days later. There is not much time left for all of us. Fortunately, the heat of the previous autumn competition has not completely subsided. The promotion of this competition is not very difficult.”

” We all work hard together and wish this competition Perfection a success.”


The plan is finalized. Regarding this specially planned invitational tournament, various Stadium official departments began to follow the process , Began to operate efficiently.

The night’s battle night started on time, whether it was for spectators watching the game in the 24 branch venues or the 3 main venues.

Before the game and in the gap between the games, I saw the news of the upcoming Mega Evolution Special Invitational Tournament on the huge screen of the venue.

At the same time, there is also a call for advertisements for the nickname of the popular new star Mumu Liang Ren, the trainer invited by this conference.

Mega Evolution is a high-end force in the circle of trainers. This time, the news that Hoenn was rated as the origin of Mega Evolution is very hot.

We learned that Mauville City Stadium will host a special invitational tournament for Mega Evolution in three days. Every invited trainer has mastered the power of Mega Evolution.

With the evening news…, the local citizens and trainers of Mauville City are excited.

With the promotion of Hoenn’s major local channels and media, the entire Hoenn was attracted by the upcoming events in Mauville City.

The official websites of major regions and major alliances have just announced that Hoenn is rated as the Mega Evolution Place of Origin.

Immediately after the news of the Mega Evolution Invitational Tournament in Mauville City, it immediately attracted the attention of all parties.

On Hoenn’s side, the contestants and the popular new star Mumu Liang Ren’s nickname prize-winning solicitation activity. The citizen trainers who are excited to participate in the event are excited about the tournament atmosphere in advance.

Weibo, official website message, on-site collection box delivery, SMS sending……


Rainbow Boys

Shorts Boy

Tomorrow’s son

Future star

Rising genius

Dream chasing boy

Muscle boy


Phantom Key Eye

The most handsome little brother

National Husband



Seeing all kinds of submissions, the staff of the Mauville City Stadium Propaganda Department did not adopt it, but the early stage propaganda effect of this competition was achieved.

Mauville City · Zhapu Road Food Street

Several people who left Stadium are eating in the food street.

Seeing the Mega Evolution Invitational information appearing on the Internet, as well as the activity of soliciting nicknames for Liang Ren and the submissions of the PO, the corners of Afei and Misty’s mouth suddenly went up crazy.

“Liang Ren, look at it. We talked about it just now. Now that your nickname has been released, come and pick one, hehe~”

“This~ What the hell?” Liang Ren was a little dumbfounded when he saw the phone passed by A Fei.

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